
Republic of Finland must condemn the cruel dog meat markets in South Korea

Below is a positive message we received from Teemu Torssonen in Finland.

Action in Finland! The group named We Say NO to Dog Meat made a petition that Republic of Finland must condemn the cruel dog markets in South Korea. The Petition was hand over to Finnish parliament’s group which is dealing with the prevention of cruelty to animals. From the group of the parliament’s prevention of cruelty to animals there was present in the petition ceremony three members of parliament Ritva Elomaa, Leena Meri and Sari Essayah. Click for the petition.

Petition ceremony went well and members of parliament promised to think ways how to actualize the goals of the Petition. There was 2776 names in the Petition and those names was signed in the Internet as well on streets.

We recommend that similar petition should be done also in other countries. If several nations criticizes and judge torturing of the dogs and cats in the context of dog meat markets there will be change.

Below is the Petition text. It is free for use. For more information please contact [email protected]

Republic of Finland must condemn cruel dog meat markets in South Korea

In South-Korea dogs are being treated dreadfully what comes to eating dog meat. It is not just about food culture and killing animals for food. No. This happens by torturing dogs and cats the most cruel and nightmarish ways. These animals are purposely tortured as they are killed because there is a untrue belief that the meat gets health supporting qualities if these animals feel pain and fear before death. Torturing and killing are widely spread and also criminal actions that impact millions of animals every year.

Cruelty to animals that happen when dogs and cats are being strangled and beaten to death, their limbs are cut off and animals are burned and cooked alive are not actions of a nation that can call oneself civilized nation. Other nations that are civilized nations must judge this kind of cruelty.

Dog meat markets and dog torturing that happens are going on with the silent approval of the government of South-Korea because they want to protect dog meat markets. We who sign this petition demand that the Republic of Finland officially and publicly judges South-Korea’s uttermost serious cruelty to animals and brings its opinion to South-Korea’s knowledge by using official channels for this. We also demand that the Republic of Finland takes similar action also to another nations that do similar cruelty to animals and crimes towards animals – such as China.

Mahatma Gandhi — ‘The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.’

Suomen valtion on tuomittava Etelä-Korean julmat koiramarkkinat

Etelä-Koreassa kohdellaan koiria kammottavasti koiranlihan syöntiin liittyen. Kysymys ei ole vain ruokakulttuurista ja eläinten tappamisesta ruoaksi, vaan se tietentahtoen tehdään kiduttamalla mitä julmimmilla ja painajaismaisimmilla tavoilla. Koirien ennen kuolemaa kokeman voimakkaan pelon ja kivun nähdään vaikuttavan positiivisesti syötävään lihaan. Kysymys on laajamittaisesta toiminnasta joka koskettaa miljoonia eläimiä – koiria ja kissoja vuosittain.

Eläinoikeusrikokset ja eläinsuojelurikokset jotka tapahtuvat esimerkiksi silloin kun koiria poltetaan elävältä, nyljetään elävältä ja/tai koirien jalkoja katkaistaan kivun tuottamisen vuoksi, eivät ole sellaisen valtion toimintaa joka voi kutsua itseään sivistysvaltioksi. Toisten valtioiden jotka ovat sivistysvaltioita täytyy tuomita tällainen julmuus.

Koiranlihamarkkinat ja siihen liittyvä koirien kiduttaminen tapahtuu Etelä-Korean hallinnon hiljaisella hyväksynnällä, koska koiranlihamarkkinoita halutaan pitää yllä. Me allekirjoittaneet vaadimme että Suomen valtio virallisesti ja julkisesti tuomitsee Etelä-Korean äärimmäisen vakavat eläinoikeusrikokset sekä tuo kantansa virallisien kanavien kautta Etelä-Korean hallinnon tietoon sekä toimii vastaavalla tavalla myös muiden eläinoikeusrikoksia tekevien valtioiden kohdalla, kuten esimerkiksi Kiinan kohdalla.

Kansakunnan suuruus voidaan mitata siitä kuinka se kohtelee eläimiään.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Republic of Finland must condemn the cruel dog meat markets in South Korea
Photo: Riku Cajander. From the left: Susanna Kinnari(activist), Jaana Merikaste (activist), Sari Essayah(Member of the Finnish parliament), Leena Meri(Member of the parliament), Ritva Elomaa(Member of the parliament), Unto(dog). All the members of the parliament are members of the animal protection group of the Finnish parliament.

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