A dog who stayed with her dead mom on the roadside found a new family in Seattle.
Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)
12/27/2022: A dog who stayed with her dead mom on the roadside found a new family in Seattle.
When we first found Pyunggang, she was the epitome of a loyal Jindo dog, for she stood loyally beside the emaciated body of her dead mother. Despite being thin and weak, her mother must have been the universe to her, the only thing she could trust and rely on. Pyunggang avoided people’s help and kept wandering around the dead body, facing the threats and dangers of the roadway as if she was announcing that she had become an outcast with no place in the world to go.
Thanks to many activists who have endeavored to assist her, Pyunggang now found a forever family and home in Seattle. Please look at her new happy life, and wish her a bright future.
At CARE’s shelters, there are still eight hundred large dogs like Pyunggang waiting for their second chance and new homes. We shall be grateful if you could show your love and interest in them.
🙏🏻 To support our rescued dogs by donating, please click. 👉 https://animalrights.or.kr/pages/paypal.php
You can make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal.
💙 To become a member of CARE or apply for a flight volunteer (해외이동봉사 신청서), 👉 https://link.inpock.co.kr/carekorea
💙 For more information about CARE’s rescue dogs, please visit @care_korea_global
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Thank you! 🎅☃️🎄
Video: She was sent to the local shelter by local residents. CARE decided to help this baek-gu with a poignant story, and named her Pyunggang. The video shows what happened to Pyunggang after we rescued her.
10/5/2022: A world without mom
A starved, emaciated baekgu’s mother collapsed in the street and finally took her last breath. Just like that, the world of her daughter collapsed.
*(백구 or baekgu translates as “white dog,” but Koreans colloquially refer to any thick-set, white, mixed breed Jindo dogs by this term. These dogs are intelligent, hardy, and loyal, and yet sadly, they’re not usually regarded as pets in Korea) If she were human, the pup would have moved the body of her dear mother to a safer place. But the poor baekgu puppy could not even do that. All she could do was stay by her mother’s side, wandering near the dead body, facing the threats and dangers of the roadway.
No one can know how long she waited, but long enough for her mother’s corpse to get colder. The pup stood sentry beside her mother, who had a noticeably thinner body than her daughter’s. We can only imagine what sacrifices she had made to keep her baby alive.
The young baekgu avoided people’s help and kept returning to her dead mother as if she was announcing that she had become an outcast with no hope in the world to rely on. Local residents who were determined to help her were able to put her mother’s body to rest but realized that they could not take care of the young dog. After she eagerly devoured the food given to her by residents, the loyal daughter had to go to the local shelter.
Can we help this girl?
죽은 엄마 곁을 떠나지 않고 지키던 평강이는 비록 병에 걸린 엄마라도 우주 같은 존재였을 거예요.
그렇게 엄마에게 모든 것을 의지했을 것이기에 엄마가 길에서 쓸쓸히 숨을 거뒀을 때 망연자실, 달리 갈 곳이 없었을 것입니다.
엄마를 애처로이 바라만 보고 있던 떠돌이 개 평강이는 비록 엄마를 잃고 외톨이가 되었지만 많은 활동가들의 노력으로 든든히 평생을 지켜줄 진짜 엄•빠를 만났습니다. 시애틀에서 행복한 평강이를 보아 주세요. 그리고 축복해 주세요.
🙌지금도 평강이처럼 해외 입양을 기다리는 믹스 종 대형견이 800명 있습니다.
이들을 응원해 주시는 방법은 아래👇
부디 힘을 더 실어 주세요!
활동가들이 지치지 않도록!
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*해외이동 봉사를 기다립니다. 💙회원가입 및 이동봉사는👇🏻 하이라이트
10/5/2022: 굶어 죽은 엄마 백구를 오래오래 지키던 딸 백구
-엄마 없는 하늘 아래 2-
딸 백구의 세상이 무너져 내렸습니다.
굶주리고 병에 걸린 엄마 백구는 길에서 쓰러졌고 뼈가 앙상한 채로 그렇게 숨을 거두었습니다.
사람이었다면 죽은 엄마를 옮길 수 있었겠지요.
동물들은 그렇게 하기가 어렵습니다.
죽은 엄마 곁에서 떠나지 않고 위험한 도로를 왔다갔다…
얼마나 시간이 흘렀을까요?
엄마의 싸늘한 주검은 이미 오래 되었는데 어디 갈 곳조차 없는 딸 백구는 굶주린 상태로 그저 어미 옆을 지킬 뿐이었습니다.
엄마는 딸을 먹여 살리느라 그랬는지 딸에 비해 너무나 앙상하게 말라 죽어 있었습니다.
사람을 피했다 다시 죽은 엄마에게 돌아가는 백구는 세상에 의지할 곳 하나 없이 외톨이가 되어 버렸습니다. 동네 주민이 어미 사체는 수습해 주었지만 어린 백구를 돌볼 수 없어 딸 백구는 시 보호소로 들어갔습니다. 주민이 준 음식을 허겁지겁 정신없이 먹은 백구. 그것을 끝으로 시 보호소로 들어갔습니다.
우리 이 녀석을 도와 줄 수 있을까요?
케어에서 구조해 해외 입양 가서 잘 사는 아이들처럼 이 죽은 백구의 딸을 도와주고 돌봐 주고 싶습니다. 죽은 엄마를 대신해서요.
👉🏿치료•보호•입양기금 모금
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