🤎CARE: Giving Elderly Dogs the Care They Deserve in Their Final Years🤎
Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)
At Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) shelters, over 250 elderly dogs are spending their final years. These dogs are nearing the end of their lives, and it’s heartbreaking to think that many may pass away without ever knowing the love of a family.
CARE rescues many abused animals, most of them large mixed-breed dogs. While some of these dogs are occasionally adopted overseas, there was a time when international adoption wasn’t even an option. For years, the large mixed-breed dogs were overlooked, growing older with each passing year. As time passed, the chances of them being adopted domestically diminished. Now, even though some overseas adoptions are possible, younger dogs often overshadow elderly dogs, making it harder for them to find a forever home.
The lives of these elderly dogs—many between the ages of 13 and 15—are growing shorter, and their time is running out.
Take Gomsuni, for example. Gomsuni was a white dog who lived as a stray in a wealthy neighborhood park. She roamed freely, befriending people and following other dogs on walks with their owners. Sadly, like most countries, people in her community didn’t view stray dogs kindly, and a local government shelter eventually captured Gomsuni. A kind-hearted person who knew her well urgently reached out to CARE to save her.
Gomsuni was brought to CARE’s shelter, where she grew old. The freedom she once had in the park was taken from her, and she now lives confined to the shelter.
Recently, Gomsuni needed emergency surgery for a severe infection. Thankfully, the surgery was successful, but she has since been refusing food, and there are concerns that she may be in pain. She will be seen by a specialist for further evaluation.
Elderly dogs like Gomsuni are falling ill at the shelter every day. While we can’t control how long they will live, we want to ensure they live out their remaining days without suffering. At CARE’s shelter, with so many elderly dogs, we are committed to ensuring their lives don’t end in loneliness and pain. They deserve treatment, comfort, and a chance to experience love before they pass.
But we need your help. The medical costs for these elderly dogs are overwhelming, and since many of them have been in the shelter for years, raising funds for their care is a challenge.
Please become a regular supporter of CARE and help us continue providing care for these elderly dogs. Your contribution can ensure these precious animals receive the treatment they desperately need and live their final days in comfort and peace.
🙏 Your support can make a world of difference. Please donate today and help give these elderly dogs the care and dignity they deserve. 🙏
✔️ Donations are urgently needed to cover the medical expenses of our elderly dogs. Please help us continue their treatment and prevent their suffering.
You can make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. 👉 https://animalrights.or.kr/pages/paypal.php
Thank you for your support! 💙
💗 To donate to Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE), the best option is to contribute directly to them. However, we have set up a GoFundMe page for those who prefer an alternative where you can donate and share with your friends and family. Rest assured, 100% of the funds raised on GoFundMe will be donated to CARE. (South Korea is not on the list of Countries supported on GoFundMe, so KoreanDogs.org is raising money for CARE instead.) 👉 GoFundMe Link: https://gofund.me/d483838d
🤎마치 고독사와 같은 보호소 노견들의 죽음에 앞서…🤎
케어의 보호소에는 노견들이 많습니다. 무려 250명 이상의 개들이 모두 노견입니다. 수명 끝자락에서 언제 떠나도 이상하지 않을 나이들입니다.
피학대동물 구조가 많은 케어. 결국 구조견들은 대부분 대형 믹스견들입니다.
요즘은 그런 아이들도 해외입양을 간헐적으로 가고 있지만 예전에는 해외입양은 생각하지도 못하던 시절이 있었습니다. 구조된 대형 믹스견 아이들은 보호소를 나가지 못하고 하나 둘, 해가 바뀔 때마다 나이가 들게 되는데요. 그런 이유로 점점 더 국내 입양가능성도 낮아지기 마련이었습니다.
이미 나이가 들대로 들어 버린 지금, 해외입양 길이 뚫렸다지만 어린 다른 구조견들에 밀려 노견들의 차례는 해외에서도 쉽게 오지 않습니다. 그렇게 13-15 살인 케어 구조 노견들의 생이 조금씩 조금씩 짧아지고 있습니다.
곰순이는 길거리를 떠돌며 살던 백구입니다.
부촌의 한 공원을 떠돌며 자유롭게 살았지만
대부분의 국가가 그렇듯 개들이 떠돌이로 사는 것을 사람들은 곱게 두고 보지 않지요.
곰순이는 먹이를 챙겨 주는 분도 있었고, 동네 반려견들이 보호자들과 함께 산책을 나오면 부러운 듯 졸졸 쫓아다닐 정도로 사회성도 좋았습니다. 그런 곰순이를 어느날 지자체 보호소가 포획해 데려가려 하였고, 당시 해맑게 친구들을 따라다니던 곰순이를 알고 있는 제보자는 긴급히 케어의 문을 두드렸습니다.
그렇게 보호소에 들어온 곰순이. 보호소에서 결국 나이가 들어버렸습니다.
넓은 공원에서 뛰어놀던 어린 시절을 끝으로 다시는 바깥 세상을 구경할 수 없게 된 것입니다.
곰순이는 며칠 전 자궁축농증으로 긴급수술을 받았습니다. 다행히 수술은 잘 되었지만 또 다른 곳이 아픈지 먹이를 거부하여 곰순이 제보자가 다름 병원으로 이동해 정밀 검진을 받을 예정입니다.
곰순이와 같은 노견들이 보호소에서 하루가 멀다 하고 쓰러지고 있습니다. 삶의 길이를 우리가 정할 수는 없겠지만, 아프지 않게는 해줄 수 있을 것입니다. 노견들이 많은 케어의 보호소들. 보호소에서 노견들의 생이 고독으로 끝나지 않도록, 치료라도 받고, 고통스럽지 않게 지낼 수 있도록, 케어의 노견들을 지키고 케어의 정기후원자가 되어 주세요.
✔️노견들을 계속 치료하고 있는데 병원비가 감당이 안됩니다. 노견들은 이미 오래 전 구조되었기에 모금을 올리기도 어렵습니다.
하나은행 350-910009-45704 (케어)
✅정기후원자 되기 👉 https://link.inpock.co.kr/carekorea
✅Paypal 👉 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/care8886
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