
🐶🐕 June 2023 – Monthly update from ARK shelter in Korea

Sharing for Animal Rights Korea (ARK) Shelter.

Dear Supporters

The heatwaves have hit everywhere and Korea is no exception. Summer is a tough season for dogs in Korea not just because it’s hot but because there is ‘Boknals’ – otherwise known as the time to eat dogs.

Even though the number of people eating dogs is diminishing, the rural parts of Korea still have the custom to eat dogs and some dogs couldn’t avoid this unthinkable fate. The number of dogs in a typical dog farm is anywhere from 10 to 1000. Many of the dog meat farmers are still holding onto their property, not just because it’s a thriving business, but quite often they use the dogs as leverage to get compensation from the government. The situation the dogs live in is unimaginable.

It is time for us to show that there are no meat dogs, just dogs. The good news is that the drive to end dog meat farms is gaining momentum and we see that society is really changing. It is a nice coincidence that in June, 2023, one of the ARK dogs, Buddy, found a home in Korea. The family who adopted Cherry a year ago, has been fostering Buddy and fell in love with her. And became a foster fail! Buddy, now Salgu, is living proof that there’s no meat dog, just dogs.

Adoption is our top priority and we are working with many groups to find homes for our dogs. Again, we would like to call on anybody who would like to foster/foster to adopt our ARK dogs. They are such sweet babies. They are all babies in big bodies. All transportation would be covered by us and we also have a multiple lineup of dog experts who can help adjust the dogs into the new environments.

From All at ARK.

“Monthly ARK”, the June 2023 video is also available on our youtube channel:

Please keep in touch and stay up to date with us via the following links!
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For foster home and adoption inquiries, contact ARK: 📧 [email protected]

📢📢 Donations may be made through Paypal:📢📢
Thank you!
🙏 💗 🐕

아크보호소소개 – What’s ARK Shetler?

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