Daegu to consider plans to close down dog slaughterhouses by next year
Below is translation of Korea’s Nocut News reported on July 17, 2019:

The city of Daegu will consider plans to close down dog slaughterhouses in the Chilseong Market by next year. These plans include solutions for the livelihood of the shop owners.
Daegu Mayor Kwon Young-Jin said on July 17, “The problem of dog meat consumption goes against current trends, and dog slaughterhouses located in the center of Daegu have negative effects on our emotions (sentiment).”
Mayor Kwon also stated, “If the dog slaughterhouses were to close down, there’s the livelihood issue for these businesses, so we will find various ways to help them which includes measures to support their livelihood.“
Daegu Chilseong Market had dog slaughterhouses even before the Chilseong Market became permanently established in the 1940s. There are now two dog slaughterhouses and 17 restaurants and dog soju places that sell dog meat in the Chilseong Market.
Click HERE to learn more about the campaigns to close down Daegu Chilseong Dog Meat Market.
Without continued pressure, this plan could drag on for years as we have seen with other markets. So let’s keep up the pressure on Daegu to close down Chilseong Dog Meat Market immediately!!
Humans do not need meat to live healthy lives, help your people to create community gardens where they can sell their produce to earn their livings, so they can stop the barberic, cruel, sadistic, horrible businesses of selling dogmeat.
Animals deserve kindness and humanity. Please stop hurting them and treating them as if they don’t feel pain. They feel pain as much as we do.
For thousands of years man has bred dogs to be man’s loyal companion. What kind of barbaric ignorant people would do this to them? I or my family will not purchase anything made in South Korea or China as in Kia, Hyundai, LG, Samsung and others as long as dogs are treated in this way. If it’s made in an evil backward dog eating country don’t buy it. There are plenty of other more civilized nations.
Sie sollten sich schämen. In der heutigen Zeit Lebewesen so zu behandeln! Die ganze Welt ist entsetzt von Ihren Zuständen! Das ist absolut unterstes Niveau und ich verachte Sie dafür!!!
Stop this awfull markets !!! Stop eatting dogs and cats
Close these horrible markets ! Stop the suffering of cats and dogs! Stop eatting cats and dogs!