
Newsletter – July 1, 2019
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✍ Voting This Wednesday, July 3!
LA Council introduces a resolution asking
South Korea to stop the dog meat trade!

[UPDATE] The Los Angeles City Council will be voting on the Dog Meat Resolution on Wednesday, July 3. The City Council meeting begins at 10 AM. This item is number 46 on the agenda. We are calling on all the supporters in the Los Angeles area to attend this meeting to express their support in 1 minute.
Click HERE to see the agenda.
 Mr. Jeffrey Mausner (Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Liaison to the Los Angeles Animal Services Department) has reported on June 17, 2019:

“On June 5, a resolution was introduced in the Los Angeles City Council, asking the governments of China, Vietnam, South Korea, Cambodia, and Indonesia to ban the sale of dog meat and to enforce their animal cruelty laws. The resolution was introduced by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, a very strong advocate for animal welfare, and seconded by Councilmember David Ryu, one of the most influential Korean American office holders in the country.”

Mr. Mausner reported that “This pending City Council resolution grew out of a resolution passed by the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils (VANC), which consists of representatives of all 34 Neighborhood Councils in the San Fernando Valley.”

He also mentioned South Korea’s “very close ties to Los Angeles” and the Los Angeles sister city – Busan. We have campaigned to urge Los Angeles to speak out against the cruelty of its sister city and other friendship cities in Korea. Click HERE to see our campaigns.

Let’s help pass this resolution by expressing our support! 

Click HERE to learn more and take actions (from article).


Video: Shocking cruelty of South Korea’s dog meat industry Part 1 of 2. Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE).

Gupo Dog Meat Market shuts down early 
53 dogs rescued

We have received the great news that 53 dogs from the Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market have been rescued! As we reported previously, the Gupo Dog Meat Market was scheduled to shut down their businesses before July 12. However, seven of the 17 dog butcher shops (more than 40%) have agreed to shut down their business as of June 21. Click HERE to learn more about the closure. 

Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA), Korea Animal Welfare Association (KAWA) and Busan Korea Alliance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA) were able to rescue these dogs before the scheduled closure date of July 12. Through some very intense negotiations, and in an effort to rescue as many dogs as possible, KARA, KAWA, and Busan KAPCA ultimately agreed to pay the dog butchers a large sum of money for the dogs’ freedom. It was very emotional to have to bargain for the lives of these dogs. There’s a possibility that an additional 20 or more might be rescued after July 1.  Click HERE to learn more about this rescue.


We would like to thank all of the Korean activist organizations for their hard work in saving these animals who otherwise would have been doomed to a horrific death.


Sharing: Upcoming Protests – LA, Seoul, Daegu

Please attend the upcoming protests in Los Angeles, Seoul and Daegu, South Korea to show your support for the immediate banning of dog and cat meat cruelty in South Korea.
Los Angeles, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, July 11, Thursday
Seoul City Hall, July 7, Sunday
Daegu Chilseong Market, July 12, Friday

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