
Write to your government representatives! (In Japanese)


Photo: The Korea Observer. Documentary trailer: Man bites dog in South Korea (update)

Photo: The Korea Observer.


Please write to your government representatives and request that they urge South Korea to ban dog and cat consumption!

アインシュタインの言葉です 「世の中は危険な所である、悪事をはたらくものがいるがそれを見て見ぬふりをする者がいるからである」 韓国の犬猫肉産業はまさにこの悪事であり、そこから逃れる事のできない哀れな何百万匹もの犬や猫への、口にするのもおぞましい残虐行為に対して人々は声をあげて反対する責任があります。

では、何ができるのか? 1つの方法として、貴方の国の政府代表者に協力を要請することができます。イギリスではすでに動物保護団体と活動家達が政府に協力を要請し、イギリス政府はその要請に耳を傾けてくれました。そして今ではアジア諸国の犬猫肉産業撲滅のための協力を得ています。 貴方と政府にとっても不可能な事ではありません。 韓国で恐ろしい虐待を受け、おぞましい方法で屠殺される何百万匹もの犬や猫は言葉を話す事ができません。 どうかその哀れな動物達の声になり、このおぞましい行為に終止符を打つために貴方の国の政府に協力を要請して下さい!


Send a message to the Japanese government!

📝 参考文 Sample Letter in Japanese コピーしてお使い下さい



📝 Sample Letter

Dear Prime Minister,

South Korea: sadistic abuse and slaughter of cats and dogs for the meat trade.

We respectfully ask for your help in a matter which has shocked many people throughout the world.
Daily, through postings on social media we are aware of various shocking and deeply upsetting practices being regularly carried out in many parts of ROK, which you may be unaware of.

This travesty can no longer be hidden; published images, easily available for viewing by anyone in the world, show dogs being bred and raised in filthy, cramped, vile conditions, with no alleviation from hunger, thirst or heat.

When ready for ‘market’, they are caught and transported in unimaginably painful and inhumane ways; and, unbelievably, then deliberately made to suffer a slow and very painful death (boiled alive, blowtorched/beaten to death etc); because many Koreans believe that the more pain and suffering these animals are subjected to – the more delicious the meat will be.

This is a tragic, sadistic and unacceptable way for people of any country to treat their animals, let alone a 12th GDP-rated country.

They have Laws already in place against selling dogs for consumption, and against animal cruelty; but neither the Government nor any authority takes steps to police or enforce them, even when publicly and blatantly contravened.

Worldwide condemnation is being voiced: many people are stating that they will boycott ROK products and services, until the dog/cat meat trade is permanently abolished.

Sir, we truly believe that eradicating this evil practice will create sincere peace and harmony amongst all of the S. Korean people; and, as Important Neighbors to ROK, we ask you to please urge President Yoon and his Government to stop these atrocities, by permanently ending these trades; and to strengthen and rigorously enforce their various animal welfare Acts throughout the whole of South Korea.

Yours sincerely,

  1. Jayne Fawcett
    Jayne FawcettMay 11,16

    Please help stop the horrible dog and cat meat consumption industry in Korea. As an American citizen we will no longer buy Koreas products or EVER visit their country. We see Korea in a very bad light now and regard them as a cruel and vicious nation full of greed! Please help in putting a stop to this! Thankyou?

  2. Terri Miller
    Terri MillerJuly 5,17

    Dear Korea Prime Minister,
    why would you allow theses dogs & Cats to be torture and killed to be eaten. They don’t deserve that in anyway. GOd put them down here to be loved, and you want to destroy that . What kind of person are you to do a terrible thing like that. your not even human.

  3. Karron Lovatt-Fraser
    Karron Lovatt-FraserAugust 27,18

    Korean government you just need to outlaw the practice with emergency legislation possibly with a reasonable pledge of notice before enforcement, and prepare your police to enforce with penalties that bite. Then switch to supporting Koreans involved in the business to have meaningful alternative jobs. Oh, and engage with your people and particularly your Korean children at earliest age to change the culture. You have the power to make people/communities/nations enemies or admirers of the Korean state. Ban and purge out the unfounded claims that terrorised dog/cat meat gives some kind of spiritual enlightenment. At this rate, tensions will build to bursting point and who knows the consequences of that for my children and yours. So Korea, you have to fight for change. So start it and do it for your international reputation. As I write hundreds of thousands of people have retched or are retching over the videos, how can your nation carry the weight of that?

  4. Gerdien Verkade
    Gerdien VerkadeJanuary 24,21

    why do you eat cats and dogs please stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. alessandra
    alessandraJanuary 27,21


  6. Jo jo
    Jo joJanuary 28,21

    As a dog owner i know the lengths these animals will go to protect and love this barbaric trade must end asap, you cannot carry on behind closed doors thinking the civilised world does not see these acts of sheer humans being evil social media has shown what your people are capable off pure evil, these animals are sentiment they feel pain anxious they stress its not good when you ask your child what countries are known for and they reply Korea oh yeh they kill the dogs and cats and not a nice place to visit please end this barbaric trade your letting your country down

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