
Update: Urgent! Demand Gwangju to shut down two illegal slaughterhouses and immediately relocate the animals to their shelter!

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

This is an update to the previously shared post: Urgent! Demand Gwangju to shut down two illegal slaughterhouses and immediately relocate the animals to their shelter! 👉 Click HERE for the previous post.

[Live] We are back at the Gwangju dog slaughterhouse next to the Gwangju Biennale. [라이브] 비엔날레 옆 도살장 다시 왔습니다

[Live] We rescued some of the dogs from the Gwangju dog slaughterhouse next to the Gwangju Biennale. You can see the dereliction of duty by Gwangju public officials. [라이브] 비엔날레 옆 도살장 일부 구출,공무원들의 직무유기

CARE needs foster home for this rescued mom and baby.

👉 Click HERE for the Gwangju Metropolitan City’s response to our e-People petition.

Yesterday, we revisited two slaughterhouses located near Gwangju Biennale.

It turned out that officials condoned the pilferage of animals by the owners, despite emergency measures of quarantine from the Gwangju North District Office (Buk-gu), managed by Lee Oh-bok. After a long and arduous process of over ten hours of arguing, complaining, and rechecking the number of animals, we elicited their promise that all the animals would be isolated from the slaughterhouse owners.

Many citizens and activists at Gwangju joined in the process and helped us. You can watch the footage recorded yesterday if you go to the live tab on our Youtube channel, “CARE.” (,

Accepting more rescue dogs is not easy for us (CARE currently takes care of 800 animals), but we rescued three dogs and brought them to Seoul yesterday. Please watch the video to see if you can help foster these dogs.

Despite the apparent illegality of the slaughterhouses, severe animal abuse has been repeated for decades due to the neglect, dereliction of duty, and inappropriate leniency of Gwangju’s North District Office.

Today, the Watchdog confirmed several facts with Gwangju North District Office on the phone. In 2017, the North District office received several complaints regarding the stench of excrement. To quickly close the case, the North District Office cleaned up the excrement on behalf of the uncooperative slaughterhouse owners and billed them for the cost of cleanup. No administrative measures have been taken for the actual illegal activities of slaughterhouses.

In 2019, an improvement order was issued for a violation regarding the installation of a livestock excreta waste-generating facility, but no follow-up was conducted.

Many civil complaints about the slaughterhouses were recently received by the North District Office, but the only action taken by the office was to send official letters urging improvement. When we asked why there was no further action taken, we were told that the District Office decided to give the butchers time to make improvements, calling it a “guidance period.”

In truth, these slaughterhouses are located in areas that restrict the breeding of all species of animals, so they could have, and should have, issued a restraining order prohibiting the breeding. They could have enforced the demolition order or imposed up to five years in prison or a fine of less than 50 million won. But they did what they have done for decades: to take no action and tell the violators to clean up the excrement.

When we confronted the office with the fact that the owners did not file reports on waste disposal while feeding the animals food waste and asked why the office had not taken any administrative measures, we were told, “There should be evidence that food waste is brought from somewhere else. How do you know if it’s not coming from their home?” If the butcher insists that the food waste is brought from his own home, we were further told there’s nothing the district office can do to stop that.

As you can see in the live video, Jang Jung-soo, the chief of the market industry department at the North District Office, concluded that there was insufficient evidence of the slaughter because he “did not see the slaughtering in person” that day. We complained that the owners didn’t even use the electrical stunning method, but the manager Lee Oh-bok insisted, “there you can see the (electrical stunning) machine; this is the slaughter machine,” pointing at the car battery jump cable.

CARE will not overlook this unacceptable maladministration and inappropriate leniency practices of the Gwangju North District Office. We will continue to look for the whereabouts of the missing dogs as well as ensure that proper administrative orders are imposed for all violations of the law committed by the slaughterhouses. The ultimate goal of Watchdog is to permanently shut down these two slaughterhouses.

We welcome donations to help with the medical expenses of the dogs we rescued yesterday. To donate for medical treatment of rescue dogs, a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal can be made. Please click on this link –

Please demand that these animals be immediately relocated to the city shelter and provided with a safe and warm place to stay and medical care!
To submit a complaint to the head of the North District Office, click HERE.
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➡: [email protected]

어제 케어는 전남 광주 북구, 비엔날레 옆의 도살장 2곳에 다시 갔습니다.

북구청 이오복 팀장은 남은 동물들을 포기 받았다고 했지만 동물들 일부가 북구청의 용인 하에 빼돌려졌다는 것을 확인했기 때문입니다. 현장의 생생한 영상은 🎈유투브 <케어> 🎈로 들어가시면 실시간 카테고리에서 보실 수 있습니다. 북구청에 찾아가 항의 면담하는 과정부터 현장에서 동물들을 다시 확인하고 남은 동물을 빼돌리지 않도돌 긴급격리조치 행정명령을 내리겠다는 약속을 받아내기까지 현장에서 장장 10시간이 소요되었습니다.
광주 시민, 활동가분들이 현장에 직접 나오셔서 함께 목소리 내고 개들의 구출에도 도움을 주셨습니다.
케어는 어려운 여건이지만 3명의 개들을 일단 구출해 서울로 데리고 왔습니다. 라이브를 보시고 조금 더 도움 줄 아이들이 있는지 살펴봐 주시면 좋겠습니다.
해당 도살장들은 명백한 불법을 저지르고 있음에도 불구하고 북구청의 방관과 직무 유기, 봐주기 행정으로 인해 수십년 동안 심각한 동물학대가 반복되고 있었습니다.
오늘 와치독은 북구청 몇 개 팀과의 통화에서 위와 같은 사실들을 확인할 수 있었습니다.
2017년에 분뇨 악취 민원이 제기된 것은 완강히 버티는 도살자들을 대신하여 북구청이 대신 분뇨처리를 해 주고 도살자에게 비용을 지불하게 하는 식으로 처리했습니다. 불법 행위에 대해서는 고발이나 행정처분조차 내리지 않은 것입니다.
2019년에는 가축분뇨처리시설 설치 위반으로 개선명령을 내렸지만 해결하지 못했습니다.
이번에 제기된 많은 민원으로는 개선하도록 공문만 보낸 사실이 확인되었습니다. 그 이유를 물으니 지금은 계도기간으로 정했다고 합니다.
해당 도살장들은 모든 축종의 사육을 제한하는 지역입니다. 사육금지명령을 내렸어야 합니다. 폐쇄명령을 이행하도록 하고 5년 이하 5천 만 원 미만의 벌금을 부과할 수 있는 곳인데. 그냥 똥만 치우라고 말만 하면서 수십 년을 방치한 것입니다.
음식물 쓰레기 먹이면서도 폐기물 처리 신고를 하지 않았는데 그것에 대한 행정조치를 하지 않은 이유를 물으니 “다른 데서 가져온다는 증거가 있어야 한다. 자기 집에서 가져오는지 어떻게 아냐” 라고 반문합니다. 본인이 자기 집에서 가져 온다고 주장하면 어쩔 수 없다는 것입니다. 어제 현장 라이브에서도 확인하실 수 있지만 북구청 시장산업과 장정수 과장은 ‘도살하는 것을 오늘 직접 보지 못했다’ 는 것으로 도살에 대한 증거가 없다고 결론냈다고 했습니다.
한 술 더 떠 이오복 팀장은 전기도살기구조차도 사용하지 않았다는 케어의 말에 자동차 베터리 점프선을 보여 주고는 “이것이 전살기구입니다” 라고 주장하였습니다.
케어는 이번 광주 북구의 잘못된 행정과 봐주기 관행을 묵과하지 않겠습니다. 또 사라진 개들의 행방도 계속 찾을 것입니다. 이번 도살장은 동물보호법은 물론, 폐기물관리법 위반 등으로 제대로 행정처리 하도록 하고, 고발조치 하도록 할 것이며 종국에는 시설폐쇄까지 갈 수 있도록 할 것입니다.
와치독은 이 두 곳의 도살장을 영구히 이 세상에서 폭파시킬 것입니다.
📌어제 긴급히 구출해 온 아이들의 치료비를 도와주세요.
📍긴급 치료비 모금
💙케어•와치독의 강력한 회원되기✨

[Live] Meeting with the Gwangju Buk-gu District officials regarding the dog slaughterhouse next to the Gwangju Biennale [라이브] 비엔날레 옆 도살장3 -공무원들의 민낯

[Live] Protest meeting with the Gwangju Buk-gu District officials regarding the dog slaughterhouse next to the Gwangju Biennale [라이브] 비엔날레 옆 도살장3 -북구청 항의 면담

Audio recording: Gwangju Buk-gu Office states that they cannot open the door to the illegal slaughterhouse where the dogs are left unattended in the frigid cold. 추위에 개들 방치하는 북구청, 문 열어줄 수 없다?

Audio recording of conversation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs: Emergency quarantine measures for animal cruelty. Can civil servants do it first or not? Enforcement of Protection Protocols for Abused Animals. 동물학대에 대한 긴급격리조치. 공무원이 먼저 할 수 있다? 없다? 👉 Click HERE to learn more.

  1. Linda
    LindaDecember 10,22


  2. Marco Salvetti
    Marco SalvettiMarch 29,23

    Please, tweet this to keep pressure:
    .@sukyeol__yoon .@koreanet Your Excellency President Yoon Suk-Yeol, please end the horrific #dogmeat #catmeat #cruelty! 👉 👉

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