
Pohang’s response to our e-People petition on 10/25/2022

Application No.: 1AA-2210-0176415
Application Date: 2022-10-06
Pohang, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
포항시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!

👎🏼 Despite our request for the English translation, an English translation was not provided.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

South Korea’s horrific dog meat industry. Cruelty during transport.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경상북도
staff in charge 이시은
contact 054-270-2125
processing date 2022-10-25
result 1. 평소 시정에 대한 관심과 참여에 감사드리며 귀하께서 국민신문고에 신청하신 민원에 대한 검토결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.

2. 관련부서 답변내용
가. 자원순환과: 음식물류 폐기물 관련하여 위법사항은 발견되지 않았으며, 향후 관련규정에 위반될 경우 적법 처리하겠습니다.
나. 축산과: 축산물 위생관리법에서는 소, 말, 돼지, 닭, 오리 등의 가축을 도살, 처리하고 이를 가공, 보관, 유통, 판매하는 것과 관련된 위생적인 조치 등에 대해 규정하고 있습니다만, 개의 경우 가축의 범주에 포함되지 않아 개의 도살 및 유통 등에 관한 사항은 축산물위생관리법 적용을 받지 않습니다.
다. 남구청 복지환경위생과: 식품위생법 제4조는 “위해식품 등의 판매 등 금지” 사항으로서, 본 민원과 관련된 사항은 제5항의 “제18조에 따른 안전성 심사 대상인 농·축·수산물 등 가운데 안전성 심사를 받지 아니하였거나 안전성 심사에서 식용으로 부적합하다고 인정된 것”으로 판단되나 여기서의 제18조는 “유전자변형식품등의 안전성 심사 등”으로 이 조항과는 연관되지 않습니다. 또한 제5조는 “병든 동물 고기 등의 판매 등 금지”로서 병든 동물 등이 아니라면 판매가 가능하다는 뜻과 상통합니다. 아울러 제44조 “영업자 등의 준수사항”의 규정에서도 축산물위생관리법에서는 개가 축산물로 규정되어 있지 않아 축산물위생관리법과는 무관하고, 야생동물 보호 및 관리에 관한 법률에서의 “야생생물”로도 보기 어렵습니다. 이렇듯 지방자치단체에서의 공무수행은 기본적으로 관련 법령에 위배될 경우에만 규제할 수 있으며 위반사항에 대한 행정처분 기준이 있어야만 조치가 가능합니다. 또한 지방자치단체의 장이 행할 수 있는 권한은 상위법에서 조례로 정할 수 있도록 한 예외적인 사항에만 국한됩니다. 따라서 식품위생법, 동물보호법, 폐기물관리법, 축산물 위생관리법에서의 규제조항이 마련되지 않을 경우 행정행위는 불가능한 점 양해 바랍니다.
라. 북구청 복지환경위생과: 식품위생법 제4조 제5항에 따르면 안정성 검사에서 식용으로 부적합하다고 인정된 것은 시중에 유통·판매되어서는 안 된다고 규정하고 있으나, 식품위생법과 축산물위생관리법에서는 개는 식품이나 축산물로 정의하고 있지 않습니다. 따라서 귀하의 민원사항에 따라 개의 식용 금지를 규제할 수 있는 조항이 어디에도 없으므로 법령에 따른 행정조치가 어려움을 알려드립니다.

3. 상기와 같이 관련 부서의 답변 내용을 알려드리며 기타 문의사항이 있으시면 자원순환과(054-270-3194), 축산과(054-270-3363), 남구청 복지환경위생과(054-270-6191), 북구청 복지환경위생과(054-240-7191)으로 연락주시면 성의껏 답변드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

붙임 민원신청서 1부. 끝.
End date 2022-10-26 23:59:59
Extended once
Extended once
End date : (Before)2022-10-17 23:59:59, (After) 2022-10-26 23:59:59

– Reason : 관련 법령 확인 및 검토에 시간이 추가로 필요해 민원처리기한을 연장하오니 양해바랍니다.
Checking the relevant laws/regulations is taking time and thus we must extend the time limit for handling your petition. Please understand.
– Extended date for handling : 2022-10-14 09:42:59

Translation by Google translate (Google translate does not translate with complete accuracy.):

1. We would like to thank you for your interest and participation in corrections, and we would like to inform you of the results of the review of your complaints submitted to the e-People petition as follows.

2. Responses from relevant departments
(a). Resource Circulation Division: No illegal items were found regarding food waste, and any violations of related regulations will be dealt with legally.
(b). Livestock Division: The Livestock Products Sanitation Control Act stipulates sanitary measures related to the slaughter and treatment of livestock such as cattle, horses, pigs, chickens, and ducks, and processing, storage, distribution, and sale thereof. As it is not included, matters related to the slaughter and distribution of dogs are not covered by the Livestock Products Sanitation Management Act.
(c). Nam-gu Office Welfare, Environment and Sanitation Division: Article 4 of the Food Sanitation Act is “prohibited on the sale of hazardous foods, etc.”, and the matters related to this complaint are “safety examination among the agricultural, livestock, and marine products subject to safety examination under Article 18” in paragraph 5. It is judged that it has not been received or that it has been recognized as unsuitable for food in the safety review, but Article 18 here is not related to this article as it is “safety review of genetically modified food, etc.”. In addition, Article 5 is “Prohibition of sale, etc. of meat of diseased animals, etc.” It is in line with the meaning that sale is possible unless it is sick animals, etc. In addition, in the provisions of Article 44 “Matters to be observed by business operators, etc.”, dogs are not stipulated as livestock products in the Livestock Products Sanitation Control Act, so it is not related to the Livestock Products Sanitation Control Act, and it is difficult to see them as “wild animals” in the Wildlife Protection and Management Act. I did. As such, the performance of public duties in local governments can be regulated only when they violate the relevant laws and regulations, and measures can only be taken when there is an administrative disposition standard for violations. In addition, the authority that the head of a local government can exercise is limited to the exceptional cases specified by an ordinance in the higher law. Therefore, please understand that administrative actions cannot be performed unless regulatory provisions in the Food Sanitation Act, Animal Protection Act, Waste Management Act, and Livestock Products Sanitation Management Act are prepared.
(d). Buk-gu Office Welfare, Environment and Hygiene Division: According to Article 4 (5) of the Food Sanitation Act, food that is recognized as unsuitable for food in the safety test should not be distributed or sold in the market. It is not defined as a livestock product. Therefore, according to your complaint, there is no provision that can regulate the prohibition of dogs from eating.

3. As mentioned above, we will inform you of the answers of the relevant departments. If you have any other questions, please contact the Resources Circulation Division (054-270-3194), Livestock Division (054-270-3363), Nam-gu Office Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Division (054-270-6191) Please contact the Welfare, Environment and Hygiene Division of Buk-gu Office (054-240-7191), and we will respond sincerely. thank you

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