
Okcheon, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, and markets.

Campaign updated on 6/8/2023.

If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.

In Okcheon, there are numerous dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating, and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.

Video: Channel A, Short story: Exposing shocking illegal dog slaughter. [숏토리] 충격적인 불법 개 도축 현장 공개, 8/16/2018.

Video: CARE convinced a dog farm owner in Okcheon, who has operated a dog meat restaurant for over 20 years, to relinquish his dogs. However, the dogs remain in the dog farm because the Okcheon government refuses to take them to their shelter for protection. CARE visits the dog farm regularly to help care for these poor dogs while asking rescue organizations to help save these dogs. 👉 Click HERE and HERE to learn more.

A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of Okcheon’s dog meat demand.

Shown below are two search results on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – the first one was for so-called “Health Centers,” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants.”

The searches resulted in dozens of Health Centers and dog meat restaurants in the vicinity of Okcheon.

Even if half of these ‘Health’ Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be in the vicinity of Okcheon to supply these outlets.

There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Call for Action

Video: Appalling Reality of South Korea’s Illegal Dog Farms (불법 개농장 참혹한 현실 – 제보자들 20200610)

Video: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

  1. kate cassidy
    kate cassidyNovember 19,18

    Still killing dogs I see. Stop it now. Dogs are companion animals and NOT food. Let them go!!

  2. vier eva
    vier evaAugust 22,20


  3. Tracy Mosier
    Tracy MosierOctober 14,21

    Hopefully you will feel the same pain, fear and suffering

    [email protected]October 14,21


  5. Anu Sipiläinen
    Anu SipiläinenOctober 14,21

    Lopettakaa tuo kauheus, koirat ja kissat ovat lemmikkejä ei ruokaa !!!

  6. Dana Orságová
    Dana OrságováOctober 21,21

    Help for all dogs, please help !!!!!!!!

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