
Response from U.S. Senator Alex Padilla of California

We received the following response from the office of U.S. Senator Alex Padilla of California regarding our campaign: Stop the use and ban the sale of dangerous and cruel prong (pinch) collars on dogs! We appreciate Senator Padilla’s attention to our concerns and his continued efforts to advocate for animal welfare.

Aug 19, 2024

Dear Woo,

Thank you for writing to share your support for animal welfare. I appreciate hearing from you.

As an animal rights supporter, I strongly support the Animal Welfare Act (Public Law 89-544) – landmark legislation that protects animal welfare. You may be pleased to know that I have been a cosponsor of multiple pieces of legislation to protect the health and well-being of animals. This includes the Big Cat Public Safety Act (Public Law 117-243), which President Biden signed into law on December 20, 2022, to prohibit the unlicensed, private possession of big cats.

I am also an original cosponsor of the “Animal Freedom from Testing, Experiments, and Research (AFTER) Act” (S. 707), introduced by Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), which would require federal agencies to retire healthy lab animals to private homes or reputable sanctuaries. I am also a cosponsor of the “Captive Primate Safety Act” (S.1588), introduced by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), which would limit the trade and possession of nonhuman primates. The “AFTER Act” is awaiting consideration by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, of which I am not a member, and the “Captive Primate Safety Act” did not pass the Senate in the 117th Congress and has yet to be reintroduced this Congress.

You may also be pleased to know that I am a cosponsor of the “Better Collaboration, Accountability, and Regulatory Enforcement (CARE) for Animals Act” (S. 2555), introduced by Senator Blumenthal (D-CT), which would strengthen the Department of Justice’s ability to enforce the Animal Welfare Act against research facilities, exhibitors, and dealers who violate the law. This bill is also awaiting consideration by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.

Lastly, I was proud to receive a perfect score from the Humane Society Legislative Fund on their 2023 Humane Scorecard due to my strong record in the Senate on animal protection issues. The scorecard reflects the efforts of Senators and Representatives who support animal welfare legislation and initiatives in Congress.

Please know that I appreciate hearing your perspective on this issue, and I will keep your thoughts in mind as I continue to support policies that protect the welfare of animals.

Once again, thank you for writing. Should you have any other questions or comments, please call my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3553 or visit my website at You can also follow me on Facebook, and Twitter, and you can sign up for my email newsletter at


Alex Padilla
United States Senator

There are many ways you can help raise awareness about the dangers of prong (pinch) collars and urge our government to take action against them. Our campaign page lists some of these actions you can take. Imagine if you had to wear a prong (pinch) collar around your neck—would you be okay with that? Be the voice for the voiceless. Take action today. Thank you!

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