Six hundred dogs are suffering at a dog farm operated by a Korean Dog Farmers Association official in Yeoju.
Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)
👉 Click HERE to watch the CARE’s videos from their Yeoju dog farm raids.

Six hundred dogs are suffering at a dog farm operated by a Korean Dog Farmers Association official.
On March 3rd, the Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE), CatchDog, and Sniper Anttol teams raided a large dog farm in Yeoju, Gyeonggi Province, operated by an official of the Korean Dog Farmers Association.
This dog farm was built less than five years ago. What were the expectations of the Korean Dog Farmers Association official when he built a new dog farm amidst the growing trend of ending dog meat consumption?
Are they operating it as lawfully as they claim?
They were not even following the most fundamental laws. All of the breeding facilities at the farm were illegal constructions, and administrative orders for the removal of the illegal structures are expected to be issued. They were also occupying government-owned land without permission.
After completing the preliminary civil complaint procedures, our three teams called all the government officials to the site for a thorough inspection and demanded swift administrative action.
We will continue to monitor them until the illegal structures are removed as quickly as possible, ensuring they no longer profit illegally.
Ultimately, the most important thing is the Animal Protection Law. Over 600 dogs could not be seen but could be heard, “We are here!”
The city’s animal protection officials promised to conduct disease inspections and take active quarantine measures. Still, they cannot proceed due to opposition from the Korean Dog Farmers Association. We will take all necessary measures to address this issue.
In the process of implementing the law to end dog meat, the dogs that are still alive are being marginalized. Organizations must come together to take the most proactive measures to protect them.
Video: A large-scale dog farm in Yeoju, South Korea, is operated by an official with the Korean Dog Farmers Association. Part 1.
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💗🐾🙏 Please donate to help CARE in their fight to end the dog meat cruelty in South Korea, and to assist with medical treatment, fostering, and overseas adoption of rescue dogs. You can make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. 👉
Video: A large-scale dog farm in Yeoju, South Korea, is operated by an official with the Korean Dog Farmers Association. Part 2.
Human beings,!!!! I think not.
An Absolute disgrace
In our21st century world, no animal should be suffering at the hands of man, anywhere in the world! The torture, slaughter and horrors that these sentient animals suffer at your hands is despicable! They suffer the same pain, fear and distress as you or I. Animals are not yours or mine to treat as we like!!!
Absolutely disgusting barbaric nation that has no shame whatsoever with torturing animals like cats and dogs for food. The world has boycotted your country for its unbelievable cruelty.
c’est immonde car non seulement ils les élèvent les torturent régulièrement la maltraitance est journalière ces pauvres bêtes sont torturé parce que ces gens pensent que la viande est meilleur après des mois de tortures alors que le chien est capable de détecter des maladies comme le cancer les crises ces chiens peuvent guider les aveugles ces chiens sont élevés pour la viande et régulièrement torturés devant les autres chien la peur les habitent donc jusqu’a leur mort cela doit cesser maintenant ces souffrances devrons êtres payé en retour c’est inadmissible une telle ignorance et intolérable
This so discusting & despicable how Humans can do this to poor Defenceless Animals. People like you should have it done to yourselves. This needs to STOP NOW.