[VICTORY! CAMPAIGN CLOSED]🔥URGENT ACTION ALERT!🔥 No World Expo 2030 in South Korea, the nation of horrific cruelty and mass murder of millions of dogs and cats!
11/28/2023 Campaign update: Victory! Busan, South Korea, lost the bid to host the World Expo 2030!
The Korea Times reported on 11/28/2023 that “Despite strong support from the public, major Korean business conglomerates and world stars such as BTS, Busan lost its bid to host the World Expo 2030. At Tuesday’s (local time) General Assembly of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) in Paris, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia’s capital, received 119 out of 165 votes by member states to win the right to host the event. Busan won 29 votes, while Italy’s Rome secured 17 ballots.”
Click HERE to read the article.
Our big thank you goes out to everyone who has signed our petition and taken action to send the message to the world that South Korea needs to end dog and cat meat cruelty now! That’s more urgent than hosting a world event.
We have a lot of campaigns going on right now, and new ones are added all the time. Please join us in our effort to end South Korea’s horrific animal abuse in their dog and cat meat industry by taking action.
World Expo 2030 host country to be elected on November 28th!
Three countries are in the running to host World Expo 2030: the Republic of Korea (in Busan), Italy (in Rome) and Saudi Arabia (in Riyadh). The host country will be elected by Member States of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) during the Organisation’s 173rd General Assembly, taking place on 28 November.
👉Click HERE to learn more.
Members of Bureau International des Expositions (BIE): Please send a message to South Korea that torturing and slaughtering dogs for food is cruel and barbaric. Please DO NOT vote for South Korea for the 2030 World Expo host.
If you want to help fight the grisly South Korean dog and cat meat trade and make a difference for animals in South Korea, here are a few quick steps you can take that could save millions of dogs and cats each year.
BIE reported as below:
“Three candidatures for World Expo 2030 will be considered for election in November 2023: the Republic of Korea (for Busan), Italy (for Rome) and Saudi Arabia (for Riyadh).
On June 20, during the 172nd General Assembly of the BIE, Member States were presented with the findings of Enquiry Missions carried out by the BIE to assess the candidature projects for World Expo 2030. Following this, Member States voted to retain the three projects that were considered by the Executive Committee of the BIE to be viable and in line with BIE regulations.
In November 2023, during the 173rd General Assembly of the BIE, Members States will elect the host country of World Expo 2030 via secret ballot on the principle of one country, one vote.
The Republic of Korea’s candidature is for a World Expo in the city of Busan between 1 May and 31 October 2030 under the theme “Transforming Our World, Navigating Toward a Better Future”.”
South Korea, until your nation stops torturing and consuming innocent animals that regard humans as guardians and friends, your slogan of “Transforming Our World, Navigating Towards a Better Future” will remain an empty promise.
👉 Click HERE for the Official World EXPO 2030 BUSAN, KOREA Bid Committee’s homepage.

In South Korea, there are numerous dog farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants where the dogs, who have been tortured their entire lives, end up being slaughtered in the most inhumane ways, such as by electrocution, hanging, or beating, and then thrown into boiling water – sometimes while they are still alive. In many places, dogs are being killed in full view of other terrified, caged dogs; and this takes place in broad daylight. In addition, many abandoned and stolen former pets end up in this industry and are subject to the same cruelty.

A Search Engine reveals the sickening scale of South Korea’s dog meat demand.
Two searches on Naver (the most popular search engine in Korea) – one was for so-called “Health Centers,” which commonly sell dog elixirs and cat elixirs (also known as dog soju and cat soju), and the second one was for “dog meat restaurants” – resulted in thousands of Health Centers and dog meat restaurants in South Korea.
Even if half of these ‘Health’ Centers and restaurants serve dog and cat ‘ingredients’ in one form or another, imagine how many dog/cat slaughterhouses must be in South Korea to supply these outlets.
There are laws in South Korea against selling dogs and cats for consumption, yet these laws are blatantly ignored.

Call for Action
- 📧 Email the BIE.
[email protected]; [email protected];
📧 Send the CC (Carbon Copy) email to the South Korean National Assembly members.
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- 📧 Click HERE to send an email to BIE.
- 📬 Send a letter. (Use the below-suggested message)
Bureau International des Expositions
34, Avenue d’Iéna, 75116, Paris
France📬 Send a copy of your letter to South Korean President:
Office of the President
04383 22 Itaewon-ro, Yongsan-gu,
Seoul, South Korea📬 South Korean President’s addresses in Korean:
대한민국 대통령실
04383 서울특별시 용산구 이태원로 22
South Korea - Click HERE to post messages and dog meat photos on Official World EXPO 2030 BUSAN, KOREA Bid Committee’s Facebook page.
👉 Feel free to post photos from our website and our Flikr page.
- Click HERE to post messages and dog meat photos on Official World EXPO 2030 BUSAN, KOREA Bid Committee’s Twitter page.
👉 Feel free to post photos from our Flikr album for Twitter posts.
🚩PLEASE NOTE Your account can been locked for violating the Twitter Rules if the photos you post are too grahic. Only post photos that are not graphic or violent. See below from Twitter.🚩
“Violating our rules against posting media depicting gratuitous gore.
You may not share excessively graphic media (e.g., severe injuries, torture). Exposure to gratuitous gore can be harmful, especially if the content is posted with intent to delight in cruelty or for sadistic pleasure.” - Send a Twitter message!
.@bieparis .@expo2030busan .@President_KR #BIE Send a message to #SouthKorea, torturing slaughtering #dogs for food is cruel and barbaric. DO NOT vote for #Busan #2030WorldExpo 🐾 https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ 😢https://vimeo.com/754160791 😭 https://chng.it/cgH6hg9B4f https://koreandogs.org/worldexpo2030/
Members of Bureau International des Expositions (BIE): Please send a clear message to South Korea that torturing and slaughtering dogs for food is cruel and barbaric. Please DO NOT vote for South Korea (Busan) to host the 2030 World Expo.
Dear members of Bureau International des Expositions (BIE):
Today, I urge you to stand against the appalling and despicable cruelty committed against millions of innocent dogs and cats in South Korea every year. Please send a message to South Korea that torturing and slaughtering dogs for food is cruel and barbaric by NOT voting for South Korea (Busan) to host the 2030 World Expo.
While graphic, these undercover videos depicting South Korea’s dog meat industry are important to watch:
Part 1 of 2: https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ
Part 2 of 2: https://vimeo.com/754160791
Forest fire in Uljin burns dogs imprisoned in dog meat farms: https://youtu.be/mh1lEGt2gjU
Dogs who suffered their entire lives are tortured and electrocuted to death in cages—South Korea’s horrific dog meat industry: https://koreandogs.org/jtbc-news-electric-tortured-in-cages/
South Korea consumes millions of dogs each year. There are countless dog farms and slaughterhouses within the country. Web searches turn up thousands of dog meat restaurants and so-called “Health Centers” that commonly serve soup made of dog meat as phony elixirs (also known as dog soju).
Dogs suffer their entire lives in filthy, feces-encrusted raised wire cages in pure misery, only to be slaughtered in the most horrific of ways— electrocution, hammer strikes to their head, hanging, being beaten to death, having their throats slit, being burned alive with a blowtorch or thrown into a vat of boiling water while still alive. In many places, dogs are killed in full view of other caged dogs who tremble with terror as they watch, knowing they await a similar fate. These poor dogs are often burned alive in their cages, unable to escape. They are fed rotten, maggot-infested garbage for food, often full of spicy chili peppers and unfit for any animal to eat. They are not given any water to drink. Beloved pets are often stolen and sold to these slaughterhouses, where they meet the same horrific fate. Puppies who die of starvation or disease are tossed away like trash, or left in front of cages to rot in full view of their mothers, who cry out in despair.
These sickening practices have no place in the modern world. Other countries in Asia have banned eating dog meat and the cruel industry that goes with it many years ago: Taiwan in 2001, Hong Kong in 1950, the Philippines in 1998, and Thailand in 2000. Why does South Korea lag behind these countries and other civilized societies?
It is the responsibility of the South Korean government to finally end the cruel dog and cat meat industries. Now is the time to stop normalizing these businesses and their vile products with absurd lies and propaganda. And now is the time for South Korea to start taking animal protection seriously and ensure a truly compassionate and ethical society for all. That means President Yoon Suk-yeol and his government must enforce laws that ban the torture, killing, sale, and consumption of dogs and cats. They must better educate the public about the importance of spaying and neutering, not abandoning companion animals, and treating them humanely.
As members of BIE, you have the power to make a difference for these innocent animals who are forced to endure the most agonizing and unimaginable suffering. Would you please stand by them today and be their voice? An online petition is waiting for your support to help end these horrors in South Korea: https://chng.it/cgH6hg9B4f.
Thank you for your serious consideration.
[Your name, city, country]
📝 Suggested message in French
Membres du Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) : Veuillez envoyer un message clair à la Corée du Sud que torturer et abattre des chiens pour se nourrir est cruel et barbare. Veuillez NE PAS voter pour que la Corée du Sud (Busan) accueille l’Exposition universelle de 2030.
Chers membres du Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) :
Aujourd’hui, je vous exhorte à vous opposer à la cruauté épouvantable et méprisable commise contre des millions de chiens et de chats innocents en Corée du Sud chaque année. Veuillez envoyer un message à la Corée du Sud selon lequel, torturer et abattre des chiens pour se nourrir, est cruel et barbare en ne votant PAS pour que la Corée du Sud (Busan) accueille l’exposition universelle de 2030.
Bien qu’elles soient graphiques, ces vidéos d’infiltration illustrant l’industrie de la viande de chien en Corée du Sud sont importantes à regarder :
Partie 1 sur 2 : https://youtu.be/_ZVQjgGb4RQ
Partie 2 sur 2 : https://vimeo.com/754160791
Un incendie de forêt à Uljin brûle des chiens emprisonnés dans des élevages de viande de chien : https://youtu.be/mh1lEGt2gjU
Des chiens qui ont souffert toute leur vie sont torturés et électrocutés à mort dans des cages. L’horrible industrie sud-coréenne de la viande de chien : https://koreandogs.org/jtbc-news-electric-tortured-in-cages/
La Corée du Sud consomme des millions de chiens chaque année. Il existe d’innombrables élevages de chiens et abattoirs dans le pays. Les recherches sur le Web font apparaître des milliers de restaurants de viande de chien et de soi-disant « Centres de Santé » qui servent généralement de la soupe à base de viande de chien comme faux élixirs (également connu sous le nom de soju de chien).
Les chiens souffrent toute leur vie dans des cages métalliques surélevées sales et incrustées d’excréments dans une pure misère, pour être abattus de la manière la plus horrible – électrocution, coups de marteau à la tête, pendaison, être battus à mort, avoir la gorge tranchée, être brûlés vifs avec un chalumeau ou jetés dans une cuve d’eau bouillante alors qu’ils sont encore en vie.
Dans de nombreux endroits, des chiens sont tués à la vue d’autres chiens en cage qui tremblent de terreur en les regardant, sachant qu’ils attendent un sort similaire. Ces pauvres chiens sont souvent brûlés vifs dans leurs cages, incapables de s’échapper. Ils sont nourris avec des ordures pourries et infestées d’asticots, souvent pleines de piments épicés et impropres à la consommation d’animaux. On ne leur donne pas d’eau à boire. Les animaux de compagnie bien-aimés sont souvent volés et vendus à ces abattoirs, où ils subissent le même sort horrible. Les chiots qui meurent de faim ou de maladie sont jetés comme des ordures ou laissés pourrir devant des cages à la vue de leurs mères qui crient de désespoir.
Ces pratiques écœurantes n’ont pas leur place dans le monde moderne. D’autres pays d’Asie ont interdit la consommation de viande de chien et l’industrie cruelle qui l’accompagne il y a de nombreuses années : Taïwan en 2001, Hong Kong en 1950, les Philippines en 1998 et la Thaïlande en 2000. Pourquoi la Corée du Sud est-elle à la traîne de ces pays et d’autres sociétés civilisées ?
Il est de la responsabilité du gouvernement sud-coréen de mettre enfin fin aux cruelles industries de la viande de chien et de chat. Il est maintenant temps d’arrêter de normaliser ces entreprises et leurs produits ignobles avec des mensonges absurdes et de la propagande. Et il est maintenant temps pour la Corée du Sud de commencer à prendre au sérieux la protection des animaux et de garantir une société véritablement compatissante et éthique pour tous. Cela signifie que le président Yoon Suk-Yeol et son gouvernement doivent appliquer des lois interdisant la torture, le meurtre, la vente et la consommation de chiens et de chats. Ils doivent mieux éduquer le public sur l’importance de la stérilisation, de ne pas abandonner les animaux de compagnie et de les traiter avec humanité.
En tant que membres du BIE, vous avez le pouvoir de faire une différence pour ces animaux innocents qui sont forcés d’endurer les souffrances les plus atroces et inimaginables. Pourriez-vous, s’il vous plaît, être à leurs côtés aujourd’hui et être leur voix ? Une pétition en ligne attend votre soutien pour aider à mettre fin à ces horreurs en Corée du Sud : https://chng.it/cgH6hg9B4f.
Je vous remercie vivement de l’attention que vous porterez à la présente.
Bien cordialement.
[Your name, city, country]
No matter where you live, PLEASE SHARE these actions with your friends and families! 🙏
HOW LONG will the WORLD watch unspeakable tortures inflicted on dogs and cats at South Korea’s dog-meat markets and do nothing about it. How can you talk about “peace” and “democracy” while shocking horrors are regularly committed on defenseless, loving and innocent animals in front of your eyes! Skinning dogs and cats alive, cooking them alive and other appalling tortures shall NOT BE SILENCED, but openly directed to the South-Korean President. We live in 2023 and this abomination must end!
Those who visit this COUNTRY of HORRORS have the obligation to scrutinize its shocking ways of animal abuse and TAKE ACTION!
Please help all the dogs life
How this evil is allowed i don’t know , such brutal torture and suffering is a terrible utterly unacceptable abuse to mans best friend and to cats.The world wants this to stop now , we have seen enough and its wrong so wrong to know its still happening !
it’s really a nightmare: horrible unnecessary cruelty towards dogs and cats! How can anybody do such cruel torture!
Official World EXPO 2030 BUSAN, KOREA Bid Committee’s Facebook page.
BOYCOTT ALL COUNTRIES THAT TORTURE AND SLAUGHTER DOGS/CATS FOR FOOD. China,Vietnam,Korea Cambodia,Vietnam and most other Asian nations.
Ces individus ne sont que cruauté, des inhumains non doués de Sensibilité, eux, contrairement aux animaux. il faut que ces “pseudos Coutumes” s’arrêtent. C INTOLERABLE !!!
Boykottiert den Weltjugendtag der Katholischen Kirche 2027 in Südkorea. Dieses Land reflektiert durch diese teuflischen teuflischen Schändlichkeiten nicht unsere christlichen Werte. Schreibt an die Verantwortlichen der Katholischen Kirche und begehren sie dagegen auf, Südkorea die Gastgeberschaft zu übertragen.
Wer Gottes Geschöpfen solche Misshandlungen antut, hat diese Gastgeberschaft nicht verdient. Es ist ein Betrug und eine verwerfliche Sünde an allen gläubigen, jungen Christen.
Wir dürfen das nicht zulassen, bitte informiert eure Kirchengemeinden, eure Priester und Gläubigen, eure Kirchenjugend über diese Abscheulichkeiten, begangen an unschuldigen und hilflosen Tieren. Ruft die Jugend auf zum Boykott gegen Südkorea.
This is MURDER. Poor innocent Animals are being slaughtered for human consumption. This is barbaric and horrific. We have to shut down all these illegal farms NOW.
What are the Korean Government doing about this???
What are they teaching there children and future generations. This is not acceptable. Killing defenseless Animals for human consumption. This is pure evil. We have to end this NOW. This is MURDER.
Was seid Ihr doch für verfluchte Bastards !!! go back to Hell -Fucking Bastards !!
It is time to stop such cruelty. This should not be allowed anywhere in the world.
Sent email and posted on X (Twitter)!
Please stop this Barbarity.
They are our best Friends dont hurt them
They are our best Friends dont hurt them