
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s response to our e-People petition 5/12/2022

Application No.: 1AA-2205-0198012
Application Date: 2022-05-07
Call for Action: South Korean government must end dog and cat meat consumption now! Consultative Discussion Committee on Ending Dog Meat Consumption and the Pan-Government Council, please stop the torture and consumption of dogs and cats immediately.
대한민국 개식용의 공식적 종식을 위한 사회적 논의기구(개식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회)와 범정부 협의체는 잔인한 개, 고양이 식용을 즉각 종식 시켜주시길 촉구합니다!

👎🏼 Despite our request for English translation, an English translation was not provided.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 식품의약품안전처
staff in charge 정현숙
contact 043-719-2013
processing date 2022-05-12
result 1. 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원(신청번호 1AA-2205-0203798)에 대한 검토 결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.

2. 본 민원은 다부처 지정 민원으로 타 부처 해당 사항은 관련 부처에서 회신하는 사항을 참고하시기 바라며, 식품의약품안전처에서는 ‘개고기 식용 여부’에 대하여 아래와 같이 답변드립니다.

○ 개 식용 문제에 대해서는 관련 단체, 전문가, NGO(소비자·시민단체), 정부인사 등으로 구성된 사회적 논의 기구를 통해 충분히 소통하고 논의 중임을 알려드립니다.

3. 기타 궁금한 사항이 있는 경우 우리 처 종합상담센터(☎ 국번없이 1577-1255) 또는 식품안전정책과(담당 정현숙, ☎ 043-719-2013)로 연락주시면 친절하고 신속하게 상담하여 드리겠습니다. 끝.
End date 2022-05-17 23:59:59

Translation by Google translate (Google translate does not translate with complete accuracy.):

1. How are you? We inform you of the results of the review of the civil complaint (application number 1AA-2205-0203798) that you have applied for through the National Shinmungo as follows.

2. This complaint is a multi-ministerial complaint, so please refer to the replies from related ministries for other ministries.

○ We inform you that we are fully communicating and discussing the issue of dog food through a social discussion organization composed of related groups, experts, NGOs (consumer/civil organizations), and government officials.

3. If you have any other questions, please contact the General Counseling Center (☎ 1577-1255 without an area code) or the Food Safety Policy Division (Hyeon-suk Jeong, ☎ 043-719-2013) for a friendly and prompt consultation. end.

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