
Busan Geum-Jeong: Cat hanging on a barbed-wire fence

[Update on 2/26/2014]

This is an update on this case from Busan KAPCA’s Facebook page on February 26, 2014.

This is an update on this case from Busan KAPCA’s Facebook page on February 26, 2014. We have been notified by the Geumjeong Police that this case has been classified as unresolved due to the lack of leads. They stated that they will resume the investigation if any new clues emerge. Since this happened at a remote area it seems that they are having difficulties locating witnesses or finding clues. If you have any information about this case, please contact us. Anyway, the heinous animal abuser will still be living amongst us as if nothing happened. There’s no guarantee that this animal abuser would not cross over from hurting animals to hurting humans. This is just terrible….

This is a translation of the November 24th, 2013 posting on Busan KAPCA(Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)’s website: Busan Geum-Jeong: Cat hanging on a barbed-wire fence. 수사요청: 고양이를 목매달아 죽이고 방치한 극악사건, 고발합니다
Click for posting on Busan KAPCA Facebook!

On November 23rd, 2013, our planning team was on their way to investigate a dog farm that we were tipped off when they accidentally found this at a secluded spot.
It was a dead body of a cat hanging on a barbed-wire fence.
It was so gruesome we could not believe our eyes….
It wasn’t just a typical killing…it was a body of a cat that was intentionally hung by the rope on a barbed-wire fence.
It was a criminal act of someone deliberately intended to kill…
Moreover, it was hung on the barbed-wire fence as if to show it off…
The perpetrator must be a psychopath to commit this cruel act…
Our planning team leader who has seen just about everything trembled with indignation at the horrendous sight of the dead cat.
The claws of the cat hanging on to the fence seems to show vividly the terror and agony of the cat at the time of her death in excruciating pain while desperately struggling to live….
What kind of human being, we can’t even call this person a human being, could have committed this monstrous criminal act?
Below are the photos from the scene.
Warning: Graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.

This is the body of cat tied up on barbed-wire fence.

This seems to be an entrance gate.

At first we couldn’t be believe our eyes but sure enough it was a cat and she was already dead. It was horrible.

The cat was dead with ropes around her neck and it seemed that some time has passed since she died.

Can you see her claws hanging on to the fence? It seems that she desperately struggled to live… It leaves us speechless imagining how she died in terrible agony.

What kind of psycho would do such a thing?
Is this something a normal human being would do?

We called the police at the scene and even requested the crime scene investigators hoping that fingerprints or forensic clues might be revealed through identification.

The police took down the cat from the fence.

Even the police were tearful at the brutality of this scene.
Crime scene investigators came and conducted examination but we were told that no fingerprints were found to the time passed since the crime occurred and even the rope could not be used for identification because it’s made with slippery material.
The investigation will be conducted by the Busan Geum-Jeong Police.
We went around and asked the neighbors to find witness and someone told us that he saw the cat about a week ago.
That means this cat died at least a week ago and she’s been left hanging on this fence since then.
If our planning team did not happen find her, how long would this cat be left here like this?
Thinking about this cat make us cry and boil with anger at the perpetrator.
What in the world has happen to this cat?
Why did she have to die in such an agony like this as if she was being executed…as if used as a display?
The perpetrator must be captured.
Even though Geum-Jeong Police has started the investigation we need your help to make sure a proper and thorough investigation is conducted.
Please ask Geum-Jeong Police for a proper investigation so that this animal abuser will be captured.
The investigation is in progress but please send messages to the police requesting full cooperation in order to prevent this case from fizzling out as merely an animal cruelty case.

Police Chief of Geum-Jeong Police
[email protected]

Korean National Police Agency Civil Petition Bulletin Board

Geum-Jeong Police Free Bulletin Board

Busan Metropolitan Police Agency Free Bulletin Board

Agora Issue Petition

Sample letter

Dear Busan Geum-Jeong Police Chief Doo-Hwan Yang and Korean National Police Agency,
Please capture and punish the heinous animal abuser who killed a cat by rope around the neck and left it hanging on a barbed-wire fence in Geum-Jeong, Busan.
양두환 부산 금정 경찰서장님과 경찰청께,
부산 금정구 고양이를 목매달아 죽이고 방치한 극악사건 살해범을 잡아 꼭 처벌해주시길 바랍니다.

We were told that this cat will be sent to the district office and disposed of by their sanitation department. So our planning team who were there at the scene held an individual funeral for her using money out of their own pockets.
We wanted the cat to feel the human compassion as she leaves this world for the last time…
We also wanted her to forget about the suffering inflicted by human being and rest in peace at last.

Her ashes will be placed at our member’s home for awhile and then will be scattered at a nice place.
For this cat to rest in peace, a proper funeral was important but most of all this subhuman animal abuser who perpetrated this crime must be captured.
Only after that this cat can rest in peace in heaven. So please help us!
Please help us capture this heinous animal abuser.
This is a rural secluded area so to find a witness we plan to offer a reward and put up a banner.
Please help us capture and punish this criminal. This crime must never be repeated again.
But most of all please pray that this cat will finally rest in peace.

Police Chief of Geum-Jeong Police
[email protected]

Korean National Police Agency Civil Petition Bulletin Board

Geum-Jeong Police Free Bulletin Board

Busan Metropolitan Police Agency Free Bulletin Board

Agora Issue Petition

  1. graciela
    gracielaNovember 30,13

    basta de matar animales ,deberan penalizarse a los humanos que lo hagan ,hoy son animales mañana seran humanos

  2. G
    GNovember 30,13

    This says a lot – “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

  3. Laurie Meyers
    Laurie MeyersDecember 2,13

    Please investigate and put a stop to whoever is responsible for hanging a cat on a barbed wire fence before they commit another act of animal abuse.

  4. kristina kunkle
    kristina kunkleDecember 2,13

    this kind of stuff needs to stop

  5. nasi vandadi
    nasi vandadiDecember 2,13


  6. nasi vandadi
    nasi vandadiDecember 2,13


  7. Helen
    HelenDecember 2,13

    Please find the horrific person who did this and punish them- perhaps do to them as they did to that poor cat. Absolutely sickening to see how evil people are in this world.

  8. A. Morina Thippayaprapai-Darakorn
    A. Morina Thippayaprapai-DarakornDecember 3,13

    What a sick act! Please catch this sick creature. RIP, little kitty.

  9. João Paulo Soares
    João Paulo SoaresDecember 3,13

    I really wish and hope that the despicable individual who did such a cruel, senseless and unnecessary act will be caught and face exemplar punishment. This kind of actions show how inhumane some people can be. And one of us can be his/her next target, given the lack of consideration for life and the evil thoughts that surely cross this sick, perverted mind!!

  10. Jodie Westerman
    Jodie WestermanDecember 3,13

    This kind of cruelty will not be tolerated!

  11. João Paulo Soares
    João Paulo SoaresDecember 3,13

    Dear Busan Geum-Jeong Police Chief Doo-Hwan Yang and Korean National Police Agency,
    Please capture and punish the heinous animal abuser who killed a cat by rope around the neck and left it hanging on a barbed-wire fence in Geum-Jeong, Busan.
    양두환 부산 금정 경찰서장님과 경찰청께,
    부산 금정구 고양이를 목매달아 죽이고 방치한 극악사건 살해범을 잡아 꼭 처벌해주시길 바랍니다.

  12. carla
    carlaDecember 3,13

    Thank you so much to those, that gave this cat an lovingly goodbye.
    People like you are desperately needed in this cruel world.
    I hope with the whole of my heart, that the killers of this beautiful little soul will be punished.

  13. Sandra Faucher
    Sandra FaucherDecember 3,13

    zero excuse for animal abuse………” Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace.” Albert Schweitzer

  14. Zara
    ZaraDecember 4,13

    This is so sad!!! I hate people like this and its wrong but it makes me hate everyone living in that country.. But then agaiin there is good and bad everywhere.. I HOPE THE PHYSCO FREAK DEVIL GETS CAUGHT AND GOES TO HELL!!! I HOPE GOD LETS THE DEVILS DO THIS TO HER/HIM!! SO SADD!!! SICK BASTARDS.. WHO EVER TOOK PART IN THIS HORRIBLE ACT.. AND SHAME ON THOSE WHO DIDNT NOT SAVE THE KITTY OR TAKE HER DOWN! :(((

  15. Denise LaChance
    Denise LaChanceDecember 4,13

    Perhaps the kind of person who did this is the same kind of person who would torture a dog to death to make it taste better. Thank you for all you are doing on behalf of animals in Korea, and for the beautiful compassion you showed this cat after his or her death. We are with you, from all over the world.

  16. RIOTTO
    RIOTTODecember 4,13

    Aucune cruauté n’est acceptable!

  17. kat rossi
    kat rossiDecember 4,13

    sick korea

  18. Luke Thomas
    Luke ThomasDecember 4,13


  19. Brenna
    BrennaDecember 4,13

    May this poor baby rest in peace and i hope you find the pathetic scum that did this.

    Please educate the young to protect our animals. This was heartbreaking to see.

  20. Aurelys Vila
    Aurelys VilaDecember 4,13

    es horrible, solo pude enviar un correo, por que se me ha hecho complicado solo una pagina de esas traduce a ingles, las otras no, es horrible ver todo este tipo de crímenes, el ser humano es despreciable…

  21. hairay
    hairayDecember 4,13

    je pleure devant tant de souffrances et de cruauté, ce monde doit s’éveiller à plus d’humanité, de compassion,
    il est urgent urgent que toutes ces horreurs cessent

  22. tyna quynh
    tyna quynhDecember 5,13

    that la khung khiep , ko hieu noi tai sao lai nhu vay,bay congn nguoi khong con mot chut gi do goi la dao duc nua. meo cung la mot mang song nhu chung ta, tai sao ng` do lai ra tay tan ac voi con meo nhu vay. that tuc gian va phan no neu toi co the tim thay han va se bat han phai bi chung tri thich dang truoc phap luat. bay con nguoi da khong nhu xua nua cang ac doc rat nhieu. chi con vai nguoi con chut nhan dao thoj

  23. Oquesana e Maica
    Oquesana e MaicaDecember 12,13

    gente maldita

  24. luat su gioi
    luat su gioiDecember 16,13

    Như bạn của học của tôi tâm sự ! Bạn hiểu rất nhiều khoảng này, như bạn đã viết cuốn sách e-book trong đó hoặc một cái gì đó.
    tôi cảm thấy bạn có thể làm với một số % điện thông điệp trang
    chủ một chút , tuy nhiên thay vì đó, đây là tuyệt vời blog.
    Một tuyệt vời Một đọc. Tôi sẽ chắc chắn sẽ trở lại.

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