Log in to Change.org before you sign a petition!
We have just learned of a Change.org technical issue when signing petitions:
If you are not ‘logged in,’ your signature will not be counted.
Even if you enter your email address (but are not logged in), the signature will unfortunately not be counted.
Change.org is aware of this significant flaw in their program and has advised us they will be looking to fix the issue.
For now, please log in before you sign petitions so that the signature can be counted.
Thank you!
Not sure if you are logged in❓
As circled in orange below, if you see your photo and when you click it, you see the prompts like below, then you are already logged in.
Devo firmare le petizioni
Please stop this horrific practice.
Please let the leader in South Korea know how people oppose the cruel treatment of dogs in the dog meat trade which is illegal it is extreme cruelty.
This Horrific and Barbaric practice needs to stop NOW!
This is long overdue and supposed to be ILLEGAL?