
Yeongju’s response to our e-People petition asking to shut down dog farms, 6/7/2022

Application No.: 1AA-2205-0849107
Application Date: 2022-05-27
Request to Yeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms and shut them all down immediately!
경상북도 영주시에 불법 개농장, 개도살장 행정처분 시행과 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경상북도
staff in charge 권동건
contact 054-639-7592
processing date 2022-06-07
result 안녕하십니까
먼저 동물복지와 동물보호에 관심을 가져주신 것에 대해 감사드립니다.
귀하께서 신고하신 개 농장에 대하여 확인한 결과 가축분뇨법상 신고된 개 농장임을 알려드리며 다른 위반사항이 있을 시 그에 따른 조치를 취하도록 하겠습니다.
작은 생명도 소중히 여기고 동물복지 및 보호 업무에 더욱더 관심을 갖고 솔선수범 하는 영주시가 되도록 노력하겠으며, 다시 한 번 더 동물복지와 보호에 관심을 가져주신 것에 대해 감사드리며 선생님의 가정에 건강과 행복이 가득하시길 기원 드립니다.

붙임 1. 민원신청서.
2. 국민신문고 답변(영어). 끝.
Attachment 국민신문고 답변(영어).docx 다운로드
End date 2022-06-09 23:59:59

Guide to Petition Handling Results

1. Information on Civil Petitioner
Name —
E-Mail [email protected]
Application No. 1AA-2205-0849107/2AA-2205-0933560
Date of Application 2022-05-27

2. Civil Petition Results
Summary of requested petition Request to Yeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms and shut them all down immediately!

Results Hello.

First of all, thank you for your interest in animal welfare and animal protection.

After checking the dog farm you reported, we inform you that it is a dog farm reported under the Livestock Excreta Act

If there are any other violations, we will take action accordingly.

We will cherish small lives, pay more attention to animal welfare and protection work, and try to become a Yeongju city that leads by example

Once again, thank you for your interest in animal welfare and protection, and I hope your family will be full of health and happiness.

Thank you.
Organization 영주시
Department 축산과
Date of processing 2022-06-03
Staff in Charge 영주시 축산과 권동건
([email protected])

  1. Mitra Hedayat
    Mitra HedayatJune 14,22

    Dogs are family and friends not food.

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