Gyeongsan’s response to our e-People petition (11/28/2022)
Application No.: 1AA-2211-0281643
Application Date: 2022-11-09
Gyeongsan, South Korea, Shut down illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants.
경산시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!
📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge
경상북도staff in charge 김홍근contact 053-810-6744
processing date 2022-11-28
result 1. 안녕하십니까? 경산시 축산진흥과입니다. 시정발전을 위해 보내주신 관심에 감사드리며, 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원에 대한 검토 결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 귀하의 민원내용은 “경산시 관내 불법 개농장 처벌”에 관한 것으로 이해되며, 귀하께서 제기하신 민원내용에 대한 검토의견은 붙임과 같습니다.
3. 답변내용이 만족스럽지 못하더라도 법령 해석상 부득이한 부분이 있는 점 널리 양해 바라며, 귀하께서 제보해주신 사항을 참고하여 지속적인 지도 단속으로 동물복지 향상을 위해 노력하겠습니다. 기타 다른 문의사항이 있으시면 축산진흥과 축산위생팀 김홍근 주무관(053-810-6744)으로 문의 주시면 친절히 안내해 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다.
붙임 1. 민원신청서 1부.
2. 국민신문고 답변 1부. 끝.
국민신문고 (경산시 관내 불법 개농장 등 단속 및 처벌).docx 다운로드
End date
2022-11-28 23:59:59
Extended once
Extended once
End date : (Before)2022-11-17 23:59:59, (After) 2022-11-28 23:59:59
– Reason : 사실관계 확인을 위한 현장조사가 민원처리기한 내 실시되기 어려워 민원처리기한을 연장하오니 양해바랍니다.
The fact-finding process is taking time and thus we must extend the time limit for handling your petition. Please understand.
– Extended date for handling : 2022-11-17 10:08:14
국민신문고 답변
1. 안녕하십니까? 경산시 축산진흥과입니다. 시정발전을 위해 보내주신 관심에 감사드리며, 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원에 대한 검토결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
2. 귀하의 민원 내용은 “경산시 관내 불법 개농장 처벌 및 단속”에 관한 것으로 이해되며, 귀하께서 제기하신 민원 내용에 관련 부서별 검토 의견은 다음과 같습니다.
가. 축산진흥과
1) 귀하께서 제기하신 주소지 중 아래 7개소에 대하여 대한 현장 방문결과, 불법 도축 및 동물학대에 대한 정황을 발견하지 못하여 행정기관에서 제재할 수 없음을 알려드립니다.
– 경산시 와촌면 용천리 46-2
– 경산시 진량읍 현내리 442
– 경산시 진량읍 현내리 661-1
– 경산시 진량읍 광석리 530
– 경산시 하양읍 교리 산60
– 경산시 와촌면 강학리 555-4
– 경산시 남산면 경리 162
2) 또한, 경산시 압량읍 가일리 320번지는 현재 개 사육시설이 철거된 상태로 확인 하였음을 알려드립니다.
나. 환경과
1) 귀하께서 말씀하신 주소지 중 아래 5개소는 「가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률」에 의거하여 가축분뇨배출시설 인허가를 득한 사업장임을 알려드립니다.
– 진량읍 현내리 661-1, 진량읍 광석리 530, 와촌면 강학리 555-4, 와촌면 용천리 46-2, 남산면 경리 162
2) 아울러, 상기 사업장 외 소재지에 대하여 현장 조사 중이며, 위반사항이 있을 경우 관련법에 따라 행정조치하고자 합니다.
3) 또한,「하수도법」관련 특이사항은 발견하지 못하였음을 알려드립니다.
다. 자원순환과
1) 국민신문고에 제시된 8곳의 개농장에 대하여 현장을 점검한 결과, 그 중 4곳은 폐기물 처리신고를 한 사업장으로 음식물류폐기물을 분쇄 및 가열 등의 재활용 과정을 거쳐 생산한 사료를 급여하고 있으며,
2) 8곳 중 3곳은 일반사료 및 음식물류폐기물 처리업체에서 생산한 단미사료를 공급받아 급여하고 있음을 확인하였습니다.
3) 또한, 1개소는 개사육시설이 철거된 상태임을 알려드립니다. 위반 행위가 담긴 자료를 추가 제출하여 주시면 검토하여 처리하겠습니다.
4) 마지막으로 생활폐기물을 불법투기한 사실을 확인할 수 없었으며 불법투기가 발생할 경우 폐기물관리법에 따라 조치하도록 하겠습니다.
라. 건축과
1) 해당 장소 내 건축법 위반사항에 대하여 관련규정에 따라 절차대로 행정조치 예정
3. 기타 다른 문의사항이 있을 시, 축산진흥과(053-810-6744), 환경과(053-810-5458), 자원순환과(053-810-6071, 053-810-6081), 건축과(053-810-5544로 전화 주시면 성심껏 답변 드리겠습니다. 감사합니다. 끝.
1. How are you? It’s the livestock promotion department in Gyeongsan City. Thank you for your interest in municipal development, and I would like to inform you of the results of the review of the complaints you applied for through the National Newspaper as follows.
2. It is understood that your complaint is about “Punishment and crackdown on illegal dog farms in Gyeongsan-si”, and the opinions of each department regarding the complaint you filed are as follows.
A. Livestock Promotion Division
1) We would like to inform you that the administrative agency cannot sanction the following seven addresses because we have not found circumstantial evidence of illegal slaughter and animal abuse.
– 46-2 Yongcheon-ri, Wachon-myeon, Gyeongsan-si
– 442, Hyeonnae-ri, Jinryang-eup, Gyeongsan-si
– 661-1, Hyeonnae-ri, Jinryang-eup, Gyeongsan-si
– 530 Gwangseok-ri, Jinryang-eup, Gyeongsan-si
– Mountain 60, Gyo-ri, Hayang-eup, Gyeongsan-si
– 555-4 Ganghak-ri, Wachon-myeon, Gyeongsan-si
– 162, Gyeong-ri, Namsan-myeon, Gyeongsan-si
2) Also, we would like to inform you that we have confirmed that the dog breeding facility has been demolished at 320 Gaili-ri, Apryang-eup, Gyeongsan-si.
B. Environment and
1) I would like to inform you that the following five of the addresses you mentioned are business sites that have obtained permission for livestock manure discharge facilities under the Act on the Management and Utilization of Livestock Manure.
– 661-1, Hyeonnae-ri, Jinryang-eup, Gwangseok-ri 530, Ganghak-ri, Wachon-myeon 555-4, Yongcheon-ri, Wachon-myeon 46-2, Gyeong-ri, Namsan-myeon 162
2) In addition, we are conducting an on-site investigation into the location outside the above workplace, and if there is a violation, we would like to take administrative measures in accordance with the relevant laws.
3) Also, I would like to inform you that I have not found anything special related to the Sewerage Act.
C. Resource Circulation Division
1) As a result of inspecting the sites of eight dog farms presented in the Kookmin Newspaper, four of them are businesses that reported waste disposal and provide feed produced through the recycling process such as grinding and heating food waste
2) It has been confirmed that 3 out of 8 places receive and pay sweet rice produced by general feed and food waste disposal companies.
3) Also, I would like to inform you that the dog breeding facility has been demolished in one place. If you submit additional data containing violations, we will review it and process it.
4) Lastly, we could not confirm that we illegally dumped household waste, and if illegal dumping occurs, we will take action in accordance with the Waste Management Act.
D. Architecture Department
1) Administrative measures will be taken in accordance with relevant regulations regarding violations of the Building Act in the relevant place
3. If you have any other questions, please call the Livestock Promotion Division (053-810-6744), Environment and Environment (053-810-5458), Resource Circulation Division (053-810-6071, 053-810-6081), and Architecture Division (053-810-5544). Thank you. The end.
Translation by Google translate (Google translate does not translate with complete accuracy.):
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge
Gyeongsangbuk-do staff in charge Kim Hong-geun contact 053-810-6744
Processing date 2022-11-28
result 1. How are you? This is the Livestock Promotion Division of Gyeongsan City. We would like to thank you for your interest in the development of municipal administration, and we will inform you of the results of the review of the civil complaint you filed through the People’s Sinmungo as follows.
2. It is understood that the content of your complaint is about “Punishment of illegal dog farms in Gyeongsan-si”, and the review opinion on the content of the complaint filed by you is as attached.
3. Even if the answers are not satisfactory, we ask for your understanding that there are unavoidable parts in the interpretation of the law, and we will make efforts to improve animal welfare through continuous guidance and crackdowns by referring to the information you have provided. If you have any other questions, please contact Kim Hong-geun (053-810-6744), Livestock Promotion Division, Livestock Hygiene Team, and we will kindly guide you. thank you
Attachment 1. 1 copy of application form.
2. One copy of the answer to the National Newspaper. end.
People’s Sinmungo (Crackdown and Punishment on Illegal Dog Farms, etc. in Gyeongsan City).docx Download
end date
2022-11-28 23:59:59
Extended once
Extended once
End date : (Before) 2022-11-17 23:59:59, (After) 2022-11-28 23:59:59
– Reason: It is difficult to conduct an on-site investigation to confirm the facts within the deadline for handling complaints, so please understand that the deadline for handling complaints has been extended.
The fact-finding process is taking time and thus we must extend the time limit for handling your petition. Please understand.
– Extended date for handling : 2022-11-17 10:08:14
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