
Ulsan’s response to our e-People petition 10/6/21

Application No.: 1AA-2109-2674830
Application Date: 2021-09-25
Ulsan, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
울산시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!

👎🏼 Despite our request for English translation, an English translation was not provided. Ulsan shamefully refuses to respond to our petition. The excuses they provided for not responding to our petition is not valid.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge ULSAN METROPOLITAN CITY 울산광역시
staff in charge 박태준
contact 052-229-2934
processing date 2021-10-06
result 1. 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원(1AA-2109-2674830)에 대한 검토 결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 상기 민원은 민원처리에 관한 법률 제2조제2호 및 같은 법 시행령 제2조제1항제3호에 의거 성명·주소 등이 불명확한 자로 민원인에서 제외되어 종료함을 알려드립니다.
3. 답변 내용에 대한 추가 설명이 필요한 경우 농축산과 박태준(☏052-229-2934)로 연락주시면 친절히 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
End date 2021-10-07 23:59:59

Translation by Google translate:

1. How are you? We inform you of the results of the review of the civil complaint (1AA-2109-2674830) that you applied for through the e-People petition as follows.
2. We inform you that the above civil complaints will be closed as a person whose name and address are unclear in accordance with Article 2, No. 2 of the Civil Complaint Handling Act and Article 2 (1) No. 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act.
3. If you need further clarification on the answer, please contact the Agriculture and Livestock Division Park Tae-Jun (☏052-229-2934) and we will kindly guide you. thank you. end.

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