
Yeoju’s response to our e-People petition to Yeoju Districts

Application No.: 1AA-2105-0071153 and more.
Application Date: 2021-05-03
Request to Yeoju Ganam-eup, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets and restaurants.
여주시 가남읍은 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!!!

Yeoju Jeomdong-myeon
Yeoju Neungseo-myeon
Yeoju Heungcheon-myeon
Yeoju Daeshin-myeon
Yeoju Buknae-myeon
Yeoju Gangcheon-myeon

👎🏼 City of Yeoju responded to our e-People petitions which were addressed individually to each of Yeoju’s districts with the same shameful response as shown below. Despite our request for an English translation, an English translation was not provided.

☎️ On May 9, 2021, we called the telephone number of Yeoju’s Livestock and Animal Protection Team which Yeoju has provided on their e-People response (☏031-887-3202). We spoke to the person who had sent us the response. We asked them what their plans are for inspecting and taking measures on the countless illegal dog farms and slaughterhouses in their city. Her response was that there is nothing they can do without the laws. We told her that we had already sent them the laws that the dog meat industry is currently violating. We also asked for an English translation of their response. We then asked to speak to the Yeoju mayor, but instead, we were connected to a secretary of the Mayor. We asked the secretary what the mayor is planning to do about the illegal dog meat industry. The response was that the he would have to review the e-People petitions and stated that it was not his area of responsibility and therefore he needs time to review before he can issue a response. He promised to get back to me. We sent the secretary a follow-up email with the details about our e-People petitions.

The most powerful action you can take is to actually pick up the phone and call them directly. Even if you don’t speak Korean, you can still call the number they provided and ask to speak directly to the mayor about the dog meat trade and mention from which country you are calling from. They will know what you are calling about. To call from the U.S., dial 011-82-31-887-3202. 👉 To call Korea from other countries, please click HERE for dialing instructions.

Below is our translation of Yeoju’s response:

Dog meat is not recognized as a food ingredient in food standards as there is no social consensus on its integrity as a food. However, we inform you that the matters related to the consumption of dog meat you mentioned are Korea’s own dietary habits, and that prohibiting them by law requires social consensus.

We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily, and if you need further explanation, please contact the Livestock and Animal Protection Team in Yeoju City (☏031-887-3202) and we will be happy to guide you.

👎🏼 We submitted below message to the e-People Petition Satisfaction Survey:

You fail to enforce your own laws and respect the will of your own people: your “social consensus” is that the majority of your population is opposed to dog meat. Dogs are companion and sentient beings not livestock. Shame on your failure to enforce your own laws that egregiously violate the Animal Protection Act.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Video: Dog meat farms in Yeoju, South Korea. News TV Chosun.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경기도
staff in charge 김수연
contact 031-887-3202
processing date 2021-05-04
result 국민신문고를 통해 접수된 개고기 식용 금지를 촉구하는 민원에 대하여 다음과 같이 답변코자 합니다.

1. 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원에 대한 검토 결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 귀하의 민원내용은 ‘개 식용금지’에 관한 것으로 이해됩니다.
3. 개고기는 식품으로서 건전성에 대한 사회적 합의가 이루어지지 않아 식품의 기준 및 규격에서 식품 원료로 인정하고 있지 않습니다. 다만, 귀하께서 말씀하신 개고기 섭취와 관련한 사항은 우리나라 고유의 식습관으로 이를 법으로 금지하는 것은 사회적 합의가 필요한 사항임을 알려드립니다.
4. 귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 답변 내용에 대한 추가 설명이 필요한 경우 여주시 축산과 동물보호팀(☏031-887-3202)으로 연락주시면 친절히 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다.

붙임 민원신청서 1부. 끝.
End date 2021-05-12 23:59:59

Video: Starved dogs in dog meat farm in Yeoju, South Korea. Korea Animal Welfare Association.

  1. Elise Ohara
    Elise OharaMay 13,21

    Heartbreaking & complete evil … is there anything you have a conscience about ? Beyond comprehension how you say you need a consensus social vote ???to know it’s wrong to treat these sentient dogs this way!!Unbelievably Evil .

    JOHNTHANMay 14,21


  3. David Boldt
    David BoldtMay 18,21

    These South Korean barbarians have NO CONSCIENCE and are TOTALLY INDIFFERENT to the cruelty they are inflicting on these poor dogs. What hapened to this country to make it so HEARTLESS to SUFFERING?????? SATANIC COUNTRY!!!!

  4. Calliope
    CalliopeMay 18,21

    Any abuse and killing is despicable, ruthless, barbaric brutal and unacceptable anywhere in the world. We are right in being outraged at the treatment of dogs and cats in Korea and we will continue to fight till this horrendous nightmare till it is over. Whilst doing this we must also look at our own back yard and see how animals for consumption are treated in animal farming. This has to end to0. People go vegan and let animals live out their lives like they were supposed to with our protection. As for Korea, I have a Korean car a Korean television and a Korean car, but that is the last time I buy anything Korean. I am now turning towards supporting European products and will have all those products made in Europe. I will support Europe and I will pass the word around for people to stop buying Korean products. This action is not against the Korean people, it is against the Korean government that continues to turn a blind eye to its laws and allows this heinous cruelty to continue. Really Korea, this does not honour you any way at all and its a dark period of your history. That is my opinion. As a European I will do everything I can for my beloved innocent animals. all over the world.

  5. Calliope
    CalliopeMay 18,21

    Please ignore my first comment which was written in haste and with distractions.
    I have rewritten it here for anyone who wishes to read it. Thank you for your consideration readers and supporters of cruelty to end.

    Any abuse and killing is despicable, ruthless, barbaric brutal and unacceptable anywhere in the world committed against any species. . We are right in being outraged at the treatment of dogs and cats in Korea and we will continue to fight till this horrendous nightmares is over. Whilst doing this we must also look at our own back yard and see how animals for consumption are treated in animal farming. This has to end too. People go vegan and let animals live out their lives like they were supposed to WITH our protection. As for Korea, I have a Korean car a Korean television and a Korean mobile phone, but that is the last time I buy anything Korean. As a European, I am now turning towards supporting European products and will purchase those products made in Europe. I will support Europe and I will pass the word around for people to stop buying Korean products. This action is not against the Korean people, it is against the Korean government that continues to turn a blind eye to its own laws and allows this heinous cruelty to continue. Really Korea, this does not honour you any way at all and its a dark period of your history. That is my opinion. As a European I will do everything I can for my beloved innocent animals all over the world including in Europe or anywhere else for that matter.

  6. Irene Wynne
    Irene WynneMay 19,21

    What is happening in your country is a shame on it – treatment of dogs and cats is BARBARIC. I never buy Korean products since knowing what is allowed there.

  7. Cathy Emerson
    Cathy EmersonMay 19,21


  8. Ulrike Parmentier
    Ulrike ParmentierMay 21,21

    World should take its responsibility and deny any commerce with Korea up to the moment the Korean government changes laws and stop the barbaric slaughter

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