
CARE: Four puppies freed from a dog disposal facility!

Sharing for Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE)

This is the story of four puppies that CARE (Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth), an animal welfare organization, rescued from the Geumsan Dog Disposal Facility this past July.

Thanks to everyone who expressed their shock and anger and provided help, we safely rescued 20 dogs from this horrific facility. We continue to monitor the remaining dogs through local governments. Once again, we express our deep gratitude. Today, we’d like to introduce the story of the four puppies rescued from that place.

These puppies were born and raised for the sole purpose of being slaughtered due to human greed and indifference. They lived their whole lives in cramped, uncomfortable cages, never understanding why their entire existence was filled with nothing but suffering and torment. Their conditions were even more traumatic because they were forced to witness the continual slaughter of their friends, all the while knowing they would soon meet the same fate.

When CARE visited the facility, the four puppies desperately approached the activists as if pleading for their lives. But now that they are free, they no longer tremble in fear and can finally enjoy the happy and carefree life that all dogs deserve! They are now staying at “Yellow Dog,” the largest shelter for dogs rescued from the dog meat industry, which CARE operates in Korea. They share a peaceful daily life with other dogs who have experienced similar suffering.

Once they were rescued, the puppies touched solid ground and felt grass beneath their paws for the first time in their lives. They swam, played in refreshing valley waters, and relaxed comfortably on a nearby wooden deck. They even received loving names, a simple act that validated their existence but never would have been given to them in their previous lives. Please help us welcome Peter, Mary, Vivi, and Sully, and continue supporting them along with all rescued dogs who will enjoy happier times for the rest of their lives!

👉 Click HERE and HERE for the previous posts about this rescue.

✅ CARE is always by the side of the animals. Hana Bank 350-910009-45704 (CARE)

💙To become a member of CARE, please click the link (in Korean)

💗🐾🙏 Please donate to help CARE fight to end dog meat cruelty in South Korea and assist with medical treatment, fostering, and overseas adoption of rescue dogs.
You can make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal. 👉
Thank you for your support! 💙

Live! Abandoned dogs are dying in the dog disposal facility

Live! Save the 4 puppy siblings from the dog disposal facility

Dogs rescued from the disposal facility.

  1. Pascale FORT
    Pascale FORTAugust 30,24

    honte aux fermes pour manger du chien chez vous

  2. Beryl Jones
    Beryl JonesAugust 31,24

    Is there a petition I can sign

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