
Call for Action: Gwangmyeong Dog Slaughterhouse

This is a translation of a report posted online by an informant on August 27, 2014, at the Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)’s homepage about a dog slaughterhouse in Gwangmyeong, South Korea: This is a dog slaughterhouse in Gwangmyeong. 도살장입니다.

If you take a byway on the side of the “Mt. Gureum Wonjo Chueotang (soup made with ground mudfish and hot bean paste) Restaurant” in Gwangmyeong, Haan 1-dong, you will see farm fields. Further in, past these fields, there’s a dog slaughterhouse. This place was bigger than I had expected, and there are many dogs there.

These dogs are living in raised wire cages and are being fed “Jjambap” (food waste collected from restaurants; this food is spoiled, salty, spicy with red hot peppers, contaminated with germs, flies, and maggots).

Current status

An audio recording taken by a neighbor of the dog slaughterhouse, confirming that the dog slaughterhouse does exist in that area, was sent to CARE.

Reported by CARE on 8/28/2014: CARE reported the existence of this dog slaughterhouse to the Gwangju Police station where these types of dog slaughterhouses are currently being investigated.
CARE also requested that the city office verify whether the dog slaughterhouse is a legal operation and to visit the site to determine if it is equipped with sewage treatment facilities.

Reported by CARE on 8/29/2014: CARE talked to the District Office in that jurisdiction and sent over the informant’s photos for confirmation of the existence of the dog slaughterhouse. CARE was told that a civil complaint has already been filed against this slaughterhouse and an investigation process into the slaughterhouse as an illegal facility has begun. District Office personnel visited the slaughterhouse today and took measures regarding the feeding of “Jjambap.” They plan to visit the slaughterhouse again with the police after they have scheduled a date.

Please sign petitions against the South Korean Dog Meat Cruelty!

Send Petition Letter to Gwangmyeong Mayor Ki-Dae Yang!

Click for Gwangmyeong English Homepage!

Click for Gwangmyeong City Government’s organization chart, phone numbers and email addresses in Korean!

Email addresses of Gwangmyeong Mayor and City Government:

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Email addresses of the South Korean Embassies and Consulate General Offices around the world:

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Sample Letter (below):

Subject: Illegal Dog Slaughterhouse in Gwangmyeong 광명 불법개도살장

Dear Mayor Ki-Dae Yang (양기대 광명시장님께),

Please see the photos of dog slaughterhouse in Haan 1-dong, Gwangmyeong:

The symbol of Gwangmyeong signifies “the city of self-sufficiency, education and culture with its goal to reaching out to the future.” ( I believe you truly do aspire to reach this goal, and it is one worthy of the support of the rest of the world. So you can understand our deep shock and sorrow when we saw the images of dogs being subjected to unimaginable cruelty at a dog slaughterhouse located in your city around the area of Haan 1-dong near “Mt. Gureum Wonjo Chueotang Restaurant”.

Many S. Koreans, your own citizens, have submitted online civil complaints, urging your city to enforce the law. Why do you ignore those complaints? Why is this squalid hellhole still being allowed to operate, inflicting agonizing and brutal deaths to innocent animals every day? Is this your vision of a city reaching out to the future? The world cannot and will not support this symbol.

Your response to the civil complaints is to blame the lack of enforceable laws. You also claim the dog meat consumption issue is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health and Welfare; the Ministry of Environment; and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. Your list of excuses is endless, and you give your own people the run-around. Your failure to act is both a heinous crime against the animals and an insult to Koreans who no longer wish to bear the shame and guilt of the cruelty of the dog consumption trade.

You are surely aware that Article 2, Item 1 of Korea’s Livestock Product Sanitary Control Act, which governs the raising, slaughter and disposal of livestock and the processing, distribution and inspection of livestock products, does not categorize dogs as livestock that can be processed as food. This, then, makes the dog meat industry technically illegal. Furthermore, according to the Food Sanitation Act, Article 7, Clause 1, Korean Food Standards Codex specified by the Food and Drug Administration, dogs are not included in the list of raw materials that can be processed and cooked as food, therefore making raising and slaughtering dogs for consumption illegal.

In the democratic nation of S. Korea, where representatives are elected through a democratic process, isn’t it your responsibility as citizens to end this evil and barbaric practice? If there are no enforceable laws in place, it is your responsibility to demand that laws against the consumption of dog meat be enacted and enforced.

Below are just a few of the many violations of the Animal Protection Law by the Haan 1-dong Dog Slaughterhouse and the many other dog slaughterhouses around the country of S. Korea:


Each person shall endeavor to observe the following principles in raising, caring for, or protecting an animal:
1. Each person shall ensure that an animal maintains its natural behavior and original physical shape to live an ordinary life;
2. Each person shall ensure that an animal does not suffer from thirst, hunger, or malnutrition;
Each person shall ensure that an animal is free to express normal behavior without experiencing discomfort;
4. Each person shall ensure that an animal is free from pain, injury, and disease;
5. Each person shall ensure that an animal is free from fear and distress.

① No one shall commit the following acts toward animals:
1. Act of killing by brutal methods, such as hanging
2. Act of Killing in public or in another animal’s presence
③ No one shall commit the following acts toward abandoned or abused animals:
1. Act of capture and sell or kill.
2. Act of trade or purchase knowing that the animals are abandoned or abused.

① Anyone transporting an animal that has been selected by decree from the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries must make an effort to abide by the following:
1. Ensure that the animals are properly fed, watered and drive carefully so that animals are not shocked or harmed from sudden departures or stops.
2. The vehicle used for transportation must be built to prevent any harm during transportation and to minimize any pain due to poor ventilation or sudden changes in temperature, etc.
4. Avoid any possible injuries while moving an animal and minimize any pain or discomfort, such as sudden changes in body temperature or difficulty in breathing.

① Anyone who violates Article 8, Clause 1 through 3 shall be punished with up to one year in prison or a maximum fine of 10 million Korean won ($7,000 USD).

In addition, according to the Ministry of Environment’s Conservation of Water Quality and Ecosystem Law Article 15 Clause 1 Item 2 and Article 78 Item 3, the act of discharging excrement, livestock waste water, animal carcass, waste materials or sludge into public water is punishable by up to one year in prison or a maximum fine of 10 million Korean won ($7,000 USD).

According to the Livestock Safety Management Act, slaughterhouses are only authorized to slaughter animals they are registered to handle. Is this slaughterhouse registered to slaughter dogs? It is not, because dogs are not subject to slaughter under this law.

There is no water in sight in the cages and the food provided for them are “Jjambap”, rotten food wastes with unbearable stench, contaminated with flies and maggots. All the dogs are sitting in their own excrement, which will certainly lead to these dogs becoming ill and contracting diseases.

There is no proper facility for sewage disposal, so untreated excrement and waste pollutes nature, the environment, and the water source. The noises from barking dogs and the smoke from burning dogs causes serious health hazards and excessive stress to nearby neighbors.

In addition, this structure was built without a proper building permit.

Please save all the remaining dogs, provide them with shelters and chances for being adopted to good homes! They will make perfect companions to anyone who is willing to treat them with love and compassion.

Prevalent in the S. Korean dog meat industry is the practice of using a specially designed high pressure water hose to inject water into the slaughtered dog’s blood vessels to inflate their weight for unfair profit. Has there been an investigation to determine if this slaughterhouse is engaged in this practice?

Gwangmyeong can never be a city of “education and culture” nor be able to “reach out to the future” as long as your government ignores this illegal and despicable injustice towards the most vulnerable members of your city. Please enforce the law and shut down the hellhole dog slaughterhouse immediately!

Until this is done, we refuse to invest in or visit Gwangmyeong, and we will continue to boycott all S. Korean products and tourism.


양기대 광명시장님께,

광명시 하안1동 근처에 있는 이 개도살장의 처참한 사진들을 봐 주세요:

광명시의 심볼은 “미래를 향해 뻗어나가고자하는 목표를 가진 자급자족, 교육, 문화의도시”를 상징하고 있습니다 ( 광명시가 진심으로 그 목표를 이루고자하는 열망이 있음을 믿으며, 이는 다른나라들로부터 지지를 받을 가치가 있는것입니다.
광 명 하안1동 구름산원조추어탕집에서 샛길로 들어가면 밭같은게 나오는데 조금만 더들어가면 개도살장입니다

그렇기 때문에 제가 광명시 하안1동 구름산원조추어탕집근처에 위치한 한 개도살장에서 개들에게 자행되는 상상할수없는 잔인함이 담긴 사진들을 보면서 얼마나 충격을 받고 가슴아파했는지 이해하실겁니다.

많은 한국인들이 광명시가 법집행을 하도록 요청하는 민원을 접수하고 있습니다. 광명시는 왜 그 민원들을 무시하는 건가요? 왜 이 불결하고 끔찍한 곳이 아직도 운영되도록 방치해서 매일같이 죄없는 동물들이 고통스럽고 잔인하게 죽게끔 내버려두는 건가요? 이것이 미래를 향해 나아간다는 도시의 비젼인가요? 그렇다면 세계는 광명시의 심볼을 지지할 수 없고, 지지하지 않을 것입니다.

이 민원에 대한 시의 대답은 집행할 수 있는 법의 부족함을 탓하라는 것입니다. 또한 개고기 식용 문제는 보건복지부, 환경부, 농림축산식품부의 책임소관이라고 주장합니다. 핑계거리는 끝도 없고, 해결책 없이 여기로 가라 저기로 가라 돌리기만 합니다. 광명시가 아무런 행동을 취하지 않는 것은 동물들에 대한 극악무도한 범죄이고, 잔인한 식용 개고기로 인한 수치와 죄책감을 더 이상 견디지 못하는 한국사람들에 대한 모욕입니다.

축산물축산 물위생관리법의 제2장 1조를 잘 알고 계시리라 믿습니다. 이는 가축의 사육, 도살, 처리와 축산물의 가공 유통 및 검사에 필요한 사항을 관장하고 있는데 개는 음식으로 가공할 수 있는 가축으로 분류되어 있지 않습니다. 그렇다면 개고기 산업은 엄밀히 따지자면 불법인 것입니다. 게다가 식품위생법 제7조 1항에 의거 식품의약품안전청이 규정한 식품공전에는 개고기가 음식으로 가공되거나 요리될 수 있는 식품 리스트에 포함되어있지 않습니다. 따라서 식용을 위해 개를 기르고 도살하는 것은 불법입니다.

대한민국은 민주국가이고 민주적인 절차를 통해 대표자들이 선출됩니다. 그렇다면 이 악랄하고 야만적인 관행을 끝내는 것이 시민으로서의 시장님의 책임이 아닌가요? 실행법이 준비되어있지 않다면 개식용 방지법을 제정하고 집행하도록 요구하는 것이 시장님의 책임입니다.

하안1동 개도살장을 위시하여 한국 내의 많은 개도살장들이 위반하고 있는 동물보호법들 중 극히 일부입니다.

제3조(동물보호의 기본원칙)
누구든지 동물을 사육ㆍ관리 또는 보호할 때에는 다음 각 호의 원칙이 준수되도록 노력하여야 한다.
1. 동물이 본래의 습성과 신체의 원형을 유지하면서 정상적으로 살 수 있도록 할 것
2. 동물이 갈증 및 굶주림을 겪거나 영양이 결핍되지 아니하도록 할 것
3. 동물이 정상적인 행동을 표현할 수 있고 불편함을 겪지 아니하도록 할 것
4. 동물이 고통ㆍ상해 및 질병으로부터 자유롭도록 할 것
5. 동물이 공포와 스트레스를 받지 아니하도록 할 것

제8조(동물학대 등의 금지)
① 누구든지 동물에 대하여 다음 각 호의 행위를 하여서는 아니 된다.
1. 목을 매다는 등의 잔인한 방법으로 죽이는 행위
2. 노상 등 공개된 장소에서 죽이거나 같은 종류의 다른 동물이 보는 앞에서 죽이는 행위
3. 고의로 사료 또는 물을 주지 아니하는 행위로 인하여 동물을 죽음에 이르게 하는 행위
4. 그 밖에 수의학적 처치의 필요, 동물로 인한 사람의 생명ㆍ신체ㆍ재산의 피해 등 농림축산식품부령으로 정하는 정당한 사유 없이 죽이는 행위
② 누구든지 동물에 대하여 다음 각 호의 학대행위를 하여서는 아니 된다.
1. 도구ㆍ약물을 사용하여 상해를 입히는 행위. 다만, 질병의 예방이나 치료 등 농림축산식품부령으로 정하는 경우는 제외한다.
2. 살아 있는 상태에서 동물의 신체를 손상하거나 체액을 채취하거나 체액을 채취하기 위한 장치를 설치하는 행위. 다만, 질병의 치료 및 동물실험 등 농림축산식품부령으로 정하는 경우는 제외한다.
③ 누구든지 제14조제1항제1호 및 제2호에 해당하는 동물에 대하여 다음 각 호의 행위를 하여서는 아니 된다.
1. 포획하여 판매하거나 죽이는 행위
2. 제14조제1항에 따른 보호조치의 대상이 되는 동물임을 알면서 알선ㆍ구매하는 행위
④ 소유자등은 동물을 유기(遺棄)하여서는 아니 된다.
⑤ 누구든지 제1항부터 제3항까지에 해당하는 행위를 촬영한 영상물을 판매ㆍ전시ㆍ전달ㆍ상영하거나 인터넷에 게재하여서는 아니 된다. 다만, 동물보호 의식을 고양시키기 위한 목적이 표시된 홍보 활동 등 농림축산식품부령으로 정하는 경우에는 그러하지 아니하다.

제9조(동물의 운송)
① 동물을 운송하는 자 중 농림축산식품부령으로 정하는 자는 다음 각 호의 사항을 준수하여야 한다.
1. 운송 중인 동물에게 적합한 사료와 물을 공급하고, 급격한 출발ㆍ제동 등으로 충격과 상해를 입지 아니하도록 할 것
2. 동물을 운송하는 차량은 동물이 운송 중에 상해를 입지 아니하고, 급격한 체온 변화, 호흡곤란 등으로 인한 고통을 최소화할 수 있는 구조로 되어 있을 것
4. 동물을 싣고 내리는 과정에서 동물이 들어있는 운송용 우리를 던지거나 떨어뜨려서 동물을 다치게 하는 행위를 하지 아니할 것

① 제8조제1항부터 제3항까지의 규정을 위반한 자는 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다.

게 다가 환경부의 수질 및 수생태계 보전에 대한 법률 제15장 1조 2항과 제78장 3항에 따르면 공공수역에 분뇨, 가축분뇨, 동물의 사체, 폐기물 또는 오니를 버리는 행위는 1년 이하의 징역 또는 1천만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다고 되어있습니다.

축산물위생관리법에 따르면 도살장에서는 취급허가를 받은 가축만 도살할 수 있습니다. 하안1동 개도살장은 개를 도살할 수 있는 허가를 받았나요? 그렇지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 이 법에 따르면 개는 도축하는 가축에 해당되지 않기 때문입니다.

개장 안에는 물이란 어디도 보이지 않고 먹이로 준 짬밥은 파리와 구데기가 들끓고 악취가 구역질나게하는 썩은 짜디짠 음식찌거래기 뿐입니다. 개들은 자신의 배설물 위에 앉아있습니다. 이 상태라면 개들이 곧 질병에 걸릴 것은 자명합니다.

제대로 된 하수처리 시설이 없기에 개들의 배설물과 폐기물은 자연, 환경, 수자원을 오염시킵니다. 개 짖는 소음과 개를 태우는 연기는 이웃주민들에게 심각한 건강상의 위험과 과도한 스트레스가 됩니다.

게다가 이 건물은 적법한 건축허가 없이 세워졌습니다.

남아있는 모든 개들을 구출한 후 보호소로 보내서 좋은 집으로 입양될 수 있도록 조치해주시기를 간절히 부탁드립니다. 기꺼운 마음으로 이 개들을 사랑과 자비심으로 대해줄 분들에게는 완벽한 반려견이 될 것입니다.

특수제작된 고압 물호스를 이용해 도살한 개의 혈관에 물을 집어넣어 근수를 늘림으로써 부당한 이익을 얻는 행태가 한국 개고기 업계에 만연해있습니다. 이 도살장이 이런 일을 하는지 조사해보신 적은 있는지요?

시 에서 가장 힘없는 구성원들에게 행해지는 이 불법적 비열한 부당함에 대해 광명시가 눈 감는 한 절대로 “교육과 문화의 도시”나 “미래를 향해 뻗어나가는 도시”가 될 수 없습니다. 법을 집행해서 이 끔찍한 하안1동 개도축장을 폐쇄해주시기를 부탁드립니다.

그때까지는 광명시에 투자를 하거나 방문하지 않을 것이고, 한국의 상품과 관광을 계속해서 거부할 것입니다.

Gwangmyeong City Government
Title Name Name in Korean Phone Number Email Addresses
Mayor Ki-Dae Yang 양기대 시장 02)2680-6001 [email protected]
Vice Mayor Yong-Yeon Kim 김용연 부시장 02)2680-2010
Director of Future Strategy Sun-Tae Kim 김선태 미래전략실장 02)2680-2059 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Director of Public Relations In-Ja Jeon 전인자 홍보실장 02)2680-2225 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Director of Internal Audit Dae-Bok Park 박대복 감사실장 02)2680-2070 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Director of Haan 1-Dong Kyung-Shik Kwon 권경식 동장 02)2680-5250 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Manager of Culture and Tourism Yang-Hyun Yoon 윤양현 문화관광과장 02)2680-2060 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Director of Mayor’s Office Seok-Gu Kim 김석구 열린시장실장 02)2680-2808 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Director of Environmental Management Kwang-Soo Lee 이광수 환경관리과장 02)2680-2240 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Director of Recycling of Resource Yong-Sang Kim 김용상 자원순환과장 02)2680-2250 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
Director of Water Supply Wan-Shik Ahn 안완식 환경수도사업소 02)2680-2272 [email protected]

Civil complaints filed online to the city of Gwangmyeong regarding this dog slaughterhouse

  1. Jessica Rotondi
    Jessica RotondiOctober 31,14

    It’s time for this insanity to end!

    • Stephanie daniels
      Stephanie danielsJune 30,16

      End this now. Not right so wrong on every level why don’t you just eat your young children. Cannibals you are. Stop this. In humane.

    DAVE GUYOctober 31,14

    This is barbaric and a dhame on Korea. This must stop

  3. Erika Varga
    Erika VargaOctober 31,14


  4. George Deprelle
    George DeprelleOctober 31,14

    SHAME on Koreans!

  5. carlos paz
    carlos pazNovember 1,14


  6. Susan Morse
    Susan MorseNovember 2,14

    What you are going to these innocent helpless animals is a crime. We in the west are revolted and horrified by your lack of compassion and empathy towards animals. I will never buy anything from your GOD forsaken hell hole of a country and never set foot in it. To allow this to continue is a mark of who you are as people. Don’t bother visiting our United States we don’t tolerate your kind here !!!

  7. Jorunn Indrefjord
    Jorunn IndrefjordNovember 2,14

    This is so awful. It is a shame for South-Korea . It makes me and many others never want to your country and never buy anything made in South-Korea.

  8. Judy Wilson
    Judy WilsonNovember 2,14

    You bring nothing but shame on your people and country. In the West, Sth Koreans are seen as backward and cruel.

    The only way to end this reputation is by treating animals with kindness and respect, the same as forward thinking countries like Australia and the US.

  9. Gayle Janzen
    Gayle JanzenNovember 2,14

    Please stop this horrific abuse and slaughter of Korean dogs. This is giving your country a really bad name. Treating dogs so horribly is really bad karma as they love us unconditionally and deserve to be treated with love and respect. Your refusal to shut this disgusting dog meat trade down is shameful.

  10. Bjørn Schmidt
    Bjørn SchmidtNovember 2,14

    It is a shame for South-Korea, It is hell for these poor and helpless dogs. We are now living in 2014, not in the stoneage. You have to stop this immidiately.

    • Nancy J. Bohan
      Nancy J. BohanNovember 2,14

      For any “civilized” nation to be acting in such a way is disgraceful. I will not be purchasing any product made in South Korea until this stops. I commend the people of South Korea working so hard to stop horrible, outdated and wrong way to treat any of those with whom we share this world with.

  11. J. David Scott
    J. David ScottNovember 2,14

    This is a bloody disgraced. It must stop now!

    • Angeklika Angie M
      Angeklika Angie MNovember 2,14

      Bitte beenden Sie diesen schrecklichen Missbrauch und Tötung von Hunden in Südkorea * SOFORT * !!! ….. Hunde sind fühlende Lebewesen genau so wie Menschen !!! …… Bitte unternehmen Sie etwas ! ….. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Angelika M.

  12. brocchieri
    brocchieriNovember 2,14

    Qu’elle tristesse, j’ai aucun mot pour décrire ma peine…pfff honteux !!

  13. wesley
    wesleyNovember 2,14

    Que sa cesse !

  14. Paula Greaves
    Paula GreavesNovember 2,14

    Incredible to know that the Koreans are such a vile and cruel race. They’re absolutely disgusting people – given the choice of saving a Korean child or a dog I’d opt for the dog every time!

    • Mimi
      MimiNovember 12,14

      No, wrong. Not all Koreans are responsible for that or even know about that! To say you would rather save a dog then a korean CHILD which is always innocent shows how twisted and sick your mind is! Shame on YOU
      But I still don’t blame your whole race, since that’s nonsense. In every race you’ll find good and bad people,
      idiots and smart ones.
      Your stereotyping makes me sick and is not much less shameful, since you make this opinion public.

  15. Leslie Stanick
    Leslie StanickNovember 2,14

    The dog slaughter houses are a blight on South Korea. The cruelty of this torture of innocent animals is barbaric and has no place in the modern world. Please, shut these horrendous slaughterhouses down. Many of the dogs were beloved family members, stolen for the dog meat trade. If you can’t shut down these slaughter houses to protect the dogs, then do it to protect South Korea’s international reputation. Continuing to allow the torture and killing of dogs for meat is not accepted around the world. The horrendous torture of dogs prior to slaughter in the belief that the more they suffer the more tender the meat will be, is sadistic and unacceptable. Please stop the torture, and shut the killing houses down.

    TINA KNIGHTNovember 2,14

    Evil people! May you all rot in hell for what you have done and are doing to these poor dogs.

  17. Jonny Thompson
    Jonny ThompsonNovember 2,14

    Korea needs to end this disgrace if it wants to move on in the world.

  18. Ernst Koesteldorfer
    Ernst KoesteldorferNovember 2,14

    Its a shame for South-Korea … shame on you … I dont visit such a Country and i Never buy there Produkt

  19. Wendy L.Williams
    Wendy L.WilliamsNovember 2,14

    The horrible hell in which dogs are forced to undergo torture and death in this 21st century must end. The mindset of inaction and lack of ethical and moral fiber in allowing the vicious cycle of carnage in our canine citizens of Korea must end. Everything evil must end. Korea must set a precedent and live up to the global society high standards for animals. Without them, the citizens will also suffer. Knowing that something so vile, violent, and criminal acts that go on day in and day out is a violation of people’s constitutional rights. Wipe out the puppy rape mills and the dog factory farms from every corner of Korea. Wipe out the backyard and mountain slaughterhouses, the city slaughterhouses. A country that is advancing shows a decline when the dog and cat consumption through violations of basic animal and human rights are trampled on. End the madness. End the insanity. End the misery. Now.

  20. Lesley Blissett
    Lesley BlissettNovember 2,14

    Dogs are loving and intelligent sentient beings, they help people in so many ways, they are guard dogs, guide dogs, companions, search and rescue dogs, police dogs, sniffer dogs and they are even being used to sniff out cancer in its early stages with 97% accuracy, this is just some of the excellent things that dogs do for us humans, they MUST NEVER be cruelly treated! What you are doing in South Korea is beyond evil, it is barbaric, brutal, savage, below sub humane, heinous and insidious! This evil MUST STOP, and it is precisely because of your actions in the treatment of dogs that South Korea is held in such hatred and disgust all over the world, people avoid buying your products because of the dog meat trade and the South Korean people are vilified!

  21. Anita Venturi
    Anita VenturiNovember 2,14

    I am shocked
    I oppose Animal Abuse!
    No Dog and Cat Meat!
    Shut Down.

  22. Elaine Greenwood
    Elaine GreenwoodNovember 2,14

    There is no need for this in the year 2014! It needs to be shut down now!

  23. maria ines palu
    maria ines paluNovember 2,14

    Shame on this people!!!

  24. diane lewis
    diane lewisNovember 2,14

    Your refusal to shut down this torture hell hole beggars belief. Do the right thing for these poor creatures, and show the rest of the world you do have compassion. Do you not realise how we view nations who care so little about the other creatures who share our planet. Please show some pity and close down this place. The world is watching.

  25. Nicola James
    Nicola JamesNovember 2,14

    What a disgraceful race you are, and the people who sit back and do nothing, when you know cats and dogs are being tortured daily, shame on you!!!!

  26. Jill Lutz
    Jill LutzNovember 2,14

    We live in the 21st century, not in the 14th century. Animal abuse of any kind is sickening and these slaughterhouses need to be shut down immediately, and the abusers brought to trial and punished. If you want other countries to respect and support your country, this barbaric practice has to cease NOW.

  27. John McGreevy
    John McGreevyNovember 2,14

    How heartless can people? Dogs are not called “Mans Best Friend” for nothing.

  28. Edwin Pech
    Edwin PechNovember 2,14

    I have seen photographs of the dog slaughterhouses in your country. It is very disappointing that your country is allowing these barbaric practices to continue. Slaughtering of pet animals should not be happening in the 21st Century. Please shut down these dog slaughterhouses immediately!

    Thank you for your time, attention, and consideration in this very important matter.

  29. Beth Beck
    Beth BeckNovember 2,14

    Please stop this horrific practices.

  30. Cynthia Mattera
    Cynthia MatteraNovember 2,14

    Just heartbreaking to see the horrible living conditions, the rotten food, waste every where, total confinement. The cruel way they are killed is unspeakable. Beaten, tortured, skinned alive, boiled alive, torched alive. This needs to stop!!! Animal cruelty beyond words, and pure evil! No God would EVER think this treatment of his animals is ok!!!

    • Anja
      AnjaNovember 2,14

      You’re so right. How can we ever stop this cruel behavior?

  31. Helga Mohring
    Helga MohringNovember 2,14

    This is barbaric and it should be stopped immediately!!!!

  32. Michele McWaters
    Michele McWatersNovember 2,14

    Torture is not culture. End this savagery now.

  33. Maria Kuylen
    Maria KuylenNovember 2,14

    Please stop this horrific act. It makes me sick to my stomach and changes my opinion of Koreans and your country if you can do these things.

  34. Sarah Rushworth
    Sarah RushworthNovember 2,14

    You are a shame on the human race. Who says you have the right to do this to innocent dogs. Please move into the 21st century and stop your cruelty

  35. Elaine Winter
    Elaine WinterNovember 2,14

    Stop toturing dogs and eating dog meat.

  36. Elaine Winter
    Elaine WinterNovember 2,14

    stop torturing dogs

  37. Elaine Winter
    Elaine WinterNovember 2,14


  38. jacqueline
    jacquelineNovember 2,14

    lettres envoyées à tous .

  39. Michael Shapiro
    Michael ShapiroNovember 2,14


  40. Susan Frudd
    Susan FruddNovember 2,14

    Please end this barbaric practice, the suffering, pain and terror caused to these poor animals goes beyond words. It is inhumane and vile and a shame on the people of Korea.

  41. Anja
    AnjaNovember 2,14

    I do know that everyone needs money for a living, but there are other ways to earn it.
    If you really need to eat dog meat, please give these creatures a worthy life and a worthy death.
    This is really impossible!!! Please change it or better end it!

  42. Valérie Dulondel
    Valérie DulondelNovember 2,14

    Pour que les consciences s’élèvent partout dans le monde, spécialement en Corée, et que les Chiens, mais aussi les autres Animaux, soient reconnus comme des êtres sensibles et aimants, et qu’ils soient enfin respectés et aimés.
    Que cette maison “slaughterhouse” soit fermée définitivement, et que ces chiens soient libérés et enfin aimés.

  43. Vanessa Gray
    Vanessa GrayNovember 2,14

    I have emailed all those names and with the letter have provided. No animal deserves to be tortured and inhumanely killed. I am ashamed to be a human being.

    LINDA BADHAMNovember 2,14


  45. Doreen Forbes
    Doreen ForbesNovember 2,14

    ~~i sent 1 email to the mayor & it was returned…no such address…are they all gonna be the same?…i sure don’t mind sending all these emails but not if they’re gonna come back one at a time…what d’yuh think?

  46. le guern nicole
    le guern nicoleNovember 2,14

    toutes ces horreurs doivent cesser ; je boycotte votre pays à cause de ces abattoirs cruels
    les européens n’apprécient pas du tout vos manières de faire pour ces pauvres chiens !

  47. joan dutton
    joan duttonNovember 2,14

    why do you allow the people of your country to continue to treat animals with such barbaric cruelty,is it so hard to teach you people how to treat animals with respect and conpassion, your culture needs to change and evolve out of the savage way of life that your country lives now.people like you make me feel ashame to be called human

  48. Richard Rosenheim
    Richard RosenheimNovember 2,14

    This is a disgrace, that the Korean Government would allow something as barbaric, cruel and insane to exist and continue, without intervention. What is wrong with your country? What is wrong with people who do not have feelings and compassion for other living creatures?? Do you not feel any shame? Is this the proper way for a civilized country to act? I know it is not proper. It is wrong. Do you intend to continue without intervention?


  49. Patricia Bentley
    Patricia BentleyNovember 2,14


  50. szajner
    szajnerNovember 2,14

    Stop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. Russell Dam
    Russell DamNovember 2,14

    Barbaric, Cruel, Inhumane. No animal on Earth deserves to be treated with cruelty. Dogs are loyal and loving companions to humans and this is how you treat them? Your country will never earn the respect of the civilized world as long as you allow this to continue. Please make the correct choice and stop this now. Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character; and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.

  52. elisa kleven
    elisa klevenNovember 3,14

    Dog meat is for monsters, not for human beings. Stop this backward barbarity now. The world is watching, and your reputation is at stake.
    We are boycotting South Korea.

  53. Cecilia
    CeciliaNovember 3,14

    Be a civilized nation and stop killing innocent dogs!!!!

  54. Byron Anthony Venter
    Byron Anthony VenterNovember 3,14

    The dog and cat meat trade in Korea is an affront to civilization! These barbaric, and wicked industries have no place in the modern world. No animal, and especially companion animals deserve to be tortured for their meat. This is not culture! This is cruelty!!! The negative karma that’s generated by the evil perpetrators is bound to return with blinding and crushing force sooner, rather than later. As Mahatma Ghandi says, “A nation’s progress can best be measured by the way in which it treats it’s animals.” Lord Buddha says, “Be kind to ALL living things.” His Holiness, The Dalai Lama says, “Show loving kindness to every living soul. And, if you can’t help it, at least don’t hurt it?” St. Francis, Patron Saint of Nature says, “People who are not close to animals, are people who are not close to God.” Best these demonic Koreans take note, you servants of Satan!!!

  55. Stephanie Lodge
    Stephanie LodgeNovember 3,14

    I have been asked to open and look at this sick practice in Korea at present because I’d vomit if I did so! We are supposed to be part of a more caring society but to allow this is to prove otherwise.

    All it needs for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing! STOP THIS BASE BEHAVIOUR, IF YOU BELIEVE IN GOD, YOU’D WANT TO CARE FOR HIS CREATION OF WHICH DOGS AND CATS ARE PART OF HIS CREATION. To a respondee: the Koreans ARE NOT A SEPARATE RACE, but with such base
    behaviour many would wish it so!

    You have the power to stop this slaughterhouse, please use all the power you have to stop this gross practice. The more people know what’s on your menu the better they’re informed to stop it! No trade, no reason to murder innocent creatures!

  56. mel minni
    mel minniNovember 3,14

    typical koreans with no care in the world!!!!

    CASSANDRA REMARENovember 3,14


  58. Marisa Strange
    Marisa StrangeNovember 3,14

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Please be a great nation!

  59. Dawn Richardson
    Dawn RichardsonNovember 3,14

    It really is amazing how people think so little of animals!! Animals aren’t food & that should be the first thing taught to all children everywhere!! They are a girt from God to help us find beauty in this world!! These people that think so little of these precious animals will be excited knowing that their day will come & they will be treated as they treated these animals!! & I wouldn’t be surprised to see the chefs laughing & taking selfies!!!

  60. Kristin Milner
    Kristin MilnerNovember 3,14

    The fact that this atrocity continues to happen is beyond my realm of comprehension. The suffering that these dogs go through is barbaric. The fact that you continue to say that is part of your “culture” is laughable. Torture and inhumane actions toward an innocent animal does not constitute “culture.” Certain cultures have changed their beliefs and practices in the past due to the realization that what’s been practiced for decades or centuries is no longer acceptable. I am SICKENED by the fact that South Korea has not taken stronger action, and will scratch it off of places to visit until something is done. Additionally, I’m spreading the words to family and friends. Guess what we all have? Money. Guess where it won’t be spent? South Korea. Shame on you!

    • Rosa B
      Rosa BNovember 7,14

      Agree 100%!!!Thank you!!!XXX

  61. Lyn Sirota
    Lyn SirotaNovember 3,14

    End this, now. What an outrageous disgrace!

  62. Mary Prubant
    Mary PrubantNovember 4,14

    If all the beasts were gone, men would die from a great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts also happens to the man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth. ~Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe, letter to President Franklin Pierce

    Animals deserve better than to be used and abused for our selfish desires. We must challenge and change the hearts and minds of all human beings who operate under the belief that this behavior is normal or acceptable.

    Stop animal abuse now.

  63. Sherie Athow
    Sherie AthowNovember 4,14

    What goes around, comes around!

  64. Maggie Mo
    Maggie MoNovember 4,14

    This world has enough human trash, enough tragedy, and it’s all due to humans! CHOOSE to be a better version than you are now, upgrade yourself and start caring for all of the beings of the earth, human and non-human; who in most cases are much more loving than we, so why don’t you take a lesson from them and learn how to love all beings unconditionally. Your arrogance is disgraceful, there is NO HONOR in your actions – STOP treating animals like trash and honor them for the beautiful souls that they are!

  65. Anna Malandra
    Anna MalandraNovember 4,14

    I dont like to be horrible but these people deserve the worst!! I just hope they will get it.

  66. Juan Carlos
    Juan CarlosNovember 4,14

    Gandhi: ‘The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.’

  67. Gunnel Johansson
    Gunnel JohanssonNovember 4,14

    How you treet your anemals!
    Shame on you sadistiskt way
    dont you have any feelings of sorry?
    No empati? Ar all asian people insane?
    I never see sutch abuse in a very cruel way!
    Stop this emedley !
    This is not OKEY!! Watch this film and say what you think?
    Gaverment do nothing??? I hope you bee very painful deth I
    BEFORE DETH!!!!that is on the dogs

  68. Mark Nell
    Mark NellNovember 4,14

    I have been boycotting everything from South Korea (Samsung, LG, Hyundai and Kia) for the last couple of years because of this. I will only buy products from civilized and progressive countries. South Korea is held in the highest contempt in Canada for this, and its people are seen as backwards, barbaric, savage, cruel and inhumane. Shameful that you allow this to go on. What a terrible reputation and legacy South Korea has in the civilized world! I too will never set foot in South Korea as long as this continues. The IOC was insane for allowing the next winter Olympics to be held in South Korea. I am also boycotting everything to do with the next winter Olympics being held in your shit hole of a country. I have been to South Korea before, so I can say this with absolute certainty. As a Christian country, you should crack open your Bible to Leviticus where consuming dogs and cats in forbidden. It is also forbidden in Buddhism (another prominent religion in South Korea) as well as Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. God will punish everyone involved with this! I hope he shows no mercy on your souls.

    God’s Law on animals with paws

    Leviticus 11:27 And all that go on their paws, among the animals that go on all fours, are unclean to you; whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening, (RSV)

    We should not eat cats and dogs or any other animal that has four legs and paws.

    • Rosa B
      Rosa BNovember 7,14

      I can’t say it better than you!!! You are fantastic person!!!Thank you!!!XXX

  69. Ruwani Wasana Hewa Siliyan
    Ruwani Wasana Hewa SiliyanNovember 4,14

    If you have a heart you cannot harm any animal…please don’t kill man’s best friend.

  70. Ruwani Wasana Hewa Siliyan
    Ruwani Wasana Hewa SiliyanNovember 4,14

    We are sri lankan buddhist & we love dogs and other animals…

  71. Mary Santillan
    Mary SantillanNovember 4,14

    STOP the animal abuse. Save the dogs….they are not food!

  72. dennis eugene
    dennis eugeneNovember 4,14

    Boycott hyundia or any siuth korean product ! This is the only way you get them to listen,

  73. Sandra Amici
    Sandra AmiciNovember 4,14

    Dogs are man’s best friend. To abuse them this way is disgusting and dispicable! Dogs are very empathetic and know what people are feeling, they always try to comfort you and will even save your life. You are a savage and ignorant people and you are the ones that should be in cages!!! Here, in the United States, dogs save people’s lives because they are trained to help blind and disabled people in their daily lives. Animals are important because they teach people about compassion and how to love other people and other living things. The dogs that you are caging, torturing and murdering are a more advanced species than you Koreans! Your people cannot have any morals if you steal people’s beloved pets and torture and eat them. This is shameful and disgusting to every normal human being!

    Here in the United States dogs are trained as service dogs and go into hospitals to comfort hospital patients and help them in their recovery. You Korean people need to educate yourselves and learn how to become normal human beings. A normal human being doesn’t want to harm any living thing. In my opinion, the Korean people should be in cages and all the animals should be free.

  74. Monika Koestler
    Monika KoestlerNovember 4,14

    To kill animals in order to eat them is cruel and unhealthy for the eater. To torture and illtreat animals Shows a lack of Soul and heart that should really make you think about the after-life that will be awaiting you. If I were you I’d be veeery worried.

  75. Glenn Dowe
    Glenn DoweNovember 4,14

    I already do not use any Korean products. Also boycotting and not supporting
    the olympics.

  76. Sandra Graf
    Sandra GrafNovember 4,14

    I am boycotting ALL S. Korean products until you end this barbaric treatment of animals. I will make it my goal to let as many people as possible know about how your country is backward, inhumane and savage—in my job in public relations I have many contacts and it is now my goal to let every one of them know how you treat man’s best friend. I am appalled that such sick, sadistic and criminal behavior has been tolerated —news to you: IT NO LONGER IS.

  77. Stephanie Faragher
    Stephanie FaragherNovember 4,14

    This unnecessary and cruel practice only weakens your people in the eyes of the civilised world. That you are either incapable, unwilling or both to bring your culture into this century shows a complete lack of not only intelligence but of moral fibre.

    I know that as a people, you aren’t as small as this portrays you to be. There have to be some people in your country that understand how disgusting and fundamentally wrong it is that you eat what some people consider to be their children. I know that pets are stolen from people’s backyards and then brutally skinned, cooked and eaten and its just so horrifying. That humans would even consider eating a dog or cat when their survival isn’t at stake is unacceptable and cannot be condoned.

    So as it seems our voices aren’t loud enough to get your attention, we need to find a way to hurt you in a manner that counts. As this always seems to be financially, I believe that the only way is to boycott all things Korean, so all those that really want to make a difference, stop buying ANYTHING that is made in Korea (yes, I’m aware that this article only references Sth Korea but we need all of Korea to make a difference).

    Please make a difference and boycott Korea until they put an end to this disgusting practice.

    I know that they can do it.

    Stephanie Faragher

    • Lynne Taylor
      Lynne TaylorNovember 4,14

      This is a barbaric, disgusting and sickening way to treat dogs!!! these people are vile to do this!!! It breaks my heart to see it, it MUST be stopped now!!!

  78. Ellen-Cathryn Nash
    Ellen-Cathryn NashNovember 4,14

    This sickens me to the core. It makes us think that all Korean people are inherently cruel which cannot be the case. As long as cruelty exists there can be no humanity. Culture can never justify cruelty. Please stop this and include the Cats that are slaughtered too!

  79. Kathryn Dalenberg
    Kathryn DalenbergNovember 4,14

    I know it is sort of like the kettle calling the pot black when one country’s citizens complain about another country’s eating animals. I do not eat animal flesh, nor their secretions for their babies, nor their eggs, so I have every right to criticize South Korea government for the horrific dog & cat slaughter facilities. You should be ashamed for this disgrace and ashamed that you have the authority to put an end to it and you do not.

  80. Marie Pugh
    Marie PughNovember 4,14

    Shame on you all in korea…you behave worse than any animal proud your future ancestors will be when they look back in history and see what barbaric cruelty you caused to such kind, loyal and loving creatures !! Those qualities it seems are sorely lacking in your pitiful country…..SHAME ON YOU!!!

  81. 양기대 시장
    양기대 시장November 4,14

    South Korea is a wonderful country & I have visited for business over the years. I would advise you that allowing these slaughter houses continue to operate bring shame to your culture. I am told you have laws in place to eliminate these places but there is little action taken & as a government of the people; this is truly shameful. You have people around the world shocked, disgusted & horrified that a fine government has permitted these crimes to continue. The time is NOW! you have the world’s support, you have my international students support I host from Korea, my students are embarrassed. They are also horrified at this most horrible atrocity. Please stand up, be in control of the criminals & shut their operations down immediately or you, personally, have the blood of these poor animals on your own hands. The world will hold you responsible, your are the Mayor, you can change this slaughter of animals in the name of humanity.
    Steve Dessaix

  82. Linda Trup
    Linda TrupNovember 5,14

    I was thinking of buying a Hyundai car but now I have read this I am going to boycott all Korean products and urge my friends and family to do the same. This is cruel, unnecessary and illegal to murder the dogs for consumption. This will circulate through facebook and become common knowledge that this is going on and Korea will be shamed for allowing this to continue.

  83. Diana Patterson
    Diana PattersonNovember 5,14

    We were also considering a Hyundai, but will not purchase from S. Korea until this cruelty ends. But people, please remember that not every Korean is heartless and cruel. Like the Thai people (who Soi Dog reaches through education and billboards), many do not realize this is happening in their country and would NEVER support it if they did. We should be supporting Koreans that want to see a change, not alienating them with insults. Please don’t paint them all with the same brush or we risk turning away compassionate souls who also want to see this horror end.

  84. Ekaterina Obuhova
    Ekaterina ObuhovaNovember 5,14

    The moral and cultural level of a nation is determined by how this nation treats its animals.
    Shame on you, Korea!

  85. paris karali
    paris karaliNovember 10,14

    what a shame!!!!!!!!!!

  86. Dalila OUAI
    Dalila OUAINovember 11,14

    Please choose compassion, stop behave like evils

  87. Franziska Eber
    Franziska EberNovember 11,14

    This definitely gives Korea a bad reputation.

  88. babsi pochner
    babsi pochnerNovember 18,14

    I hope that these countries will teach their folk ONE DAY that animals are feeling beings and feel pain and torture just as we humans do.
    As long as asians behave like monsters there will be never be peace

  89. Sandra Amici
    Sandra AmiciNovember 30,14

    Put the operators of this slaughterhouse in one of these filthy cages and leave them there to starve!!! This is barbaric.

  90. lara
    laraJanuary 15,15

    les chiens sont les esclaves du siècle hélas

  91. lisa
    lisaJanuary 16,15

    Shame on you. No words

  92. Anja Maes
    Anja MaesJanuary 25,15

    Stop the killing and slaughter of these animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  93. Anja Maes
    Anja MaesJanuary 25,15

    Stop the killing and slaugter of these animals!!!!

  94. annette davies
    annette daviesFebruary 10,15

    you are filthy disgusting, uncivilised people that inflict the most horrendous torture and suffering on dogs & cats. They are not food but mans best friend
    and it makes me sick to the core to think of the suffering these animals are going through. The Uk is appalled at you, and know one wants you here

  95. Jessica
    JessicaMarch 5,15


  96. Aija
    AijaMarch 21,15

    Thankfully I can do somethins ……… like well…….

  97. alla
    allaJune 5,15

    stop it!

  98. Michael Fuchs
    Michael FuchsSeptember 16,15


  99. Michael Fuchs
    Michael FuchsSeptember 16,15

    This Is the Reason West Will Never Accept East.

  100. Nadine Fuchs
    Nadine FuchsDecember 27,15

    Shame on you!

  101. Petra Bezler
    Petra BezlerDecember 29,15

    Stop the killing and slaughter of these animals!!!

  102. JOANNA
    JOANNAJuly 7,16


  103. Emma
    EmmaSeptember 3,16

    The two links above the email addresses don’t work any more. I get ………………….. Error 404 (no web page showing).

    • admin
      adminSeptember 4,16

      Dear Emma,
      Thank you for bring this to our attention. It looks like they changed the link. We just updated it so now both links are working.
      Thank you for caring and taking action to help the Korean dogs!!!

  104. Carol
    CarolOctober 11,16

    Why is this still happening. We have all seen the pictures, heard the stories and by far the worst, seen the videos. For all of us that love, enjoy and tenderly care for animals, this is too much to bear. But turning away from something because it is ugly will never solve the problem. We need to keep pressuring the Korean government, RT, and spread the word. If the Korean government ended this horrific practice, they would gain the praise of other countries and more people will want to visit Korea. I will never while this continues and hope others don’t either. This is a blight on all the people of Korea

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