
Gangneung’s response to our e-People petition asking to shut down their dog farms

Application No.: 1AA-2012-0235200
Application Date: 2020-12-08
Request to Gangneung, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms.
강릉시에 불법 개농장, 개도살장 행정처분 시행과 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 강원도
staff in charge 박승균
contact 033-640-5588
processing date 2020-12-23
result 1. 귀하께서 ‘가축분뇨법상 미신고된 불법 개농장인 것 같고, 그외 여러 불법성이 보인다’며 확인 및 행정처분을 촉구한 사항에 대하여, 다음과 같이 회신합니다.

① 강릉시 성산면 내맬길 213번지에 소재한 개 농장은 2008년 10월 28일자로 가축분뇨배출시설을 득하였고, 2011년 11월 8일자 폐기물 재활용신고를 득하여 운영하였습니다. 불법 개 도살건 및 불법건축물에 대하여는 현장을 방문한 결과, 도살장비나 도구 등 시설들이 설치되어있지 않았으며, 개 사육 불법 건축물이 없음을 확인하였습니다.

② 강릉시 사천면 덕실골길 118번지에 소재한 개 농장은 2008년 11월 5일자로 가축분뇨배출시설 신고를 득하였습니다. 현장을 방문한 결과, 현재 개 사육을 하지 않고 있으며, 개사육장은 타 용도로 사용하고 있음을 확인하였습니다.

③ 강릉시 강동면 율곡로 886번지에 소재한 개 농장은 2009년 8월 10일자로 가축분뇨배출시설을 득하였고, 현장을 방문해 본 결과, 현재 개 사육을 하지 않고 있으며 개사육장은 타 용도로 사용하고자 계획하고 있음을 확인하였습니다.

④ 강릉시 사천면 청솔공원길 373-20번지에 소재한 개농장은 2010년 8월 12일자로 가축분뇨배출시설 신고를 득하였고, 2007년 1월 8일자로 폐기물 재활용신고를 득하여 운영하였습니다. 불법 개 도살건 및 불법 건축물에 관하여는 현장방문을 한 결과 도살장비나 도구 등의 시설들이 설치되어있지 않았고, 개 사육 불법 건축물 또한 없음을 확인하였습니다.

⑤ 강릉시 강동면 아래장작골길 161번지에 소재한 개 농장은 2011년 11월 2일자로 가축분뇨배출시설 신고를 득하였습니다. 현장을 방문한 결과, 현재 개 사육은 하지 않고 있으면 개사육장이었던 시설물은 타 용도로 사용하고자 계획하고 있음을 확인하였습니다.

2. 현재 개사육장을 운영하는 2개소를 확인 한 결과 가축분뇨법, 폐기물관리법, 동물보호법, 건축법, 하수도법 등을 위반한 사항이 없음을 회신합니다. 끝.
petitionresultENG.doc 다운로드

Guide to Petition Handling Results

1. Information on Civil Petitioner
Name Giny woo and 28 others
E-Mail [email protected]
Application No. 1AA-2012-0235200
Date of Application 2020-12-15

2. Civil Petition Results
Summary of requested petition Under the Livestock Manure Act, it seemed the facility looks illegal dog farm and which has a lot of illegality
1. Regarding your request to identify and urge to take administrative measures, saying “Under the Livestock Manure Act, it seemed the facility looks illegal dog farm and which has a lot of illegality”, we reply as follow:

○1 Dog Farm located at 213 Naemel-gil Seongsan-myeon Gangneung-si obtained a permit of Livestock Waste Management System as of October 28, 2008 and it has been operated since November 8, 2011 the time when the waste recycling permit was obtained.
As a result of visiting the site regarding for illegal dog slaughtering and illegal buildings, it is confirmed that there are no slaughter equipment and tools were installed and no illegal buildings for dog breeding either.

○2 Dog farm located at 118 Deoksilgol-gi Sacheon-myeon Gangneung-si obtained a permit of Livestock Waste Management System as of November 5, 2008. As a result of visiting the site, it is confirmed that the unit currently has no dog breeding and the dog breeding ground is using for other purposes.

○3 Dog farm located at 886 Yulgok-ro Gangdong-myeon Gangneung-si obtained a permit of Livestock Waste Management System as of August 10, 2009. As a result of visiting the site, it is confirmed that the unit currently has no dog breeding and the dog breeding ground is planed to use for other purposes.

○4 Dog farm located at 373-20 Chungle Park Road Sacheon-myeon Gangneung-si obtained a permit of Livestock Waste Management System as of August 12, 2010, and the unit has been operated since January 8, 2007 the time when the waste recycling permit was obtained.
As a result of visiting the site regarding for illegal dog slaughtering and illegal buildings, it is confirmed that there are no slaughter equipment and tools were installed and no illegal buildings for dog breeding either.

○5 Dog farm located at 161 Arae Jangjakgol-gil Gangdong-myeon Gangneung-si obtained a permit of Livestock Waste Management System as of November 2, 2011. As a result of visiting the site, it is confirmed that the unit currently has no dog breeding and the dog breeding ground is planed to use the unit for other purposes.

2. As a result of identifying two locations which currently operated the dog breeding farms, it is confirmed that there is no violation of the Livestock Manure Act, the Waste Management Act, the Animal Protection Act, the Building Act, and the Sewerage Act.
Organization Gangneung city
Department Animal Policy, Division of Livestock Environment
Date of processing 2020-12-23
Staff in Charge Park Seung Kyun([email protected])

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