Namyangju local governments are negligent and indifferent as 40 dogs disappeared from the dog farm in Namyangju
Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)
👉 Click HERE to get the latest update about this case.
May 30, 2021
👉 See the post from KARA’s Facebook page:
KARA found a dog farm at Namyangju on May 27th. The location where 45 dogs were caged was a hell of a scene of animal abuse. Inside the narrow raised cages, filth and excrement were piled in layers, and a large bowl was full of red food waste. One dog kept biting his backside, and another dog was snapping at the stagnant water as if thirsty.
Despite this environment, Namyangju City responded passively, saying that it was not possible to confiscate the dogs because Namyangju and the city shelter had no place to shelter them. The city said they could take some action by regarding the dog farm as an illegal site, but it was not possible to determine if these dogs were the farm owners’ pets, making it difficult to rescue these dogs as abused animals.
KARA couldn’t leave the dogs as they were, so we hurriedly put food and water in the cages. We also rescued two dogs that were believed to be pregnant, and one dog that had skin problems, and another dog, by its behavior, was believed to have been abandoned or a missing pet. We brought them to the animal hospital. We asked the local government about the transfer of ownership of the remaining dogs, and requested swift action to remove them from the abusive environment.
We will inform you with more news about the dogs soon.
💙 KARA is funded entirely by donations. To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link.
#KARA #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates #AnimalRights
🌺 KARA is an animal rights group that has received perfect scores in non-profit transparency evaluation and is fully committed to honest donation management through external accounting audits.
June 1, 2021
👉 See the post from KARA’s Facebook page:
Forty dogs disappeared from the dog farm in Namyangju, and the local government were indifferent and unresponsive.
Yesterday, KARA went back to the scene to check the dogs’ condition and demanded Namyangju City to take proper actions. However, the dogs that were originally at the scene and all the filth-filled raised cages that trapped the dogs, had all disappeared.
Before the demolition, KARA asked the animal welfare team in Namyangju City where the animals will be relocated, as they had not revealed to KARA about the dog farmer’s plans to remove them, in advance.
KARA informed the animal welfare team of Namyangju City on May 29 that the dog farmer might demolish the cages and move the dogs.
However, after looking at the site today, all the dogs and the cages were already gone. KARA immediately asked the animal welfare team in Namyangju but they said, “The mayor of Namyangju is visiting the site on Monday, so the farmer seems to have voluntarily removed it. We will ask the owner of the farm where the dogs were relocated.”
In other words, Namyangju knew that the dogs that were being raised illegally would disappear, but it did not come to the scene when the owner of the dog farm rushed moving the animals, nor did they accompany them to where they were moving.
The environment where the dogs had been staying was astounding. Even after seeing this, Namyangju City is repeating its claim that the dogs are not companion animals, so they cannot be seen as “abused animals.”
According to Article 2.1 (2) of the Animal Protection Act, the term “animal abuse” means “neglecting or neglecting appropriate measures against animals for unnecessary or avoidable physical pain, stress, hunger, disease, etc. without justifiable grounds.”
In addition, Article 7 of the Act stipulates the responsibility of breeders, saying, “Owners, etc. shall supply suitable food and water for animals, ensure exercise, rest and sleep”, and “When an animal is sick or injured, the owner, etc. shall endeavor to treat it promptly or take other necessary measures.”
Namyangju City, after seeing the situation of the 40 dogs, regardless of whether they were pets, should have applied strong measures against the owner, but nothing was done.
Dog farm owners created illegal facilities, abused 40 dogs, and left them unattended, feeding them food waste. Namyangju City allowed the demolition “because of the mayor’s visit”. They have not learned, or refused to reveal the purpose of breeding this many dogs and where these dogs came from.
We want to inform citizens of the negligence and lack of securing the welfare of the animals by Namyangju’s administrative process and their indifference and collusion with dog farm owners. Namyangju City should diligently and strictly inspect the breeding environment of the 40 dogs and thoroughly investigate the illegality of dog farms and take strong administrative measures. Furthermore, these 40 dogs should be urgently protected as abused animals so that they cannot be disposed of at the will of the farm owner.
Call for Action
- 👉 Click HERE to file a petition with the South Korean government through e-People online.
We need you to file 2 e-People petitions:
1. To the city of Namyangju
2. To the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office
You can use our “Suggested message” below or your own words.
📌 Need help with the e-People petition? Click HERE for instructions. - 📧 Send emails to the Namyangju City Council members:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; - 📧 Send emails to the Gyeonggi-do Assembly members:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; - ☎️☎️☎️ Call the City of Namyangju.
To call from the U.S., dial 011-82-31-590-XXXX.
👉 To call Korea from other countries, please click HERE for dialing instructions.
☎ Namyangju Mayor Cho Kwang-Han’s Office: 031-590-2001, 031-590-2002
☎ Kim Byeong-Jun, Namyangju Agricultural Technology Center, Animal Welfare Team Manager: 031-590-4282
☎ Park Tae-Hee, Namyangju Agricultural Technology Center, Animal Welfare Team Officer: 031-590-3991
Suggested message to the city of Namyangju
Subject: The city of Namyangju, had neglected supervision and control of an illegal dog farm and allowed the animal abuser to hide(remove) 40 dogs. They must fulfill their responsibility by securing the safety of these 40 dogs and ban and close all illegal dog farms in their city.
* Please respond to my petition in English and Korean using Microsoft Word Document. Hancom word processor program is not used outside of Korea, and we cannot open Hancom’s .hwp file.
To the Cho Kwang-Han Namyangju Mayor and the members of the Namyangju City Council,
Please read this report by Korea Animal Rights Advocates:
The city of Namyangju, had neglected supervision and control of an illegal dog farm and allowed the animal abuser to hide(remove) 40 dogs. They must fulfill their responsibility by securing the safety of these 40 dogs and ban and close all illegal dog farms in their city.
Suggested message to the city of Namyangju in Korean
불법 개농장을 방치하고 묵인하며 동물에 대한 보호조치는 전무한 남양주시
* 청원 답변은 한글과 영어로 마이크로소프트 워드 파일로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 한콤 .hwp파일은 외국에서는 사용하지않으며 오픈할수 없습니다.
조광한 남양주 시장님과 남양주 시의회 의원 여러분 안녕하십니까?
우선 남양주에서 발생한 아래의 동물학대와 안타까운 개물림 인명사고에 대한 내용 파악을 해주시기를 부탁드립니다. (출처: 동물행동권 카라 페이스북)
남양주시는 불법 학대 사육 현장을 방치하고, 개농장주가 개들을 전부 빼돌리기까지 수수방관했습니다. 지금이라도 40마리 개들을 위해 안전을 확보하고 지자체의 책임을 다해주시기를 강력하게 촉구합니다. 더 나아가서 남양주시의 모든 불법 개농장들을 찾아내서 폐쇄조치 해주실 것을 촉구하는 바입니다.
Suggested message to the Supreme Prosecutors’s Office
Subject: To the Supreme Prosecutors’s Office: Prosecute and punish the animal abuser of the dog farm in Namyangju that horribly abused 45 dogs causing unthinkable agony and brutal deaths!
To the Supreme Prosecutors’s Office,
Please read this report by the Korea Animal Rights Advocates:
The dog farmer in the KARA’s report horribly abused the dogs in his care, causing unimaginable suffering and pain, leading to the brutal deaths of helpless animals.
This dog farmer clearly violated many clauses of the Animal Protection Act and is guilty of egregious cases of animal cruelty that must be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Also, the city of Namyangju, had neglected supervision and control of an illegal dog farm and allowed the animal abuser to hide(remove) 40 dogs. Please help make the city of Namyangju fulfill their responsibility by securing the safety of these 40 dogs.
* Please respond to my petition in English and Korean using the Microsoft Word Document. The Hancom word processor program is not used outside Korea, and we cannot open Hancom’s .hwp file.
KARA’s post in Korean:
❝불법 개농장을 방치하고 묵인하며 동물에 대한 보호조치는 전무한 남양주시❞
남양주에서 안타까운 개물림 인명사고가 일어난 곳은 개농장 진입로이며, 사고 지점은 개농장과 연결된 지역이나 다름 없습니다. 지난 목요일 (5/27) 동물권행동 카라에서 현장을 확인해본 결과 해당 개농장은 음식물쓰레기를 개들에게 무단으로 급여하고 있었습니다. 폐기물처리에 대한 점검・관리 의무가 있는 남양주시 진건읍 환경팀은 해당 농장의 존재조차 모르고 있었습니다.
개발제한 구역 불법 점거, 음식물쓰레기 무단 급여 등 불법성이 분명하고, 동물들에게 적절한 사료와 물을 공급하지 않고 개들을 뜬장 안에 방치하는 등 동물학대가 만연한 상태였으나, 남양주시는 불법성을 묵인하며 시간을 끌었고, 그 사이에 개농장주는 방치해둔 개들 40마리를 뜬장 채로 다른 곳으로 이동시켰습니다.
카라에서 확인 당시 현장에는 리트리버, 말라뮤트, 시바, 보더콜리, 진도믹스, 내부에서 자가번식한 것으로 보이는 6-7개월령의 강아지 등 44마리의 개들이 쏟아지는 비와 분뇨가 뒤섞인 진흙탕 속에 아우성치고 있었습니다.
머리를 온전히 들 수 없을 정도로 낮은 철창에 갇히 개들은 그 와중에도 활동가들을 보며 비에 젖은 꼬리를 흔들었습니다. 개들은 배변을 딛지 않으려고 안간힘을 쓰며 나가게 해달라고 울부짖다가 어쩔 수 없이 철창을 붙들고 서서 대소변을 봤습니다. 만삭의 몸으로 배변을 피해 구석에 앉아있는 어미견은 물론 “앉아, 손” 등을 할 줄 알 정도로훈련이 되어 있는 개도 있었습니다.
카라 활동가들은 급히 사료와 물을 공급하였고 개들은 활동가들이 준 깨끗한 물과 사료를 정신없이 먹었습니다.
카라에서는 피학대동물 긴급격리 등 개들의 안전을 위한 조속한 조치를 남양주시에 강력히 요구했으나, 남양주시 동물복지팀에서는 ❝동물학대는 ‘반려동물’ 에만 해당하며 개농장 개들은 반려동물이 아니라서 피학대동물 긴급격리조차 할 수 없다❞고 주장하였습니다.
현행 동물보호법은 결코 반려동물에만 한정지어서 적용되는 것이 아닙니다. 남양주시에서 잘못된 주장을 하며 버티는 동안, 카라는 출산이 임박해 보이는 만삭 어미견 2마리와, 중성화 및 훈련이 되어 있는 것으로 보아 유실 가능성이 있는 개 1마리, 피부 질환이 심한 개 1마리를 긴급히 구조하였습니다.
카라는 남양주시에 나머지 동물을 위한 긴급 보호 공간 마련, 먹이와 물 공급, 입양 지원 등의 적극적 역할을 요청하였습니다. 하지만 남양주시는 동물보호를 위한 지자체 역할을 다하긴 커녕, 개농장주가 개들 40마리를 이동시킨다는 소식을 알고도 현장에 나와보지 않았으며, 어디로 이동하였는지 확인조차 하지 않았습니다.
해당 개농장주는 남양주 축산농협조합에 가입되어 있습니다. 일정 규모의 부지에 개 20마리 이상 사육할 경우 조합원으로 가입할 수 있게 되어 있습니다. 축산농협 조합원이 되면 방역약품 지원, 대출시 신용도에 따른 이자감면, 각종 양축자금(저리자금) 지원, 배합사료 및 조사료 저가 공급, 안전보험에 대한 자부담 일부 지원 등 다양한 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다. 개농장주는 각종 우대 혜택을 받기 위해 그저 44마리 개들을 이용한 것입니다.
지자체가 방관하고 놓치는 사이 큰 고통을 겪는 것은 다름 아닌 ‘동물’입니다. 그리고 안타까운 인명사고도 발생했습니다. 이 개농장을 일찍이 적발하여 동물들을 격리・보호하고 시설 폐쇄를 진행했다면 무고한 생명을 잃는 일은 벌어지지 않았을 것입니다.
남양주 조광한 시장은 해당 개농장에 대해 철저히 조사하겠다고 5/28일 언론을 통해 입장을 밝혔으나, 정작 개농장주가 현장을 모두 은폐하고 도망갈 수 있도록 도와준 것은 결국 남양주시입니다.
🔥 불법 학대 사육 현장을 방치하고, 개농장주가 개들을 전부 빼돌리도록 방관한 남양주시에서 이제라도 40마리 개들의 안전을 확보하고 책임을 다하도록 민원으로 함께 해주세요!
🔰 민원넣기
– 국민신문고 :
(담당기관 남양주시)
– 전화 민원 : 남양주시 조광한 시장실/ 농업기술센터 동물복지팀
☎조광한 시장실: 031-590-2001, 031-590-2002
☎김병준 동물복지 팀장: 031-590-4282
☎박태희 동물복지 주무관: 031-590-3991
#남양주시 #동물복지팀 #개물림 #개농장 #모든개는반려견 #왜_물림사고가_났는가 #동물학대 #기질평가 #공격성평가 #동물권행동카라 #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates
Why are people surprised by this?, for the most part compassion and kindness is not part in most of this culture just the very few and NOT at all in the Leadership, not trustworthy either.
Bisogna impedire tutto questo una volta per tutte
Please stop at once. these living creatures, capable of feel pain and being scared. PLEASE STOP IT!!
All animals feel fear and pain as we do, these are God’s creatures please stop this really cruel barbaric trade in the flesh of our fellow earth dwellers now
Where is the e-mail adress of the Supreme Prosecutors’s Office?
This is the Supreme Prosecutors’s Office’s contact:
[email protected]
However, they are likely not respond to you unless you file an e-People petition.
So please file your e-People petition today. Thank you!!
This brutality has to stop NOW. We are living in the 21st century and What are you teaching your children and future generations that this unnecceary killing of innocent animals is acceptable. It is not. It is illegal and barbaric and pure evil. Dogs and Cats are loved throughout the World. They bring joy and happiness to families World wide. Those that are involved in the brutal murder of defenceless animals should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there act of cruelty to animals. You the Korean Government you should use your Power to stop this misery and cruelty to helpless Animals. All around the World we are fighting for your Country to end this illegal act of brutality and torture to innocent Animals. You have the power to end this illegal act of brutality and torture to innocent Animals Now. Shut down these illegal farms Now. Dogs and Cats in your Country deserve to be treated with kindness and Respect.
There lives matter too. They were not put on this earth to be tortured and abused. Certainly not for human consumption.
End this unnecceary killing of innocent animals NOW.
Only you the Korean Government can END this. Allow Dogs and Cats in your Country to live a quality of life.
The link to the ePetition site was not working (03/06/21.) saying the page could not be found. However, if you press home and then press on Foreign Language top RH of home site, it takes you to the usual epetition form. Please keep filing petitions rather then putting comments on Korean Dogs. We need the Korean government to hear our voices directly through the petition site. Thanks
Korean government has changed the e-People petition link overnight. Thanks to all of you who has emailed me about it, I was able to update all the e-People links on our campaign pages.
Now, you can file your e-People petitions. 👍 I cannot over emphasize the importance of filing e-People petitions. This is the most effective action you can take at the moment to help fight the dog meat trade in South Korea. Thank you!! 💗
The President of South Korea has no honor. He said he would stop this and has done nothing.
Das Land Süd Korea mit einem großen Teil seiner Menschen/Bürgern und der Regierung halte ich für ignorant, verantwortungslos, gefühllos und grausam. Wie passt in diesem Land überhaupt etwas zusammen? Einerseits werden Hochtechnisierte Geräte, Autos us.w in die ganze Welt verkauft, andererseits verhält man sich, als lebe man im Mittelalter. Im 21.Jahrhundert noch derartige Tierquälereien, Brutalitäten, Grausamkeiten an hilflosen Mitgeschöpfen aus zu üben, ist unterste Stufe von Moral/Ethik und Verantwortung. Das Fleisch von diesen armen, gequälten un malträtierten Tieren zu “genießen” ist unfassbar, zumal es noch nicht einmal den Hygiene Vorschriften zivilisierter Länder entspricht. Kein Veterinär untersucht es und trotzdem wird es “gefressen”! Alles in diesem Land widerspricht sich und ist so nicht hinnehmbar. Totaler Waren Boykott kann hier eine Möglichkeit sein, bis die verantwortungslose Regierung dieses Landes wach wird. Die scheint auch gar nicht zu interessieren, dass genau dieses Land ein ganz negatives Image in der Welt besitzt . Grausam die Menschen – grausam das Land – verantowrtungslos diese Regierung!
Evil, sadistic, destructive, savage barbarians think they are the only ones who can live on this earth.
Who did God create first???
The humans are the invaders and sinners!!!! That is why the only thing they can think off is to kill Gods special creatures and creations.
Soon God will be cleaning up this earth and those savages will be the ones who will be destroyed by God the Creator!!
Korea can never be accepted as a modern nation as long as this atrocity is allowed to happen.
Was sind das für sadistische grausame Verbrecher, die Gräueltaten an wehrlosen unschuldigen Tieren begehen. Solche Barbaren sollten am Galgen jämmerlich verrecken, aber vor dem Verrecken sollten diese Bastarde noch genau so lange und so heftige Schmerzen verspüren, wie dieser Abschaum den armen Tieren zufügte. Diese Bastarde sind direkt der Hölle entsprungen.
Please, file a petition with the South Korean government through e-People online.
Stoppt den Wahnsinn und das Tierleid