Contact us

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

You may be able to find an answer to your question easily by checking out our FAQ page (Frequently Asked Questions). Click HERE for our FAQ page. Please have a look there in the first instance, but if you would still like further information, feel free to send us a message. Thank you!

Below is the most commonly asked question:

You have so many petitions. Can you automate it so that we can sign them all at once?

We do have a lot of petitions as it is one of the most effective ways to raise awareness, gather support, and show the Korean Government just how many people are actively opposed to dog-meat consumption. The online petition platform we have chosen to use is because not only are they a free resource, they are one of the largest and most successful. They provide valuable functions for our campaign, but they do not offer the capability for petitioners to sign multiple petitions at once. We realize it is very time-consuming for our supporters, especially in light of the number of petitions we generate; however, each petition does need to be individually read and then signed. While we cannot change this, please know that your voice is very important because your voice is the only one these animals have.

📧 Contact us by email:

📬 Contact us by postal mail:
PO Box 60191
Sunnyvale, CA 94088 USA

We are always looking for campaign ideas – what we can do to raise awareness about the South Korean Dog Meat Industry and what direct actions we can take. We would love to hear your ideas!

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