Newsletter – September 19, 2018
posted by team on September 19,2018 in Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
Korean Supreme Court – Killing dogs by electrocution is cruel!
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Korean Supreme Court – Killing dogs by electrocution is cruel!
A recent Korean Supreme decision is a sign that finally, things are changing, but it’s still a long way to go before the end of the dog and cat meat trade in South Korea.
The Korea Times reported on September 18, 2018 that “The Supreme Court has struck down a lower court decision to allow dog electrocution, saying the method is “too cruel.” The top court sent the case back to the Seoul High Court, Friday, ordering judges to rethink whether using electric shocks to kill dogs violates the animal protection law, which bans cruel methods of slaughter. Previously, the high court upheld a lower court’s ruling that a dog farm owner, surnamed Lee, 66, who was indicted on charges of killing more than 100 dogs with electric shocks between 2011 and 2016, was not guilty of violating the animal protection law.” Click HERE to read the article.
Let’s Keep Going! Call for Action: South Koreans: start taking responsibility for enforcing your own country’s laws: stop the illegal dog and cat meat trades.
Despite the fact that dog and cat meat consumption is an everyday occurrence and is being carried out all over South Korea, it is NOT LEGAL in that country. Their Government does nothing to stop this illegal practice and they seem happy to ignore it; many Korean citizens are just as apathetic and must also be held accountable.
This is the 21st Century, and it is high time that all South Koreans, leaders and general public alike, stand up and take responsibility to enforce their own country’s laws. South Korea and South Koreans cannot continue to ignore these brutal and unethical trades, so let us campaign to urge each of South Korea’s cities to enforce their laws and to put an immediate end to these illegal dog and cat meat trades.
Please sign our petitions and send emails and postal letters to the Korean cities calling for an end to these illegal trades. Click below cities to take action.
[Campaign Update] Korean National Institute of Animal Science responds -Dog cloning ended in 2017.
The signed petitions for: “Seoul National University, stop it! We demand the truth about your using “meat dogs” for cloning experimentation.” were sent to the petition targets on June 18, 2018 and we had received a response from the Korean National Institute of Animal Science.
This is positive news that the Korean National Institute of Animal Science had ended their dog cloning project in 2017. They are on notice that the world is watching them and hopefully, this will prevent them from taking on unethical and cruel projects in the future. Click HERE to learn more.
Adopt dogs rescued from dog meat industry by
Dogs rescued from dog meat industry in South Korea by Nami Kim and her team are waiting for their loving and caring forever homes. Thank you for opening your heart and your home to these angels!
Click HERE to see the dogs available for adoption. Click HERE to follow on Facebook for the latest updates.
Photo: Three pups will be available for adoption in two weeks. All are cleared. Sharon named the three, Trina (girl), Taffy and Terence (boy).
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Please donate to team so that they can continue to rescue these angels and continue their fight to end the horrific dog meat trade. Thank you!!
Categories: Action Alert, Campaign, Newsletter
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