Newsletter – May 16, 2019
posted by team on May 16,2019 in Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
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South Koreans:
Stop the illegal dog and cat meat trades! |
South Korea’s Official Government Petition Page!
South Korea is truly a “Hell on Earth” for countless innocent dogs and cats in their dog and cat meat industry. So, please, don’t let the Koreans continue their vile and cruel practice.
A simple but very effective way is to file a petition directly with the Korean government using the e-People online petition page. This is different than other petitions because the Korean government is responsible for responding to you! If they have to address and respond to hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of petitions on this issue; then perhaps they will finally be put under enough pressure to take action to bring this horrific animal cruelty to an end.
How do you file e-People petition?
Click HERE for video instruction!
Click HERE for the Korean translation of our petition. Please include them in your letters and e-People petitions.
Click the below counties and provinces to take action!
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Categories: Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
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