Partnership Country Campaign – South Korea – Spain
The Prime Minister of Spain, Honorable Pedro Sánchez: Please tell your Partnership Country, South Korea, you oppose the torture and consumption of dogs and cats.
If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.
On November 18, 2022, South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol tweeted, “Warm welcome to @sanchezcastejon 🇪🇸 Prime Minister Sánchez for his first visit to Korea. Had a very productive and pleasant discussion to deepen 🇰🇷🇪🇸 strategic partnership, unlocking the full potentials of economic cooperation.” South Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that President Yoon said, “We welcome the recent expansion of mutual investment cooperation between both sides in future strategic industries such as electric vehicle batteries and renewable energy like solar and wind power. We also agreed to continue necessary support at the government level.” Click HERE to learn more.

In South Korea, there are numerous dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating, and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.

A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of South Korea’s dog meat demand.
Two searches on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – one was for so-called “Health Centers,” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants” – resulted in thousands of Health Centers and dog meat restaurants in South Korea.
Even if half of these ‘Health’ Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be in South Korea to supply these outlets.
There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Call for Action
- 📧 Email the Prime Minister of Spain and the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, European Union, and Cooperation.
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📧 Send the CC (Carbon Copy) email to the South Korean National Assembly members.
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- SPANISH RESIDENTS ONLY 📧 Click HERE to send an online email to the Prime Minister Sánchez.
- 📬 Send letter. (Use the below-suggested message)
Unidad de Comunicación con la Ciudadanía
Gabinete del Presidente del Gobierno
Edificio Semillas, Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda. Puerta de Hierro, s/n. 28071, Madrid.
Spain📬 Send a copy of your letter to the South Korean President:
Office of the President
04383 22 Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu,
Seoul, South Korea📬 South Korean President’s addresses in Korean:
대한민국 대통령실
04383 서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 22
South Korea - ☎️ Click HERE for the phone numbers of Spanish Prime Minister’s Communication offices.
- Send a Twitter message!
#Spain .@President_KR .@sanchezcastejon Tell Partnership Country #SouthKorea, you oppose the torture and consumption of #dogs and #cats 🐾 😢 😭
The Prime Minister of Spain, Honorable Pedro Sánchez: Please tell your Partnership Country, South Korea, you oppose the torture and consumption of dogs and cats.
Dear Prime Minister, Honorable Pedro Sánchez:
As Prime Minister and representative of Spain, we ask you to reconsider your “partnership” with South Korea, a country that permits dogs and cats to be horribly abused and brutally killed for food.
While graphic, these videos depicting South Korea’s dog meat industry are important to watch:
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
Forest fire in Uljin burns dogs imprisoned in dog meat farms:
Dogs who suffered their entire lives are electric tortured and killed in cages—South Korea’s horrific dog meat industry.
South Korea consumes millions of dogs each year. There are countless dog farms and dog slaughterhouses in South Korea. Korean web searches turn up thousands of dog meat restaurants and so-called “Health Centers” that commonly serve soup made of dog meat as phony elixirs (also known as dog soju).
Dogs suffer their entire lives in filthy, feces-encrusted raised wire cages in dire misery only to be slaughtered in the most horrific of ways— tortured by electrocution, hammer strikes to their head, hanging, being beaten to death, having their throats slit, being burned alive with a blowtorch or thrown into a vat of boiling water while still alive. In many places, dogs are killed in full view of other caged dogs who tremble with terror. These poor dogs are often burned alive in their cages, unable to escape. They are fed rotten garbage full of chili peppers unfit for any animals to eat, and they are not given water. In addition, beloved pets are often stolen and sold to these slaughterhouses, where they meet the same horrific fate. Puppies who die of disease are tossed away like trash, often left in front of cages to rot while their mothers watch and cry out in despair.
In the United States, Mayor Christopher Chung of Palisades Park, New Jersey, has already shown his rejection of the dog meat trade in no uncertain terms. As reported in the Korea Times, he recently rejected a visit from exchange students from the friendship city, Incheon Ganghwa County, due to its dog meat trade. In California, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously passed a resolution supporting legislation or administrative action that would request the governments of South Korea, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia ban the sale of dog meat and enforce their animal protection laws.
On behalf of Spanish Citizens and companion animal-loving people worldwide, we ask that you follow these bold leads by not remaining silent in the face of such abhorrent cruelty. Please urge South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol to shut down all dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, dog meat restaurants, and truckers transporting dogs to their inevitable fates. An online petition calling for your support in ending such horrors perpetrated in South Korea is in progress:
Thank you for your serious consideration. We eagerly await your reply.
[Your name, city, country]
📝 Suggested message in Spanish
A la atención del Presidente de España, Excmo. Sr. Pedro Sánchez: Le rogamos que comunique a su socio, Corea del Sur, que se opone a la tortura y consumo de perros y gatos.
Excmo. Sr. Pedro Sánchez:
Como Presidente del Gobierno y representante de España, le pedimos que reconsidere su “asociación” con Corea del Sur, un país que permite que perros y gatos sean horriblemente maltratados y brutalmente asesinados para ser consumidos.
Aunque tremendamente gráficos, es importante que vea los siguientes vídeos. En ellos se muestra el funcionamiento de la industria de la carne de perro en Corea del Sur:
Parte 1 de 2:
Parte 2 de 2:
Un incendio forestal en Uljin quema a perros atrapados en granjas de carne de perro:
Perros que sufrieron durante toda su vida son torturados con electricidad y asesinados en sus jaulas —La horrible industria de la carne de perro en Corea del Sur.
Corea del Sur consume millones de perros cada año. En Corea del Sur hay innumerables granjas y mataderos de perros. Las búsquedas en Internet muestran miles de restaurantes de carne de perro y de los llamados “Centros de Salud”, que suelen servir sopa de carne de perro como falso elixir (también conocido como soju de perro).
Los perros sufren toda su vida en sucias jaulas de alambre llenas de excrementos para ser sacrificados de las formas más horribles imaginables: electrocutados, golpeados en la cabeza con un martillo, ahorcados, golpeados hasta la muerte, degollados, quemados vivos con un soplete o arrojados vivos a una cuba de agua hirviendo. En muchos lugares, los perros son asesinados a la vista de otros perros enjaulados que tiemblan de terror. Estos pobre perros a menudo son quemados vivos en sus jaulas, incapaces de escapar. Se les alimenta con basura podrida llena de chiles, no aptos para el consumo animal, y carecen de un suministro de agua. Además, muchos queridos animales domésticos suelen ser robados y vendidos a estos mataderos, donde corren la misma horrible suerte. Los cachorros que mueren de enfermedades son tirados como basura, a menudo abandonados frente a las jaulas para que se pudran mientras sus madres observan y lloran desesperadas.
En Estados Unidos, el alcalde de Palisades Park (Nueva Jersey), Christopher Chung, ya ha mostrado su rechazo al comercio de carne de perro en términos inequívocos. Como informó el Korea Times, recientemente rechazó la visita de estudiantes de intercambio de la ciudad amiga, el condado de Incheon Ganghwa, debido a su comercio de carne de perro. En California, el Ayuntamiento de Los Angeles aprobó por unanimidad una resolución de apoyo a la legislación o acción administrativa que solicite a los gobiernos de Corea del Sur, China, Vietnam, Indonesia y Camboya que prohíban la venta de carne de perro y apliquen sus leyes de protección animal.
En nombre de los ciudadanos españoles y de los amantes de los animales de compañía de todo el mundo, le pedimos que siga estas audaces directrices y no permanezca en silencio ante una crueldad tan abominable. Por favor, inste al Presidente de Corea del Sur, Yoon Suk-yeol, a cerrar todas las granjas de perros, mataderos, mercados, restaurantes de carne de perro y que prohíban que los camioneros transporten perros a esos horribles destinos. Está en marcha una petición en línea solicitando su apoyo para acabar con estos horrores perpetrados en Corea del Sur:
Le agradecemos su atención y esperamos ansiosos su respuesta.
Hello, I’m calling to speak to someone in the Prime Minister’s Office to ask for their help on an important issue regarding your Partnership Country, South Korea.
If I could explain: Dog-meat consumption is currently being practiced in that country, even though it is illegal under South Korean Law – but the laws are not enforced. The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress. They cannot speak for themselves, so I am calling on their behalf. And, I believe that your nation would wish to be made aware of this issue, as you would not want to affiliate with a nation where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on ones that are loyal, trusting creatures, which look up to us humans as their guardians.
This illegal industry is being allowed to continue by South Korean authorities – even though there is growing opposition from pet guardians across South Korea and worldwide.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in South Korea to urge them to enforce their laws, not ignore them, show compassion to their companion animals, and respect their citizens by bringing this cruel industry to an end.
I know South Korea has many beautiful, admirable, and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
☎️ Suggested phone message in Spanish (Mensaje telefónico sugerido)
Hola, llamo para hablar con alguien del Gabinete del Presidente y pedirle ayuda sobre un asunto importante relacionado con su país socio, Corea del Sur.
Le explico: En ese país se practica actualmente el consumo de carne de perro, a pesar de que es ilegal según la legislación surcoreana, pero las leyes no se aplican. El comercio de carne de perro y gato implica una crueldad animal extrema y generalizada, y los animales sufren un dolor y una angustia inimaginables. Ellos no pueden hablar por sí mismos, por lo que hago un llamamiento en su nombre. Y creo que su país desearía estar al tanto de este asunto, ya que no querría afiliarse a un país en el que se practica la tortura ilegal e inmoral a ningún animal, y menos a unos que son criaturas leales y confiadas, que nos ven a los humanos como sus guardianes.
Las autoridades surcoreanas permiten que continúe esta industria ilegal, a pesar de la creciente oposición de los cuidadores de mascotas de Corea del Sur y de todo el mundo.
Por ello, les pido que hablen con sus homólogos en Corea del Sur para instarles a que hagan cumplir sus leyes, no las ignoren, muestren compasión por sus animales de compañía y respeten a sus ciudadanos poniendo fin a esta cruel industria.
Sé que Corea del Sur tiene muchas prácticas y costumbres hermosas, admirables y nobles que merece la pena preservar, pero ésta no es una de ellas.
Gracias por su tiempo y comprensión.
No matter where you live, PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends, especially those who live in Spain! 🙏
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