
Jeju’s response to our e-People petition on 10/13/2022

Application No.: 1AA-2210-0221241
Application Date: 2022-10-07
Jeju, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
제주시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!

👎🏼 We have asked for English translation using Word, but Jeju still sent us a document we cannot open. (* Please respond to my petition in English and Korean using the Microsoft Word Document. The Hancom word processor program is not used outside Korea, and we cannot open Hancom’s .hwp file.) We filed another e-People petition requesting English translation in a word document.

Update 12/21/2022: We finally received the English translation word document that we could open. We added this translation below.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Video: Watchdog raided seven dog farms in Jeju-do. Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE).

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 제주특별자치도
staff in charge 최길성
contact 064-728-3407
processing date 2022-10-13
result ○ 안녕하십니까 ? 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원(신청번호: 1AA-2210- 0221241)이 다부처 민원으로 설정됨에 따라, 관련 부서별로 검토결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
○ 귀하의 질의사항에 대해 검토한 의견은 다음과 같습니다.
– 개를 도살하는 행위가 동물보호법 제8조제1항제4호 위반이라는 내용에 대해 위법사항이 확인될 경우 사법기관에 고발조치할 것이며, 현재 육견농장에서의 도축에 대해서는 축산물위생관리법 제2조(정의)에 따라 ‘개’는 가축의 범위에 포함되지 않아 축산물위생관리법에 의거한 처분은 불가하나, 위반사항이 있을 경우 동물보호법등 관련법령에 의거하여 적의 조치토록 하겠습니다. (축산과)
– 동물보호법 제10조 위반에 대해서도 위법이 확인될 경우 사법기관에 고발 조치하여 적절한 조치를 취하고 있습니다.
– 개 사육시설은 「가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률」 제11조제3항 및 같은 법 시행령 제8조 [별표2]에 따라 가축분뇨배출시설 설치 신고하여 적법하게 운영이 가능하며, 사육시설 면적이 60㎡ 미만인 경우에는 신고대상 배출시설에 해당하지 않음을 알려드립니다.
– 개 사육시설 위생 및 사육 환경 등 민원인께서 제기하여 주신 부분은 우리 시에서 지속적으로 농장을 지도·점검하고 있으며, 가축분뇨 적정처리 여부 및 시설 관리 등 위반사항이 확인될 시 행정조치 해 나가도록 하겠습니다.
– 또한 가축분뇨 설치 신고대상이 아닌 개사육시설이라 하더라도 가축분뇨로 생활환경이나 공공수역이 오염되거나 오염될 우려가 있는 경우가 있어, 가축분뇨는 적정하게 처리해야 할 의무가 있음을 알려드립니다. (환경지도과)

○ 귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 답변내용에 대한 궁금한 사항이나 추가 설명이 필요한 경우에는 제주특별자치도 제주시 축산과(☏ 064-728-3407),환경지도과(☏ 064-728-3141)로 연락주시면 친절히 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
영어신문고(1AA-2210-0221241)답변.zip 다운로드
End date
2022-10-18 23:59:59

○ As your application through the E-People (Application Number: 1AA-2212-0154604) has been set as a multi-departmental complaint, we inform you of the results of each department’s review as follows.

○ The following comments have been reviewed for your query:
– Regarding the slaughter of dogs is found to be a violation of Article 8 (1) 4 of the Animal Protection Act, we will file a complaint with the law enforcement agency. Currently, slaughtering in a meat dog farm is not in the scope of livestock under Article 2 (definition) of the Sanitary Processing of Livestock Products Act, so it is impossible to dispose of dogs under the Sanitary Processing of Livestock Products Act, however, if there is a violation, we will take appropriate measures according to the related laws such as Animal Protection Act. (Livestock Department)
– For a violation of Article 10 of the Animal Protection Act, when a violation of law is found, we are taking appropriate measures by filing a complaint with the law enforcement agency.
– A dog breeding facility can be legally operated by reporting the installation of livestock excreta discharge facility under Article 11 (3) of the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta and Article 8 [Attachment 2] of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act. If the area of breeding facility is less than 60㎡, it is not eligible for reporting.
– Our city is continuously supervising and inspecting farms for complaints such as hygiene and breeding environment of dog breeding facilities which you have brought up. If a violation such as proper disposal of livestock excreta and facility management is identified, we will take administrative measures.
– Also, even if it is a dog breeding facility that is not subject to reporting the installation of livestock excretions disposal, there is a contamination or a risk of contamination of the living environment or public waters caused by livestock excreta, and accordingly, we inform you that livestock excretions disposal should be properly disposed. (Environmental Guidance Department)

○ We hope your question has been satisfactorily answered, and if you have any question or need further clarification, please contact the Livestock Department (☏ 064-728-3407) or Environmental Guidance Department (☏ 064-728-3141) in Jeju City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. Thank you.

Video: Dogs transport from Jeju, South Korea. Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE).

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