ARK119 shuts down the dog slaughterhouses in Gimpo!
Sharing for: Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119).
Please support the Korean organization Animal Rescue Korea 119, as they are again on a national campaign to shut down the dog meat industry! They are working tirelessly to shut down as many dog farms and slaughterhouses, and you can see the results of their effort on their social media pages.
👉 Click HERE to get the latest update from ARK119’s YouTube Channel.
👉 Click HERE to get the latest update from ARK119’s Facebook page.
Below is from ARK119’s Facebook post on July 21:
Please call the Gimpo Government departments to file complaints.
※Livestock Division (031-5186-4323)
※Environmental Division (031-980-2246)
※Architecture Department (031-980-2408)
It’s an illegal dog slaughterhouse. There are many illegal buildings.
– Address: 380-4 Punggok-ri, Gochon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do

🙏 Will you donate whatever you can
to support ARK119’s Journey to Shut Down Dog Meat Industry? 🐕
💗 You can donate by Paypal to the ARK119: 👉 [email protected]
Below is from ARK119’s Facebook post on July 22:
ARK119 has completed the entry into the Gimpo dog slaughterhouse. It was so dirty and disgusting inside the slaughterhouse that we almost vomited. This dog slaughterhouse will now shut down. Today, ARK119’s National Campaign to Shut Down Dog Meat Industry will strike another dog slaughterhouse in Gimpo.
Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119)‘s July 21 post in Korean:
오후 1시 땡치면 각 과에 민원 전화 넣어주세요
불법 도살장입니다. 불법 건축물도 많습니다
– 주소 : 경기도 김포시 고촌읍 풍곡리 380-4
Animal Rescue Korea 119 (ARK119)‘s July 22 post in Korean:
<김포 도살장 진입 완료>
더러워 토 나올뻔~
오늘도 개식용종식 국토대장정은 다른 김포 도살장을 타격합니다.
We filed an e-People petition on 7/29/2022.
사회적 논의기구(개식용 문제 논의를 위한 위원회)
범정부 협의체
불법 도살장입니다. 불법 건축물도 많습니다
– 주소 : 경기도 김포시 고촌읍 풍곡리 380-4
불법도살장을 즉각폐쇄하고, 그곳의 개들은 모두 격리조치, 보호해주시고, 개백정을 동물학대로 처벌해주시길 강력히 촉구합니다.
Gimpo’s response to our e-People petition 8/9/2022
Response to our e-People petition asking to shut down dog farms in Gimpo, 8/9/2022
Application No.: 1AA-2207-0993086
Application Date: 2022-07-30
👎🏼 Despite our request for English translation, an English translation was not provided.
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경기도
staff in charge 김수연
contact 031-980-2893
processing date 2022-08-09
result 1. 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 국민신문고에 신청하신 민원에 대한 검토 결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 귀하의 민원내용은 “고촌읍 풍곡리 개사육장 불법사항 점검요청”에 관한 것으로 이해됩니다.
3. 귀하의 질의사항에 대해 검토한 의견은 다음과 같습니다.
가. 귀하께서 민원 제기하신 현장에 방문하여 해당 견주에게 동물보호법에 따라 계도조치하였으며 관련 법령의 위반사항을 점검하여 적의 조치할 예정임을 알려드립니다.
나. 참고적으로 사육중인 동물은 동물구조센터에 보호조치 되었음을 알려드립니다.
4. 귀하의 질문에 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 답변 내용에 대한 추가 설명이 필요한 경우 김포시 축수산과 김수연 주무관(☎031-5186-4324)에게 연락주시면 친절히 안내해드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
End date 2022-08-09 23:59:59
Translation by Google translate (Google translate does not translate with complete accuracy.):
1. How are you? We inform you of the results of the review of your complaints submitted to the e-People petition as follows.
2. Your complaint is understood to be about “request for inspection of illegal matters at a dog breeding facility in Punggok-ri, Gochon-eup.”
3. The comments we have reviewed on your inquiry are as follows.
a. We inform you that we will visit the site of your complaint and guide the dog owner in accordance with the Animal Protection Act, and will check the violations of the relevant laws and take appropriate action.
b. For your reference, we would like to inform you that the animals that are being raised have been protected by the Animal Rescue Center.
4. We hope that your question has been answered satisfactorily, and if you need further explanation of the answer, please contact Kim Su-yeon, the head of the Livestock and Fisheries Division of Gimpo-si (☎031-5186-4324), and we will kindly guide you. thank you end.
These horrific places need to be shut down forever! These poor dogs live in filthy places are treated horrible before they are slaughtered. They are meant to be pets not to be eaten!
re s
It is horrfic and pure evil to torture and brutally kill dogs and puppies .it is heartbreaking these dogs in there millions are born into life of misery totured to death in a horrfic inhuman way in front of other dogs screaming how bloody evil and heartless .you so called humans are.there is accountability on earth you godless people .were is your humanity every life is your own children animals feel pain to .I am hoping and praying your government put there layed back words into action and put there so called lip service into force and send a clear message to these heartless scrupulous sellers.who are committing atrocities dog theives should be held accountable for crimes stop turning a blind eye to pain and suffering of these defenceless intelligent pets which are so intelligent and loyal and not for human consumption 🤲🤲 😢😡😡😡
Eye for an eye! You get back what you do to others! Cowards! Try to pick on someone that isn’t caged, tied up, scared, or hurt! You can’t or you’d get your ass beat and you know it! God has a place for you and it’s a life of torture like you’ve done to others and more, so you’ll get yours.. you’re not getting away with anything! God makes Sure of this!
The horror is unbearable, I can’t help imagine what it must be like for a female dog imprisoned in one of those places, neglected and abused. Apart from enduring the torture of that hopeless, forsaken place your whole life, then being forced to bring puppies into that hellish existence and watch the same thing happen to them, my heart breaks.