
Watchdog raided seven dog farms in Jeju-do

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)/Watchdog

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​”Can you hear our voice?”

This is a dog farm in Jeju. And there are hundreds of young puppies trapped in the cages. They are 2-3 months old, 5-6 months old, and 7-8 months old who will soon be sold to the slaughterhouses.

The parent dogs who would have given birth to them are hard to find. That’s because the Malbok (the last of three Boknals, dog days of summer when the dog eating is ritualized, in Korea) is over.

What could these puppies be thinking? Even though we cannot begin to imagine because we have never experienced it, how about we try to put ourselves in the position of these dogs and feel and hear what they have to say. If we could, it might go something like this …​

Video translation:

Would you like to hear our story? 🐶
Hello, we are dogs at a dog meat farm.
There are a lot of us here.
Our moms and dads who were here were taken by the owner a while ago.
They might have been excited about being able to leave their cages.
Perhaps our moms and dads went to a better place than here; they never came back.
This is what we are given to eat. It is slop made by collecting rotten food waste.
A lot of my friends here are sick because the food tastes rotten.
But our master doesn’t know and doesn’t care if we’re sick.
He is a very callous person who doesn’t give us a drop of water, even on a scorching day.
When can we get out of these cages?
Our moms and dads have left, and we are left with only our siblings and friends.
Our older brothers and sisters say that the master will take us out of the cages when we grow up.
As soon as I become an adult, maybe I will get to run and play outside.
By the way, if I leave this cage, will there be someone else who will be in this cage?
When I leave, I hope no one has to live in this cage. 😭😭😭😭

This video is of a dog farm in Deoksu-ri, Jeju-do. Watchdog traveled to Jeju for three days and two nights and investigated a total of 7 dog farms and slaughterhouses. They will be shutting down, and the remaining dogs at one of the dog farms were immediately quarantined.

Today, Watchdogs are working to shut down dog farms and slaughterhouses all over the country.
We need to push forward on a larger scale. Let’s become a powerful Watchdog Team to shut down dog farms and slaughterhouses!
Become a Watchdog Team (regular watchdog membership)
Tip hotline(Inquiry): [email protected]
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Watchdog members are currently serving on a volunteer basis. The goal of the organization is to raise enough donations on an ongoing basis to enable them to hire full-time paid activists to expand and carry out their vision of the complete elimination of dog farms and slaughterhouses. With a dedicated full-time paid staff, Watchdog will be in a position to accomplish even more than they are currently doing.

These results are only possible as a result of generous support from our supporters. Please help them continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Click HERE to see the most recent updates from the Watchdog. Thank you!🙏🏼

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➡: [email protected]

Jeju, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.

Jeju, South Korea: Shut down the illegal dog farms!

Seogwipo, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.

Seogwipo, South Korea: Shut down the illegal dog farms!

Jeju-do, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.

Watchdog post in Korean:

Video transcript:
우리 이야기좀 들어봐 주실래요?
안녕하세요, 저희는 개농장에 사는 개들이에요.
이곳에는 진짜 많은 가족들이 살고 있어요.
여기 있던 엄마아빠 들은 얼마전에 주인님이 데려갔는데요.
문 밖에 나갈수있어서 얼마나 좋아하셨는지 몰라요.
그런데 엄마아빠들은 여기보다 더 좋은 곳으로 간건지, 그 후 다들 돌아오지 않았어요.
이건 저희가 먹는 밥인데요, 음식물 찌꺼기를 모아 죽처럼 만든거래요.
썩은 맛이나서 여긴 아픈 친구들도 많이 있어요.
하지만 우리 주인님은 우리가 아파도 몰라요.
너무 더운날에도 물 한방울 주지 않은 아주 무서운 사람이거든요.
우리는 언제쯤 여기서 나갈수있나요?
엄마 아빠가 떠나고 여긴 우리 형제들 밖에 남지 않았어요.
형, 누나들이 그러는데요.
우리도 어른이 되면 주인님이 우릴 문 밖으로 데려가준데요.
얼른 어른이 되서 저도 밖에서 뛰어 놀거예요.
제가 떠나면 제가 있던 집에는 누가 또 오게 되나요?
제가 떠나면 이 집에는 더 이상 아무도 살지 않았으면 좋겠어요.

“ 우리 목소리가 들리시나요? “
이곳은 제주의 한 개농장입니다. 그리고 뜬장에 수백마리의 어린 개들이 갇혀 있습니다.
태어난 지 2-3개월, 5-6개월. 그리고 이제 곧 도살장으로 팔려갈 나이7~8개월..
이들을 낳았을 부모견들은 거의 보이지 않습니다. 말복이 지났기 때문입니다.
이들은 무슨 생각을 하고 있을까요?
우리가 겪어보지 않아 감히 가늠할 수 없다고 하더라도
오늘 하루, 이들의 입장이 되어 생각해 보면 어떨까요?
이들이 이런 말을 하고 있는 것은 아닌지…
*영상은 제주도 덕수리의 한 개농장입니다. 와치독은 2박3일간 제주 일정 중 총 7곳의 개농장 및 도살장을 조사했습니다. 모두 원상복구 및 폐쇄명령을 받을 수 있게 되며 그 중 한 곳은 즉각 남은 개들의 격리조치가 이루어졌습니다.
오늘도 와치독은 전국적인 폐쇄활동을 하고 있습니다.
더 큰 규모로 밀고 나가야 합니다. 개농장과 도살장을 철폐하는 막강한 <와치독군단> 이 됩시다!
와치독 군단 되기 ( 와치독 정회원가입)
제보문의[email protected]
이메일: [email protected]
#제주도청 #제주시청 #서귀포시청

    [email protected]October 27,21

    This barbaric and it is also MURDER. Dogs and cats were not out on this earth to be tortured and abused. They were not put on this earth for human consumption. They were put on this earth to be loved and cares for. All around the World, Dogs and Cats live with families and they are treated as part of people’s families. They bring joy and happiness and they are treated with respect and dignity.
    Who has allowed these poor defenseless Animals to be treated so cruelly? What has given these illegal farmers the right to MURDER these poor innocent Animals. We have to keep fighting for an end of these illegal farms. Those that are involved need to be prosecuted and imprisoned for there act of cruelty. Why are the Korean Government still not acting on this. SHAME on you. You are suppose to be in charge of your Country. This is illegal. Don’t you act on illegal crimes.

  2. Dawn E Mealy
    Dawn E MealyOctober 27,21

    Please 🥺 stop killing them for food and encourage people to get there pet’s spayed and neutered. They are not a food source!

  3. Norman D Caddick
    Norman D CaddickOctober 29,21

    There is no need to eat dogs, this is tradition not a need. Please stop it now.

  4. Lawrence Carradine
    Lawrence CarradineOctober 30,21

    Killing dogs and cats for food in South Korea is the most horrible atrocity a human being do.
    Dogs and cats are the most beautiful beings on this earth.
    Torturing and killing cats and dogs for human consumption is a crime and those responsible for
    such crimes must be punished.

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