
Korean Supreme Court – Killing dogs by electrocution is cruel!

A recent Korean Supreme decision is a sign that finally, things are changing, but it’s still a long way to go before the end of the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea.

The Korea Times reported on September 18, 2018 that “The Supreme Court has struck down a lower court decision to allow dog electrocution, saying the method is “too cruel.” The top court sent the case back to the Seoul High Court, Friday, ordering judges to rethink whether using electric shocks to kill dogs violates the animal protection law, which bans cruel methods of slaughter. Previously, the high court upheld a lower court’s ruling that a dog farm owner, surnamed Lee, 66, who was indicted on charges of killing more than 100 dogs with electric shocks between 2011 and 2016, was not guilty of violating the animal protection law.” Click HERE to read the article.

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