Sister City Campaign – Seoul Gangnam District, South Korea – Budapest District V, Hungary
Budapest District V Mayor Péter Szentgyörgyvölgyi: Tell Sister City, Seoul Gangnam District, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs and cats.
If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference in South Korea, here are a few quick actions you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.
Seoul Gangnam District became a Sister city with Budapest District V, Hungary, on November 23, 2021.

Culture, art, high-end shops, first-class hotels and fashionable streets – all can be found within Gangnam District in the ‘City of Korean Cultural Center and Global Advancement” regrettably, so can the dog meat restaurants and so-called ‘health-food centers,’ places where horribly abused and brutally slaughtered dogs and cats are served up as food and drinks.
In South Korea, there are countless dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who are tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, stabbing, or beating; and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in public and broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.
A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of Seoul Gangnam District’s dog meat demand.
Two searches on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – one was for so-called “Health Centers” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants” – resulted in many dozens of Health Centers and dog meat restaurants in the vicinity of Gangnam District.
Even if half of these ‘Health’ Food Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be present in the vicinity of Seoul Gangnam District to supply these outlets.
There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Call for Action
- 📧 Send emails to the Budapest District V mayor and the elected officials:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
CC (Carbon Copy) the Seoul Gangnam District, Seoul Metropolitan governments, and the South Korean National Assembly members:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
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Budapest District V Mayor Péter Szentgyörgyvölgyi
Belváros-Lipótváros Önkormányzata
1051 Budapest, Erzsébet tér 4.
Hungary📬 Send a copy of your letter to Seoul Gangnam District Mayor Jeong Sun-Gyun:
Mayor Jeong Sun-Gyun
Seoul Gangnam District Office
426 hakdong-ro
Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Postal Code 06090
South Korea📬 Seoul Gangnam District’s address in Korean:
서울 강남구청
(06090)서울시 강남구 학동로426
South Korea - Send a Twitter message!
.@gn_family .@seoulmania Budapest District V Mayor Péter Szentgyörgyvölgyi, Tell Sister City #Seoul #Gangnam #SouthKorea that you are opposed to torture/consumption #dogs #cats 🐾🥶🐕
Budapest V. kerületének polgármestere, Szentgyörgyvölgyi Péter: Hozzák testvérvárosuk, Szöul Kangnam-ku kerületének tudomására, hogy ellenzik a kutyák és macskák kínzását és elfogyasztását.
Tisztelt Szentgyörgyvölgyi Péter Polgármester Úr! Tisztelt Képviselő Urak és Hölgyek!
Arra kérjük Önöket, hogy tekintsék meg a dél-koreai kutyahúsiparról készült alábbi videókat:
1. rész:
2. rész:
A kutyák egész életükben ketrecekben szenvednek, árammal agyonütik és megölik őket – ez az iszonyatos dél-koreai kutyahúsipar:
Önök szerint Budapest V. kerületének érdemes bármely várossal vagy kerülettel testvérvárosi kapcsolatot fenntartani, amely megengedi, hogy kutyákat és macskákat kínozzanak és fogyasszanak el?
Kangnam-ku Dél-Korea egyik legnagyobb kutyahúsfogyasztó kerülete. Számos kutyahúsfarm, vágóhíd, étterem, és ún. “egészségcentrum” működik benne, melyek kutyahúsból készült “elixíreket” árusítanak. A kutyák egész életüket mocskos, ürülékkel borított, a föld szintje felett elhelyezett ketrecekben töltik, melyek nem védik őket az időjárás viszontagságaitól. Arra kényszerítik őket, hogy a kegyetlen lemészárlásukat megelőzően romlott és penészes kimchit, valamint csilipaprikát egyenek. Árammal agyoncsapják, kalapáccsal fejbeverik, felakasztják, agyonverik, átvágják a torkukat, illetve élve megsütik vagy megfőzik őket. Sok hely van Szöulban, ahol a kutyákat a félelemtől reszkető, ketrecbe zárt társaik szeme láttára végzik ki. Ráadásul az áldozatok egy része elrabolt házikedvenc, akik ugyanerre a rettenetes sorsra jutnak. A betegségben elpusztult felnőtt és kölyökkutyák testével úgy bánnak mint a szeméttel, gyakran a kétségbeesésében síró anyakutya ketrece elé dobják a testeket és hagyják ott megrohadni.
Internetes kereséssel tucatnyi ún. Egészségcentrumot találhatunk, melyek jellemzően kutya és/vagy macska “elixíreket” (más néven kutya szodzsu vagy macska szodzsu) árulnak, emellett kutyahúst felszolgáló éttermekre is lelhetünk, mindezt Szöul Kangnam-ku kerületében.
Kérjük szorgalmazzák, hogy Jeong Sun-Gyun, Szöul Kangnam-ku kerületének polgármestere zárassa be az összes illegális kutyahús-farmot, vágóhidat, piacot, szállítót és éttermet, amely ezen termékeket szolgálja fel. Elindítottunk egy online petíciót, amelyben az Önök segítségét kérjük a szöuli kutya- és macskahúsipar kegyetleneségeinek megszüntetéséhez:
Előre is köszönjük válaszukat a kutya- és macskahúsipar kegyetlenségeit elszenvedő állatok nevében.
Suggested message
Subject: Budapest District V Mayor Péter Szentgyörgyvölgyi: Tell Sister City, Seoul Gangnam District, South Korea, that you are opposed to the torture and consumption of dogs and cats.
Dear Mayor Péter Szentgyörgyvölgyi and the elected officials of Budapest District V:
We ask you to please watch the videos from South Korea’s dog meat industry:
Part 1 of 2:
Part 2 of 2:
Dogs who suffered their entire lives are electric tortured and killed in cages—South Korea’s horrific dog meat industry:
Do you think Budapest District V should be a Sister City to any city/district that allows dogs and cats to be tortured and eaten by people?
Seoul Gangnam District is one of the largest dog meat consumption districts in South Korea. There are numerous dog farms, dog slaughterhouses, dog meat restaurants, and so-called “Health Centers” serving soup made of dog meat as an elixir in Seoul. Dogs suffer their entire lives in filthy, feces encrusted raised wire cages, with no protection from frigid temperature, forced to eat rotten and molded kimchi with red chili peppers in utter misery only to be slaughtered in the most horrific ways. They are killed by electrocution, hammer strikes to their head and necks, being hung, being beaten to death, having their throats slit, being burned alive with a blowtorch, or thrown into a vat of boiling water while still alive. In many places in Seoul, dogs are killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs who tremble with terror. In addition, people’s beloved pets are often stolen and sold to these businesses, where they meet the same horrific fate. Dogs and puppies who died of diseases are tossed away like garbage, often left in front of cages to rot while the mother dogs watch and cry out in despair for their dead babies.
The Korean internet searches resulted in dozens of Health Centers which commonly sell dog/cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju) and dog meat restaurants in the Seoul Gangnam District.
Would you please urge Seoul Gangnam District Mayor Jeong Sun-Gyun to close down all illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses, markets, truckers, and restaurants that serve their products? An online petition calling for your support in ending the horrendous dog and cat meat cruelty in Seoul is in progress:
On behalf of all the animals suffering unimaginable cruelty in the dog and cat meat industry, we thank you in advance and await your reply.
No matter where you live, PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends, especially those who live in Budapest! 🙏
This is MURDER. This is barbaric. This is illegal. This has to stop. We have to keep fighting for an end to these illegal farms NOW.
South Korea is synonymous with cruelty, torture and brutality against innocent animals.
We do not employ South Koreans in our company.
We launched a boycott of South Korean products across Europe.
Even as tourists, we boycott South Korea as long as
South Korea is synonymous with cruelty, torture and brutality against innocent animals.
We do not employ South Koreans in our company.
South Korea is synonymous with cruelty, torture and brutality against innocent animals. We do not employ South Koreans in our company!
We launched a boycott of South Korean products across Europe. Even as tourists, we boycott South Korea as long as the brutal cruel treatment, as well as the trade and the consumption of dog and cat meat exists in your SHAME-country!
Lopettakaa heti tuo julmuus lemmikkejä kohtaan, se on barbarista ja kauheaa !!!
OMG this has to stop in the name of humanity!!!
This is the worst thing that exists in this world. Animals are no different the children. Just fur!
Sick, sadistic people have no place in a civilized world. There’s no excuse for demonic animal torture.