
CARE’s Rescue: 10 Dogs and Puppies Escape Misery in Cheongju

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)

How Do Rural Dogs, Yard Dogs, and Chained Dogs Live?

Most rural dogs in South Korea still endure miserable lives. They have homes patched together with broken glass, or sometimes they don’t even have a proper shelter—just a tiny space barely big enough to sit. When it rains, they have no choice but to get soaked, with nothing but a flimsy cardboard box as their shelter. Their collars dig into their necks, but their owners don’t notice because they never pet, hold, or take them for walks. These dogs are abandoned to suffer in isolation, deprived of companionship, care, and basic necessities.

In Cheongju, CARE rescued 10 dogs after their owners relinquished ownership. The owner had planned to give the puppies away to people here and there in the countryside. And somewhere, more puppies will surely be born into the same miserable fate as these chained dogs. The cycle of suffering continues, but CARE is working hard to make a difference.

CARE has taken in all of these dogs—a family of ten, including the father, mother, aunt, and puppies. CARE is dedicated to finding loving homes for them and helping them live free from cruelty and neglect. However, the cost of their care is significant, and CARE urgently needs donations to cover their medical bills, food, and shelter.

Please consider donating to CARE to support their work in rescuing and rehabilitating these dogs. Every contribution helps provide a better future for these animals and others in similar situations. Together, we can give these dogs the chance they deserve.

💗🐾🙏 In addition to these recent rescues, CARE provides a sanctuary for 800 dogs at their shelters, all rescued from the horrors of dog meat farms and puppy mills. Your donation will support CARE’s vital mission to end the dog meat trade and animal cruelty in South Korea, and will directly assist with the medical care, fostering, and overseas adoption of these deserving dogs.
You can make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. 👉
Thank you for your support! 💙

💗 To donate to Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE), the best option is to contribute directly to them. However, we have set up a GoFundMe page for those who prefer an alternative where you can donate and share with your friends and family. Rest assured, 100% of the funds raised on GoFundMe will be donated to CARE. (South Korea is not on the list of Countries supported on GoFundMe, so is raising money for CARE instead.) 👉 GoFundMe Link:

Demand an End to Cruel Tethering: Sign Our Petition to Ban Dog Chaining in South Korea.

CARE’s Post in Korean: 목줄 방치견 가족들을 구하려고 청주에 와 있습니다

10 아이들 집단 구조🚨

“시골개, 마당개, 목줄개들이 어떻게 살고 있나요?” 대부분의 시골개들은 여전히 비참한 삶을 살아갑니다. 깨진 유리가 덕지덕지 붙은 집, 집은커녕 엉덩이만 겨우 붙일 수 밖에 없던 공간. 비가 오면 그대로 비를 다 맞을 수밖에 없는 그런 것 박스하나를 집이라고 가지고 있던 아이들 목줄이 목을 파고 들어도 주인은 알지 못합니다. 쓰다듬고 안아주고 산책하는 것은 해보지 않기 때문이지요. 청주 10명 모두 소유권 양도 받고 구조했습니다. 아기들은 시골 여기저기 가져간다는 사람을 주려고 했다는 그 말. 그리고 다시 태어날 또 다른 아기들도 어디선가 그런 삶을 살아갈 것이 분명한 이 목줄 개들의 삶. 케어는 모든 아이들을 포기받았습니다. 10명의 가족, 아빠 개, 엄마 개, 고모 개 그리고 아기들…. 여러분. 부디 청주 아기들의 6개월간 대부모가 되어 주세요. 6개월 안에 이 가족 모두에게 좋은 가족을 찾아주겠습니다.

❣️청주 목줄 아이들 후원방법 (아래 일시후원 및 대부모 신청. 또는 소액 릴레이도 감사합니다) 🧚하나은행 350-910009-45704 (사단법인 동물권단체케어) 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨일시완납 30만원 (대부모 의향서 제출X) 💑6개월 분납 (프로필 링크에서 대부모 의향서 제출O) 한달 5만원 x 6개월 (30만원) 💫정기후원 🩵Paypal

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