
Campaign Update – Tyler, Texas responds.

We have received a response from the City of Tyler on July 14, 2017, regarding our Friendship City Campaign with the Asan, South Korea, and Tyler, Texas. The representative for the City of Tyler responded by stating that they do not have a record of friendship agreement with Asan and that “no one has been in touch with Asan in almost a decade”.

Our Friendship City Campaign had been launched based upon information obtained from Governors Association of Korea and the homepage of Asan.

With this confirmation given by Tyler, we will now close our Friendship City Campaign, and online petition.

We extend our gratitude to the leadership of Tyler, for responding to our petition so quickly. We also send our heartfelt thanks to all in support of our work, who have taken action to speak out against the cruelty to dogs and cats in the Asan.

Screenshot of Asan City Homepage 071317

Asan Tyler Friendship City - GAOK screenshot 071517


    Lets continue this petition on the grounds that even though they are have not been in touch with them for 10 years, we are listed on their Asan homepage and the Governors Association of Korea and it has come to our attention that we now want to send this petition with all our signatures to them for attention.

  2. Mai Suh
    Mai SuhAugust 11,17

    Stop this cruelty now ??? I’m against to the Torture/Consumption of Dogs.

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