
Petition letters mailed -Korean and Korean American Christian Churches: Help stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea!

We mailed petition letters for the petition, Korean and Korean American Christian Churches: Help stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats in South Korea! to the below petition targets today (August 7, 2014) by US International First Class mail.

Petition Targets

대한 기독교 교육협회 Korea Council of Christian Education
Address: 서울시 종로구 대학로 19 기독교회관 603호

한국구세군 The Salvation Army Korea Territory
Address: 서울특별시 중구 덕수궁길 130 구세군중앙회관

기독교 대한 감리회 The Korean Methodist Church (English)
Address: 110-730 서울특별시 종로구 세종대로 149 감리회관(광화문빌딩) 16층

기독교 대한성결교회 Korea Evangelical Holiness Churches
Address: 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 64길 17 (대치동 890-56)

기독교대한하나님의 성회 The Assemblies of God of Korea
Address: 서울 종로구 평동222 (총회회관 301호) 110-102

기독교한국루터회 Lutheran Church in Korea
Address: 140-903 서울특별시 용산구 소월로 2길 21-11

대한 기독교나사렛성결회 Korea National District Church of the Nazarene
Address: 서울특별시 양천구 목3동 600-7

대한성공회 The Anglican Church of Korea
Address: 서울시 중구 정동3

대한예수교장로회총회 (개혁) The General Reformed Mission Assembly of Korea Presbyterian Church
Address: 110-850 서울시 종로구 효제동 13번지 정화빌딩 3층

대한예수교장로회총회 The General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Korea
Address: 135-851 서울특별시 강남구 영동대로 330 (대치동)

한국기독교장로회총회 The Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea
Address: 142-070 서울시 강북구 4.19로 135 기장총회회관

기독교한국침례회 The Korea Baptist Convention
Address: 150-870 서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로 76길 10(여의도동)12층

그리스도의 교회협의회 Korean Conference of Christian Churches
Address: 서울 종로구 연지동 30번지. 환원빌딩 6층

대한 예수장로회 합동총회 Korean Jesus Presbyterian General Assembly
Address: 강원도 원주시 단계동 782-15

대한예수교 장로회총회(호헌) The General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Korea (Hoheon)
Address: 서울특별시 영등포구 대림로29나길 18

예수교대한성결교회 Jesus Korea Holiness Church
Address: 110-091 서울시 종로구 행촌동 1-30 예성총회 leaflets were enclosed in the petition letters.

This petition is still open and we will send the letters again when we reach 50,000 signatures so please click here to keep signing and sharing!

Petition letter to Korea Council of Christian Education – page 1

Petition letter to Korea Council of Christian Education – page 2

Petition letter to Korea Council of Christian Education – page 3

Petition letters were mailed to 16 petition targets in South Korea on August 7, 2014.

  1. Annetjie
    AnnetjieAugust 10,14

    We are the people, that still cares, love and want the world to be a better place for humans and animals. We can pray that God will change these peoples hearts, because if the human changes, the world changes. PLEASE HELP US TO STOP THIS NOW!!!!!!

  2. robat
    robatSeptember 15,15

    J’en ai tellement marre que votre pays ne fait rien pour ces massacres d’un autre âge que je vous boycotte pour tous ce qui viendra de Corée! pfffffff …puisque vous ne voulez rien entendre!!!!! Soyez maudits pour ce que vous faites subir à ces âmas innocentes!

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