The story of rescued dogs Carlo, Ralph, Josef, who were “edible dogs” waiting for slaughter.
Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)
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Carlo, Ralph, and Josef were rescued last August from the dog slaughterhouse in Yeoju Wangdaeri just before being slaughtered. They were crumpled in a narrow wire cage, sold at an auction house in the Paju dog auction market, and were handed over to the butcher.
Carlo, who had been sold to a butcher at a dog auction, was just about to be stabbed with an electric iron skewer when KARA raided the site while Ralph and Josef were caged in the slaughterhouse. Ralph put his head out of the cage and shook his tail to the activists. Josef quietly let himself into the hands of the activists who went into the cage for rescue.
Thirty-one dogs left the slaughterhouse and gained a new life on that day. If the rescuers had come a little later that day, they would have ended their lives with an auction slip reading “100,000 won, brown dog.”
Carlo, Ralph, and Josef are very friendly to people and like to take walks. Fortunately, they all get along well with other dogs, but not all dogs rescued from slaughterhouses do. Rather, most dogs are highly wary and afraid of people. In a way, it is natural for these dogs who had never felt a friendly touch from a human in their lives. It takes a lot of effort, a long time, and expense for these dogs, treated as “edible dogs” by humans, to trust and communicate with people.
Even now, numerous dogs are being sold to slaughterhouses under the name of ‘edible dogs.’ Estimated at 1 million dogs per year are slaughtered for meat.
We ask for your support and participation in helping the many dogs in slaughterhouses and ending dog meat consumption.
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🌺 KARA is an animal rights group that has received perfect scores in non-profit transparency evaluation and is fully committed to honest donation management through external accounting audits.

KARA’s post in Korean:
카를로, 랄프, 요제프, ‘식용개’로 팔려와 도살을 기다리던 검둥이와 누렁이들 이야기
지난 8월, #파주개식용경매장에서 도살자에게 팔려와 좁은 철망에 구겨진 채 전기도살을 당하기 직전카라에 의해 극적으로 구조된 왕대리 구조견 카를로, 랄프, 요제프는 불과 6개월 전만해도 경매장에서 검둥이, 누렁이로 불리며 경매전표와 함께 도살자의 손에 넘겨졌던 개들입니다. 이 개들은 녹슨 철망에 잔뜩 구겨진 채 숨을 헐떡이던 영상으로 많은 시민들의 마음을 아프게 했던 #카라_올리버 와 같은 날, 같은 도살장에서 구조되었습니다.
구조당시 영상보기#여주왕대리도살장
개식용 경매장에서 도살자에게 팔려온 카를로는 카라가 현장을 급습했을 당시 도살자의 트럭에서 내려저 전기쇠꼬챙이로 찔리기 직전의 상태였고 랄프와 요제프는 도살장 안쪽 구석 뜬장에 갇혀있었습니다. 랄프는 뜬장에 난 구멍에 머리를 내밀고 활동가들에게 연신 꼬리를 흔들었고 요제프는 구조를 위해 뜬장 안으로 들어간 활동가의 손에 조용히 몸을 맡겼습니다.
이날, 31마리의 누렁이, 검둥이, 흰둥이들은 도살장을 벗어나 새 삶을 얻었습니다. 지금은 호기심 가득한 표정으로 활동가에게 장난을 치는 카를로지만 그날 조금만 늦었더라면, “10만원, 검둥이”라 적힌 한 장의 경매전표로 이 세상에 남았을 것입니다.
카를로와 마찬가지로 랄프와 요제프도 사람을 좋아하고 산책을 좋아합니다. 다행스럽게도 다른 개들과도 잘 어울리고 그 어느 때 보다 즐겁게 지내고 있지만 도살장에서 구조된 모든 개들이 그러한 것은 아닙니다. 오히려 사람을 극도로 경계하고 두려워하는 개들이 대부분입니다. 태어나서 단 한번도 사람의 다정한 목소리, 다정한 손길은 느껴본 적 없었을 이 개들에게 어찌 보면 당연한 일입니다. 사람에 의해 ‘식용견’으로 다루어지던 이 개들이 두려움을 떨치고 사람을 믿고 교감하게 될 때까지는 수많은 노력과 긴 시간, 그리고 천문학적 비용이 소요됩니다.
지금 이 시간에도 수많은 누렁이, 검둥이, 흰둥이들이 ‘식용개’라는 이름으로 도살장으로 팔려갑니다. 추정치, 연간 100만 마리입니다.
이 땅위의 수많은 누렁이와 검둥이, 흰둥이들이 매년 새로운 해를 맞이하고, 자기만의 이름으로 불리우며 누군가의 반려견으로서의 삶을 사는 것이 당연한 일이겠지만 ‘개식용’이 종식되지 않는 한 요원한 일입니다.
올 한해, 수많은 누렁이, 검둥이, 흰둥이들에게 그리고 ‘개식용 종식’을 위한 카라의 활동에 그 어느 때보다 많은 지지와 동참으로 든든한 버팀목이 되어주시기를 부탁드립니다.
🌼 동물권행동 카라 후원하기 :
💌 구조동물 입양하기 :
#비정상을정상으로 #개식용종식으로 #식용견은없다 #모든개는반려동물 #죽음의유통망 #개전기도살 #개식용경매장 #개농장 #여주왕대리도살장 #설문동도살장 #용두동도살장 #신곡동도살장 #농림축산식품부 #식품의약품안전처 #환경부 #음식물쓰레기 #뜬장 #카라_카를로 #카라_랄프 #카라_요제프 #카라_올리버 #동물권행동카라 #korea_animal_rights_advocates #stop_dog_meat
This is MURDER. This is barbaric and illegal. These poor animals should not be subjected too torture and abuse. They were not put in this earth for this. Animals were put in this earth to be treated with respect and kindness. Shut down these illegal farms NOW. Those involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there evil act and cruelty to innocent Animals. The Korean Government should take action for these poor defenseless Animals NOW.
It is despicable that the SK government even Pres Moon has turned a blind eye to the torture and slaughter of dogs for meat. The horrific brutal killings have put a bloody stain on SK in the worst way. Now that the videos of the dogs being killed have been posted widely, the world is seeing what SK allows for those who want to eat dog meat. The dogs are killed in the most unimaginable methods by those who serve customers with the dog meat they crave. There is hope that the presidential candidates will ban the cruel business of murdering dogs if elected. So far President Moon has not fulfilled his presidential promise to ban the slaughter. It is difficult to imagine how SK can continue to support the cruelty and do nothing to stop the brutal dog farming, the barbaric auctions and the torture and slaughter of the dogs.
WE WILL BOYCOTT YOUR COUNTRY IF THIS IS NOT STOP . I personally will never buy anything from your country or any other that do this barbaric behavior pure evil!!!
This is MURDER. This is barbaric and illegal. These poor animals should not be subjected too torture and abuse. They were not put in this earth for this. Animals were put in this earth to be treated with respect and kindness. Shut down these illegal farms NOW. Those involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there evil act and cruelty to innocent Animals. The Korean Government should take action for these poor defenseless Animals NOW.
Cani e gatti sono esseri viventi che meritano una vita lunga e rispettata non essere torturai e mangiati, è orribile tutto questo, grazie per ilvostro lavoro