Chinese May Declare Dogs Are Pets and Not for Eating – Let Them Know You Agree
Sharing on behalf of Mr. Jeffrey Mausner.
ANIMAL POLITICS – Two weeks ago, Shenzhen became the first city in China to ban the production and consumption of dog and cat meat. See: Shenzhen becomes first Chinese city to ban eating cats and dogs.
Now, in what could be an historic step forward for animal welfare, the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture has issued draft guidelines declaring that dogs are pets, not to be eaten.
The guidelines specifically provide that dogs are not to be considered livestock that can be bred to provide food, milk, or fur. The Agriculture Ministry stated: “As far as dogs are concerned, along with the progress of human civilization and the public concern and love for animal protection, dogs have been ‘specialized’ to become companion animals… Dogs are generally not regarded as livestock and poultry around the world, and China should also not manage them as livestock and poultry.”
The draft guidelines are open for public comment until May 8. There is opposition from those involved in the dog meat trade.
Ten to twenty million dogs are brutally tortured, killed, and eaten each year in China. The dogs are kept in cramped, rusty cages stacked on top of each other. Many of the dogs are stolen pets. They are slaughtered in brutal ways such as hanging, electrocution, beating with sticks, blowtorching, or being boiled alive, due to an erroneous belief that high adrenaline levels will produce tender meat and increase the supposed health benefits of consuming dog. Dogs are often tortured and killed in front of other dogs who are awaiting their deaths.
What Can We Do?
Call for Action
- Send an email to the Chinese Government:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];
- Call the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC:
Please tell them (or leave a message) that the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture is currently considering guidelines that will ban dog meat and that you support the guidelines to ban dog meat. Dogs are pets, not to be eaten.
You can also point out that the City Council of Los Angeles unanimously passed a resolution last year asking China to ban dog meat. See: “LA Passes Anti-Dog Meat Resolution Saving Millions of Dogs from Brutal Torture and Death.”
General Number: 202-495-2266
Policy Section: 202-495-2175
Culture Office: 202-966-0697 - Call the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles:
General Number: 213-807-8088
Political Office: 213-807-8097 or 213-807-8004
Press & Public Diplomacy Office: 213-807-8076
Culture Office: 213-807-8043 or 8047 - Send a letter by fax:
The Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles: 213-807-8091
The Chinese Embassy in Washington: 202-495-2138
📝 Suggested message
Subject: I support the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture’s guidelines to ban dog meat.
Honorable Ministers, Ambassador, and Consul:
The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture is currently considering guidelines that will ban the production and consumption of dog meat. I very strongly support the guidelines to ban dog meat. I agree with the statement of the Ministry of Agriculture: “Along with the progress of human civilization and the public concern and love for animal protection, dogs have been ‘specialized’ to become companion animals… Dogs are generally not regarded as livestock and poultry around the world, and China should also not manage them as livestock and poultry.”
Dogs are our friends and companions, not to be killed and eaten. Banning dog meat is the humane and civilized thing to do.
Thank you.
[Your Name & City/Country]
What Else Can We Do?
There are other countries in which the dog meat trade flourishes, including Vietnam, South Korea, Indonesia, and Cambodia. Please see this article for how we can help end the dog (and cat) meat trade in those countries and for additional information on the dog meat trade: “Help Stop the Brutal Torture and Killing of Tens of Millions of Dogs in the Dog Meat Trade.”
It should be noted that the Indonesian Province of Central Java banned dog meat last year. See: “Indonesian Province of Central Java Bans Dog Meat.”
We are making tremendous progress on this. Adoption of the Chinese Agriculture Ministry’s draft guidelines discussed above would be the most significant step yet and could lead to an end of this horrific practice world-wide. China, by far, is the country that consumes the most dog meat.
Presumably, final adoption of these guidelines would end the infamous annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Please contact the Chinese authorities set forth above and ask them to adopt the draft guidelines banning dog meat.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this effort. Stay well!
(Jeffrey Mausner (see is the Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Liaison to the Los Angeles Animal Services Department, a Neighborhood Council Budget Advocate, 2nd Vice President of the Tarzana Neighborhood Council and Chair of its Animal Welfare Committee, and a Volunteer at the West Valley Animal Shelter. He is a retired attorney and law school professor and was formerly a Federal Prosecutor for the U.S. Justice Department.) Prepped for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.
Stop eating dogs! They are companions!
Please STOP This.
Stop these horrible markets
Stop treating living beings so horrifically
Stop eating animals !
Dogs are our very best friends and family they do so much for us, they love us unconditionally, not food!!!
please stop animal cruelty on all animals.. they all have special souls juzt like people
No animals are for eating. “A dog is a cat is a pig is a boy.”
Shut these placed down! Stop eating dogs & cats, they are human companions, to be loved & cared for, not as a meal.
I totally agreed that we should not kill dogs and cats for food and they should only keep them as pets. That is very cruel to raise them and kill them for food. We should pass this law for the whole world and not just for certain area in China. There are lot of different way to make money and not to kill cats and dogs for food. Whoever do this killing should be punished and go to jail cause those people are really evil. I truly love cats and dogs and that really broke my heart by watching them to suffer and die.
No animal should be eaten. They are just like humans…living beings with feelings that just want to live in peace
Dogs are Mans Best Friend and not to be eaten
These are our pets !
Please stop eating abusing cats and dogs no more wet markets!
Please shutdown the wet markets and stop eating dogs and cats. They are sentient beings and deserve to live along humans.
Welcome to the 21st century. Stop being freaks
The world is FULL of inhumane, unthinking and uncaring people. Always was, always will be. Animals should have as much right to live out their short lives, but sadly they don’t – NOT on THIS planet!!
It is high time to do something! Please, stop the cruelty, it is a big chance we have now!
Stop this cruelty now
Dogs and cats are loyal, loving, intelligent beings feelings and absolutely should not be abused or used for food!!! Stop this madness!!!!
Dogs are loyal companions not food.
Stop torturing and eating dogs and cats now!
Ora il mondo sara’ vegano ..!!
Stop orrori e follia !! Stop crudelta’ verso gli animali !
Ora diventiamo civili !
Don ‘t eat cats and dogs
Please stop animal cruelty on all animals
Stop this cruelty
What is wrong with the Chinese race that they have such little regard for any form of life, with all there technology and science they are nothing less than ignorant barbarians
Stop doing this to this beautiful animals
Please stop this tradition
dogs and cats should no longer be eaten
Mir gefällt nicht, dass betont wird, Hunde seien kein “Vieh” in dem Sinne. Andere Tiere, die zu “Vieh” zählen, können gequält werden? Da ist es gerechtfertigt, dass man Eseln, Kühen, Schafen, … erst dir Unterbeine abhackt, damit sie nicht weglaufen können, wenn sie lebend gehäutet und ausgeschlachtet (vom Rücken beginnend) werden innChina? Man sollte nicht vergessen, dass alle Wirbeltiere, zu denen auch der Mensch zählt, unabhängig von Intelligenz die gleiche seelische und physische Leidensfähigkeit haben. Natürlich kommt es bei dem Hund dazu, dass er über Jahrtausende mit dem Leben des Menschen verbunden und ihm zugetan ist, sogar eine Region seines Gehirns nachweislich auf die Zugehörigkeit zum Menschen und Gefühlsnähe dem Menschen gegenüber ausgerichtet ist und es ist pervers, ein solch ergebenes und liebendes Wesen dermaßen zu quälen und zu verspeisen. Ich bin jedoch der Meinung, dass KEIN Lebewesen , nur weil man es essen möchte, vorher bestialisch gequält werden und auch lebenslang unsäglich leiden darf. Und viele, die hier sinngemäß aussprechen: “die armen Hunde”, wissen vielleicht nicht, dass (nur als EIN Beispiel) neugeborene Kälbchen auf Schlachttiertransporte geschickt werden, nur weil sie hier keiner braucht (Milchkühe müssen aller 14 Monate kalben, um fortwägrend Milch zu geben), ohne Wasser und Futter, bis z.T. in arabische Länder, wo Ihnen die Augen ausgestochen werden, damit sie nicht weglaufen, bevor sie endlich geschächtet werden und langsam /grausam sterben dürfen. Kein Tier beutet Tiere so aus wie der Mensch und die wenigsten schauen hinter die Kulissen und hier muss sich in der Gesamtheit etwas ändern. Wir müssen prinzipiell die Empathie wieder entdecken. Auch in Europa behandelt man Tiere nicht gut….
Stop! This is unethical! God would not allow this
Bitte meinen Kommentar löschen. Er wurde nicht korrekt übertragen. Ich schrieb korrekt deutsch. Zu sehen ist lauter Unsinn
Please stop animal cruelty
Ich hoffe, dass mein Text nicht wieder völlig umgewandelt und sinnentstellt übertragen wird. Wenn Ja, bitte löschen: “Mir gefällt nicht, dass betont wird, Hunde seien kein “Vieh” in dem Sinne. Andere Tiere, die zu “Vieh” zählen, können gequält werden? Da ist es gerechtfertigt, dass man Eseln, Kühen, Schafen, … erst dir Unterbeine abhackt, damit sie nicht weglaufen können, wenn sie lebend gehäutet und ausgeschlachtet (vom Rücken beginnend) werden in China? Man sollte nicht vergessen, dass alle Wirbeltiere, zu denen auch der Mensch zählt, unabhängig von Intelligenz die gleiche seelische und physische Leidensfähigkeit haben. Natürlich kommt es bei dem Hund dazu, dass er über Jahrtausende mit dem Leben des Menschen verbunden und ihm zugetan ist, sogar eine Region seines Gehirns nachweislich auf die Zugehörigkeit zum Menschen und Gefühlsnähe dem Menschen gegenüber ausgerichtet ist und es ist pervers, ein solch ergebenes und liebendes Wesen dermaßen zu quälen und zu verspeisen. Ich bin jedoch der Meinung, dass KEIN Lebewesen , nur weil man es essen möchte, vorher bestialisch gequält werden und auch lebenslang unsäglich leiden darf. Und viele, die hier sinngemäß aussprechen: “die armen Hunde”, wissen vielleicht nicht, dass (nur als EIN Beispiel) neugeborene Kälbchen auf Schlachttiertransporte geschickt werden, nur weil sie hier keiner braucht (Milchkühe müssen aller 14 Monate kalben, um fortwährend Milch zu geben), ohne Wasser und Futter, bis z.T. in arabische Länder, wo Ihnen die Augen ausgestochen werden, damit sie nicht weglaufen, bevor sie endlich geschächtet werden und langsam /grausam sterben dürfen. Kein Tier beutet Tiere so aus wie der Mensch und die wenigsten schauen hinter die Kulissen und hier muss sich in der Gesamtheit etwas ändern. Wir müssen prinzipiell die Empathie wieder entdecken. Auch in Europa behandelt man Tiere nicht gut….”
Stop eating dogs!
Stop the barbaric practice on all animals. They are loving companions. Show compassion.
Please stop this cruelty, shutdown the wet markets and stop eating dogs and cats.
we see the humans but not the humanity ! Asia is a continent which must join the progress of human civilisation what said the chinese ministry ! hope that Shenzhen and Zhuhai will be the begining ! this horrendous trade must be banned forever and the animals must be well treated ! if the humans evoluated they must do it in that way !!
Friends not food
It’s time to stop this dogs and cats are pets and NOT Food. Stop this cruelty NOW
Off course, stop eating animals.
In the civilized world, dogs and cats provide companionship , love, help in numerous different aspects of life. And often saving human lives. They are intelligent and have proved themselves not to be considered livestock. As recent events have unfolded in an unimaginable, tragic and extremely expensive way, world wide, wet markets should be closed and relegated to our barbaric past. It’s time, and better for our health.
please STOP this cruelty now!
Please stop this cruelty!
Stop this barbaric slaughter and consumption of dogs and cats!
Well said .absolutely
Some Stone Age. I was not surprised that there are cannibals in China. A country of flayers.
Stop this barbaric cruelty immediately or the world will boycott your economy.
Please, try to reflect on it, that there is no sense to eat the meat from the first friend animal of the human, they are very sensitive and suffer a lot from this.
Furthermore the yeld of meat is very little, why do this?
The wrong and old traditions need to overcome nowadays
Cats and dogs are companion animals. All animals should be treated with compassion
Stop killing Abusing Dogs And Cats anywhere in the world…🙏🏻💔😢
They are for pets to be taken cared .. animals have rights to live peacefully and happily 🙏🏻😇💜💛♥️❤️😍🥰🤩🥳🥳😘
Cats and Dogs deserved Respect please 🙏🏻😇
Stop eating them please!! They are our pets and they need us human so they can live happily.. Please Be kind and have a good heart for them 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Stop the Cruelty and Abused to All Animals.. they have Feelings like us humans🙏🏻😇😍👏🥳🥰😉 Thank you…
I am not against these people eating dogs and cats, after all we eat lamb,pig goat,beef and chicken. What I strongly object to is the way they kill them. They seem to get great satisfaction in torturing these lovely dogs and cats. They love to see great suffering. Just humanely kill them for gods sake if you must eat them though I don’t see why.
stop !!please !!! help for dogs and cats !!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE STOP !!!!!!!!!
Please have compassion for animals and stop all forms of animal cruelty! We reap what we sow!
Do the right thing Chinese people, ban all abuse of animals. Most importantly, domestic cats and dogs. The World is watching and will continue to respond.
No more eating cats and dogs because they are to take care and treat with respect when we keep them in our houses. Give them lots of love and feed them everyday as well as give your dogs baths at certain times and clean your cat’s litter boxes just like we do with our cats and dogs in other continents like North America.
enough is enough!!!!! stop it NOW!!!!!
you’re always saying it’s just to call for dogs but I’m sorry they do both cats and dogs I call for it to end
End Hell on Earth for Our Precious Pets Now! The World is Watching!
This is pure evilness!!
stop this barbarian cruelty now
This is absolute torture and inhumane! Please stop!
Animals, of any kind, are not for eating. It is unacceptable to allow people to cruel to them.
Please stop
Subject: I support the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture’s guidelines to ban dog meat.
Honorable Ministers, Ambassador, and Consul:
The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture is currently considering guidelines that will ban the production and consumption of dog meat. I very strongly support the guidelines to ban dog meat. I agree with the statement of the Ministry of Agriculture: “Along with the progress of human civilization and the public concern and love for animal protection, dogs have been ‘specialized’ to become companion animals… Dogs are generally not regarded as livestock and poultry around the world, and China should also not manage them as livestock and poultry.”
Dogs are our friends and companions, not to be killed and eaten. Banning dog meat is the humane and civilized thing to do.
Thank you.
Vicky Tang
Bayside, NY
I Emailed the Chinese government to show my support with the guidelines they have put forward. Let’s hope they will hear our voices and not those of the dog meat trade.
What about the world going even further and along with the progress of human civilization, and the public concern and love for animal protection, all animals (cows, sheep, pigs, hens, turkey, etc) should not be regarded as livestock and poultry. All animals feel pain, pleasure, fear, frustration, loneliness, and familial love, not just dogs and cats. Why do some people think that some animals’ lives and experiences are inferior to those of humans or other animals simply because they are members of a different species? China is criticized for its cruelty to dogs and cats and rightly so, but why don’t we take a good look at our own cruelty to cows, sheep, pigs hens, turkeys, etc we justify because we want to eat meat? If people cannot see the difference, they should really stop saying they love animals. They love dogs and cats, yes, but they don’t love animals, not when they just bough a steak (cow), bacon (pig), chicken (hen), mutton (sheep), etc.,. People cannot support the exploitation and killing of animals and keep claiming they love animals!!!
End this now!!!
Stop this cruelty to these innocent dogs and cats 🙁 Please have a heart Please
Good news if it happen
Stop this dog/cat wildlife (wet) meat markets!!
China is a super power nation and yet in many ways they are stuck in time of hundreds years ago. Please stop this cruelty, all animals are aware of what’s about to happen to them in the most cruel way.
I have sent the email!!!!
This must stop. Dogs are pets.
Just get out of the dirty despicable disgusting oriental stone age and stop eating all animals (of course including dogs).
These people are barbaric-Beat them to death!
Dogs are mans best friend for a reason. They have a higher consciousness and a loving soul. You can see it in their eyes. They have an enlightened soul. They love you and forgive you no matter if you are old, ugly or have bad breath. They protect us and keep us safe. They love you unconditionally. There really is a reason people are horrified across The globe at the thought of eating them. Give them a chance to be your companion instead of your food, and you’ll know why we love them so much. Please, just give them a chance.
Stop the torturing of these dogs and cats!!
Stop eating them!!
This is wrong and evil!!
you know this is wrong and horribly cruel on so many levels .. this is act of in humane needs to stop animals are put on this earth to live free like people .. so please stop and close down all animal markets
Stop whit this cruelty now, they are pets!
caging and eating these poor animals is disgusting! Please, it is time to stop!
Please stop eating cats and dogs they are lovable companion animals.. stop wet markets.
It’s the 21st century. Times have changed. Stop killing animals
First of all do you have any common sense at all? There are animals meant for food and others are NOT! Read your bible!
Parem de matar os animais…Chega de crueldade !!
This barbaric industry has to be shut down, full stop! The torturing and killing of innocent, defenseless dogs and cats, as well as the exploitation of our precious wildlife is not acceptable. This cruel, evil trade has to be banned worldwide.
These animals are our companions and family members. Please stop this inhumane barbaric treatment.
Leave cats and dogs alone. For that matter stop with the bats and other precious lives you kill. It is not acceptable and you see what it has done. Stop. I will never support or buy anything from your country otherwise.
Animals are noble creatures NOT TO BE EATEN!!
Dogs & catsare our companions & family members. Please stop this inhumane barbaric treatment. They precious & give love so unconditional please.
Please stop eating and torturing dogs, cats, and all animals! They are God’s gift to mankind! They all feel pain and fear!!
Please stop the torturing, pain, suffering, murdering of loving dogs and cats. They deserve to be household pets. It is a disgusting tradition, and brings shame to your country. Please stop the horrors!
Dogs and cats are our friends, they are the most innocent, they don’t deserve this. Human being is very betray.
All animals are sentient beings broadcasting unconditional love. I pray that the torture and suffering of these beloved animals ceases to exist. Please stop this barbaric atrocity, ban the dog and cat meat trade.
Please stop this , the poor animals have hearts and feel pain just like us , it’s heartbreaking, it’s not fair they suffer for greedy humans
Oh God, I ask you all to please stop, stop right now the torture, the pain, and murdering of all Cats, and Dogs. God brought them in the world for us to love, care for, and to spoil rotton. Not to abuse, murder, torture, or eat. You do not eat them. STOP NOW.😡
I sent an e-mail to the Chinese Government as requested. I can not understand how some people have no regard for the pain and terror that they inflict on innocent animals. Dogs and cats are companion animals and should be treated as such. However, all animals must be treated humanely. It is inexcusable for any animal to be tortured.
Stop dog and cat meat trade forever!
Dogs and cats possess emotions including FEAR!! They are meant to be companions NOT FOOD!! Stop this ATROCITY!!
it must be banned forever ! this behavior is not a culture but torture ! if the man evolved, so the chinese people must show that they are also an evolved nation !!
People who eat dogs and cats are heartless evil bastards!!! Dogs and cats are pets not food!! The way they are killed is atrocious!!! People should be jailed for killing any animal in this horrific way!! Something needs to be done ASAP’!! The government should make this torture and killing of animals Illegal and destroy any markets that do this. This is pure cruelty. Punishment for killing animals this way should be jail or death!! It is murder to kill any animal like this.
please stop eating them and hurting them please
So terrible to thin thousands of dogs & cats are being killed & eaten each & every year going back probably hundreds of YEARS ‘ NOW woud be a GOOD TIME to put an DEFINITE END to this tortureous behaviour PERMANENTLY!!
Basta mangiare cani e gatti e ucciderli in modo crudele, se continuate così non siete un paese civile come credete di essere!
So sickening and barbaric..enough with this cruelty already…there are no words.
Why is it OK to love one animals and kill another. I can point fingers as I do not eat anything that has lived, lives, or suffered.
Humans have a lot to answer for. Humans do what is right for them- not others. Humans are destroying the planet- not animals.
Humans can be so very cruel and evil. Humans need to be educated where animals are concerned.
Humans are stupid- they assume too much where animals are concerned. Humans are THE WORSE species.
That is the time. China, you are better than having pets for food. Help us to keep a respect to your culture, please ban dog and cat meet.
Besides the evil barbarism involved, eating dog and cat meat may ultimately prove to be a source of certain diseases in their consumers, I.e., cancers. If “wet markets” gave rise to COVID-19, who knows what could suddeni arise, from the continued consumption of other non-livestock animals?