
Friendship City Campaign – Daejeon Yuseong District, South Korea – Yolo County, California

Board of Supervisors Chairman Duane Chamberlain of Yolo County: Tell Friendship City, Daejeon Yuseong District, South Korea, That We’re Opposed to the Torture and Consumption of Dogs and Cats.

Daejeon Yuseong District Mayor Tae-Jeong Heo

Daejeon Yuseong District Mayor Tae-Jeong Heo

If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.

Daejeon Yuseong District became Friendship city with Yolo County in 2015.

In Daejeon Yuseong District, there are countless dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating, and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in public and in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.


A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of Daejeon Yuseong District’s dog meat demand.

Shown below are two search results on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – the first one was for so-called “Health Food Centers” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants.”

The searches resulted in dozens of 296 Health Food Centers; and 86 restaurants in the vicinity of Daejeon Yuseong District.

Even if half of these ‘Health’ Food Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be present in the vicinity of Daejeon Yuseong District to supply these outlets.

Friendship City Campaign - Daejeon Yuseong District, South Korea – Yolo County, California

Friendship City Campaign - Daejeon Yuseong District, South Korea – Yolo County, California

There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Please watch the documentary on the South Korea’s dog meat industry:

Video: The Dog Meat Professionals: South Korea

Call for Action

  • No matter where you live, please SIGN OUR PETITION
  • Send email:
    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
  • Send letter (Use the below-suggested message or petition):Board of Supervisors
    Yolo County Hall
    625 Court Street, Room 204
    Woodland, CA 95695

    Send a copy of your letter to Daejeon Yuseong District Mayor Tae-Jeong Heo :
    Mayor Tae-Jeong Heo
    Daejeon Yuseong District Government
    211 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon
    Postal Code 34139
    South Korea

    Address in Korean:
    허태정 유성구청장
    (우 34139) 대전광역시 유성구 대학로 211 (어은동)
    South Korea

  • Send a message through Facebook page: Yolo County
    Daejeon Yuseong District

    Suggested email/letter/Facebook message

    Dear Chairman Chamberlain and the members of the Board of Supervisors,

    We ask you to please watch the videos of South Korea’s dog meat industry:,

    Do you think that Yolo County should be a Friendship city to any city that allows dogs and cats to be tortured and eaten? Please urge Daejeon Yuseong District Mayor Tae-Jeong Heo to close down all those illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers, and restaurants that serve these animal products. An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous South Korean dog and cat meat cruelty is in progress:
    The favor of your reply is requested.
    Thank you,

    [Your Name & City/Country]

  • Call the Board of Supervisor Chamberlain’s Office! (530) 666-8627 Fax: (530) 666-8193
  • Suggested phone message

    Hello, I’m calling to speak to someone in the Board of Supervisor Duane Chamberlain’s Office to ask for their help on an important issue regarding your Friendship city, Daejeon Yuseong District in South Korea.

    If I could explain: dog-meat consumption is currently being practiced in that city, even though it is illegal under South Korean Law – but the laws are not enforced. The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress. They cannot speak for themselves which is why I am calling on their behalf. And, I believe that your county would wish to be made aware of this issue, as they would not want to be affiliated with a city where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on ones that are loyal, trusting creatures, which look up to us humans as their guardians.

    These illegal trades are being allowed to continue by Korean authorities – even though there is growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.

    So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Daejeon Yuseong District to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion to their companion animals, and also respect to their own citizens, by bringing these trades to an end.

    With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty. I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable, and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.

    Thank you for your time and understanding.

  • Send a Twitter message!

    Suggested Twitter text

    .@DreamDaejeon .@vis0605 .@YoloPIO Plz Urge Friendship City, Daejeon Yuseong, Korea-Stop Torturing&Eating Dogs &Cats


No matter where you live, PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends, especially those who live in Yolo County!

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