
Call for Action: PyeongChang 2018 – Games Introduction

The PyeongChang 2018 website shows that one of the goals set out on their ‘International Olympic Committee‘ page is: “… to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced in accordance with Olympism and its values.”

And, one of the philosophies of ‘Olympism’ notes: by “blending sport with culture and education” they seek to create a way of life based on … “the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.”

Social responsibility, in this day and age, cannot condone or ignore unacceptable animal cruelty.

‘Respect for universal fundamental ethical principles’ is a sentence which speaks for itself; there are many ethical principles, for example: truth and rights (including animal rights).

If South Korea hides the dog and cat meat trades ‘under the carpet’ for this Olympic event (as it did for the last one they hosted), then this does not represent ‘truth’.

And if South Korea does not permanently stop the dog and cat meat trades – now – then the ethical principle of ‘rights’ will not be upheld.

Please let this Olympic Committee know how we think the best way to hold these games ‘in accordance with Olympism and its values’ would be.
Click HERE to post your message on their page.

You can do this by scrolling down to the bottom of their page, for the “Reply” section where you can post your message, after logging in via Facebook, Twitter or Google.

Click HERE to post your message on their Korean page.

Suggested message:

PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Committee: you can ‘contribute to building a peaceful and better world’ by educating and showing, through example, that it is morally wrong to ignore or condone animal cruelty: end the dog and cat meat trades now. What better way to prove your willingness to uphold the ‘universal fundamental ethical principles’ of Olympism.


  1. Teresa Tyler
    Teresa TylerMay 20,16

    Stop eating dogs in any countries that kill &eat dogs especially S. Korea!!!!!!!

  2. Wendy LW
    Wendy LWMay 20,16

    End the terror of war against dogs in Korea and around the world. Dogs who are tortured and butchered by negligent authorities and other dog meat associated industries are nothing to be boastful and proud about. Such atrocious actions are evil and the nation is tarnished and disgraced with a bad reputation globally. End the terror against dogs now!!! Build up Korea and the world by ending the terrible dog meat and torture and killing trade now.

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