
Wonju’s response to our e-People petition on 11/1/2022

Application No.: 1AA-2210-0929927
Application Date: 2022-10-28
Wonju, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
원주시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

South Korea’s horrific dog meat industry. Cruelty during transport.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 강원도
staff in charge 박종훈
contact 033-737-4441
processing date 2022-11-01
result 1. Thank you very much for your interest in animal welfare.
2. Recently, a number of civil complaints in the same context as you have been received through the Kookmin Shinmungo, and we respond collectively based on past responses for efficient business processing, and the results of review of related laws by department are returned as follows.

❏ Livestock and answers
○ Dog slaughter for edible purposes
– According to Article 8 of the Animal Protection Act (Prohibition of Animal Cruelty, etc.), Paragraph 1, No. 4, “In addition, the need for veterinary treatment, damage to human life, human body, property, etc.
It is stipulated that “actions that lead to death without justifiable reasons” should not be performed. However, the interpretation (judgment) of “justifiable reasons” is a matter to check whether it is illegal through the central ministry (Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries).
Currently, a bill to partially amend the Animal Protection Act (10 members including Congressman Han Jeong-ae) for the prohibition of eating dogs has been received on December 30, 2020 and is being reviewed by the Committee.

○ Dog slaughter by electrocution
– According to Paragraph 1, Item 1 of Article 8 of the Animal Protection Act (Prohibition of Animal Cruelty, etc.), it is stipulated that “actions that lead to death through cruel methods such as hanging the neck shall not be committed”.
According to Article 10 (Slaughter Method of Animals) and Paragraph 2, in the case of killing animals pursuant to the 「Livestock Products Sanitation Control Act」 or 「Livestock Infectious Disease Prevention Act」, you will suffer by using methods prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock, such as the Gas Act and the Killing Act
It must be minimized, and must proceed to the next stage of slaughter without consciousness.”
For reference, the international agreement for the protection of animals prohibits’electrocution that does not immediately fall into unconsciousness’ among the slaughter methods of animals, and in accordance with Article 10 (1) of the Animal Protection Act and Article 6 (2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the same Act)
In accordance with Article 8, Paragraph 3 of the Animal Slaughter Regulations of the International Waters Secretariat (OIE) to which the Republic of Korea has joined as a member state,’Stunning must be done as quickly as possible in a method suitable for the characteristics of livestock.
, The stun method for each species is as shown in Table 1. [Attachment 1] According to the’Stunning Method by Livestock Type (related to Article 8, Paragraph 3)’, in the case of pigs relatively close to dogs, the brain area is energized with a current of at least 1.25A at any voltage for 2 to 4 seconds.
It should be done.’
In addition, in order to minimize the suffering of animals in slaughter, measures to lose consciousness in advance are required. To this end, the official guidelines of related organizations have established three types of slaughter (electrical euthanasia).
1. Single electric shock to the head, 2. Single electric shock from the head to the body, and 3. Two electric shock methods to the head and body.
Under the current law, it is considered illegal if the electric shock method is used in other ways.

○ Slaughterhouse dog slaughter
– According to Paragraph 1 of Article 7 (Slaughter of Livestock, etc.) of the 「Livestock Products Sanitation Control Act」, “workplaces that have obtained permission in accordance with Article 22, Paragraph 1 of the same Act for slaughtering, processing, collection, and processing, packaging and storage of livestock
Should be done in. However, this is not the case if it falls under any of the following subparagraphs”
Subparagraph 2 “When the livestock is slaughtered or processed for self-consumption in an area determined and notified for each type of livestock excluding cattle and horses”
Subparagraph 3 “When the owner of the livestock is slaughtered or processed in order to prepare and sell the livestock directly to consumers at the relevant place in an area where the type of livestock excluding cattle, horses, pigs, and sheep is notified due to degradation”
Accordingly, it is judged that dog slaughter does not require permission from the workplace under the current law.
la. Slaughtering dogs for their own consumption In relation to the violation of the 「Animal Protection Act Article 10 (Slaughter Methods of Animals)」, substitute the answer to’C’ (Slaughter by electrocution), and in relation to the violation of 「Livestock Sanitation Control Act Article 7 (Slaughter of Livestock, etc.)」
Replaced by the answer of La’ Hang (Slaughtering Dogs in Unauthorized Slaughterhouses).

3. As mentioned above, a bill to partially amend the Animal Protection Act (10 members including lawmaker Han Jeong-ae) to ban dog food is currently being submitted to the committee on December 30, 2020, and is under review by the committee.
We inform you that it is urgently necessary to prepare measures such as the enactment of related laws by the Korean Parliament and the central ministries (Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Food and Drug Safety, etc.) for a fundamental solution. End.

❏ Living resources and answers
1. We thank you for your efforts to protect animals and the environment and wish you endless development.
2. Regarding the civil petition (application number 1AA-2101-0468602) you filed through the National Newspaper, you must first obtain a waste treatment (recycling) report in accordance with Article 46 of the 「Waste Management Act」 and collect and transport food waste to your own livestock.
Please note that you can feed (dog).
3. We will continue to conduct guidance and inspection on companies that illegally feed food waste to livestock without obtaining reports in violation of the Waste Management Act. Thank you. End.

❏ Hygiene and answers
1. Thank you for your interest in food sanitation administration.
2. We will respond to your complaint as follows.
We are pleased to inform you that there is currently no ground that cannot be punished for the sale of edible dog meat under the Food Sanitation Act.
I. In the future, we inform you that we plan to take legal action in accordance with the relevant regulations in the event of a violation of the Food Sanitation Act through hygiene inspections at traditional markets and general restaurants in the building.
3. We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily, and if you need further explanation on the content of the answer, please contact the Hygiene Division of Wonju Public Health Center (☏033-737-4046) and we will guide you. End.

❏ Environment and answers
1. We sincerely thank you for your interest in animal protection and environmental conservation.
2. The 「Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Manure」 is a law enacted for the purpose of preventing environmental pollution by converting livestock manure into resources or properly treating it.
3. As civil petitions related to dog farms are continuously being raised, inspections are being strengthened, and we will continue to do more thorough guidance and supervision to prevent contamination of public waters through proper management of livestock manure. End.
End date 2022-11-08 23:59:59

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