
Busan KAPCA Rescues two puppies abandoned in a garbage dump

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Two puppies abandoned in a garbage dump

On January 23, a kind lady (and cat mom) who was walking nearby a local garbage dump and feeding the local stray cats, found two puppies tied up inside and urgently contacted us to report of their situation. We hurriedly went over.

As we had been told, we found the two puppies tied up in the garbage dump in the middle of a trash of paper. The area was a complete mess of urine and feces, trash was floating around in their water dish, a few crumbs of rotten kibbles were dotted here and there, and the puppies were tied together on a leash no longer than 20 cm, tangled together and being dragged by each other. It was complete and utter animal abuse. One of the puppies had a problem with one eye as it was obviously swollen.

We found the owner of the puppies to speak to him and found him to be unfit to care for these puppies. We reached an agreement with the owner and rescued the two puppies on February 2, so that they could be sent for adoption to new homes.

When we took the puppies to the vet, we were told the puppy with the swollen eye had a very advanced case of glaucoma and was already blind in that eye. The vet says that it was most likely caused by a wound to the eye which was left to fester untreated and thus advanced to glaucoma. It makes us furious when we think of the pain that this young puppy was forced to endure.

The pain of glaucoma is supposedly tremendous. This young puppy who was able to see the world with innocent and bright eyes only for a few months had to suffer this tremendous pain. We want to give this puppy, who had to suffer this terrible pain alone, a brand new life.

The puppy is being treated with medicine and eye drops. He needs to be given eye drops for the rest of his life or have his eye surgically removed. The vet has said it would be better for him and his quality of life, to have his eye removed, so we are inclined to go through with the procedure.

According to the owner the puppies were born on November 5, so they are only about three months old. They are very loveable and like to be around people. As they are also very young, they have much potential to be trained to live well with people. It would be best if the two could be adopted together. We hope there is an angel out there who will reach out to give these babies the gift of a loving new family.

City: Ulsan
Breed: Jindo
Age: 3 months
Not neutered yet, have to agree to neutering
Gender: Female, Male (The puppy with the blind eye is male)
I will be sending the male puppy after the eye surgery.
Phone: 010-3569-6494 (Please leave a text message if I do not answer)
You have to agree to sign an adoption agreement.
Please share this story.

In Korean:

<쓰레기 더미속에 방치된 아이들>

1월 23일 캣맘이 길아기들 밥 주러 다니다 쓰레기장에 강아지 두마리가 묶여있는걸 발견하고 급하게 연락이 와서 쫓아가봤습니다.

실제로 쓰레기장 폐지더미 속 한 가운데 강아지 2마리가 묶여있었고..
주변에는 아이들이 눈 똥과 오줌 배변이 뒤범벅인데다 물그릇에는 쓰레기가 떠다니고 정체모를 오물과 같은 사료 몇알에 채 20cm도 안 되는 줄에
두마리를 묶어둔 상태 짧은 목줄에함께 애들이 서로에게 끌려다니고 그야말로 학대였습니다.
심지어 아이들 중 한 아이는 한쪽 눈에 문제가 있는지 눈이 부어오른 상태였습니다.

주인과 만나서 이야기를 해보려 했으나, 주인을 만나보니 아이들을 키울만한 여건의 사람도 아니었습니다.
결국 주인과 합의하에 새 입양처를 찾기로 하고 2월 2일 아이들을 구조했습니다.

눈이 아팠던 아이를 병원에 데려가니 녹내장이 심해 이미 실명 상태. 담당의사 께서 눈에 상처를 제 때 치료를 해주지 않아 녹내장으로 발전했을 거라는 소견에. 저 어린것이 그 고통 견뎠을걸 생각하니 분노가 치밉니다

녹내장은 통증이 정말 심해서 죽을만큼 아팠을거라는데 이제 몇달 세상 빛을 본 아직 순수한 맑은 눈을 이제 몇 달 안 된 아기입니다. 그런 아기가 혼자 녹내장으로 눈이 멀고 고통에 몸부림 쳤을 아이에게 새로운
생을 살게 해주고 싶습니다

병원에서 약과 안약을 받아와 치료 중입니다. 다만 실명 상태이고 평생 눈에 안약을 넣거나 아니면 안구 적출을 해야 된다고 합니다. 의사 선생님 말로는 차라리 안구 적출을 하는게 입양에도, 그리고 아이에게도 편할 거라 해 적출을 하는 쪽으로 일단 결론을 내린 상태입니다.

주인에 따르면 아이들은 11월 5일생이고(현재 3개월 조금 됐습니다) 정말 예쁘고 사람도 좋아합니다. 아직 애기라 사람과 함께 사는 법을 배워서 충분히 잘 지낼 수도 있습니다.
두 아이 한집에 가면 좋지만 아이들을 가족으로 꽃길 걷게 해주실 천사님 손내밀어 주세요.

지역: 울산
중성화:무<동의 하셔야 합니다>
성별: 암,수<눈이 아픈아이 수컷>
눈이 아픈아기는 수술 시켜서

연락처: 010 3569 6494(부재시 문자남겨주세요)

입양상담 입양확인서에 동의해주셔야 합니다
#입양 공유도 부탁드립니다

  1. esperanza pinto martinez
    esperanza pinto martinezMarch 11,19

    porque no le ponen una multa bien alta para los medicamentos de los perritos y prohibanle volver a tener más animales

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