San Francisco, Fisherman’s Wharf Leafleting Event – June 1, 2019
Saturday was another awesome leafleting day at the famous San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf. We had lots of great conversations with the many visitors to the Wharf, raising awareness of our cause and collecting hundreds of petition signatures. None of this would be possible without our wonderful volunteers: Alicia, Don, Heather, Ruby, Susie, Willow (Poodle) and Lucy(Jindo-mix). We are so grateful for everyone’s dedication, with special thanks to Lucy and Willow, rescued by from the Korean Dog Meat farms, who are great ambassadors for our cause.
We met many tourists and visitors from all over the world, quite a few of whom were from South Korea. 410 people gladly signed our petition because they wanted to help the poor dogs suffering in the dog meat industry. We want to give a big Thank You to all the petition signers!! The petition signatures were submitted through the South Korean Government’s official petition site, e-People, on June 2, 2019.
Tens of thousands of people saw our event and displays on Saturday and for the first time, learned about the horrific cruelty currently taking place in South Korea. Two of the most memorable conversations I had were with young women travelling from Korea. They both showed support for our work, thanked us, and promised to help the animal activist organizations when they return to Korea. We are also grateful to the Port Authority, Fisherman’s Wharf Ambassadors, and the San Francisco Police Department for their support and for keeping us safe!
Every leaflet, every conversation helps bring awareness of our cause to the public. It shows that everyone can do a little something to bring about change. So, what will YOU do today? Click HERE for What You Can Do.
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