
Icheon’s response to our e-People petition 7/25/21

Application No.: 1AA-2107-0861466
Application Date: 2021-07-19
Icheon, South Korea, Shut down the illegal dog meat farms, slaughterhouses and markets.
이천시는 불법 개농장, 도축장, 시장, 보신탕집을 폐쇄하라!

👎🏼 Shameful Icheon refuses to respond to our petition. I called the number that they provided for more information and talked to the Animal protection official. He said that I need to provide photographs of the violations. He then continued and said that once I have provided these photographs then they will go out to the dog farm and perform an inspection. I told him that this is their job and not mine. I have never been paid by the city of Icheon so why should I do their job for them? It didn’t make sense at all. He said that there are too many dog farms in Icheon so they will go out and inspect only if someone brings the photograph of violations. I told him that the fact that there are too many dog farms is because Icheon has failed to stop the illegal dog farms from springing up and operating.

Click HERE for the long list of dog farms/slaughterhouses in Icheon. I could not get through to him with any sort of logic so I asked to speak to the mayor and he ignored my request and kept repeating the same thing over and over. I submitted the e-people petition again with the long list of their dog farms/slaughterhouses.

Despite our request for an English translation, an English translation was not provided. We have filed another e-People petition requesting that they provide their response in English.

📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.

Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 경기도
staff in charge 이정의
contact 031-644-2612
processing date 2021-07-25
result 1. 귀하의 건승을 기원합니다.

2. 귀하께서 제기한 “무허가 개농장 및 개 불법 도축” 민원(국민신문고 1AA-2107-0861466)에 대한검토결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.

가. 이천시는 민원접수 시 불법 개농장에 대한 점검을 귀하가 언급한 관련법에 따라 시행하고 있습니다.
나. 따라서, 이천시 관내 불법 개농장의 불법정황 증거사진을 함께 보내주시면 점검을 한 후 적법한 행정처분을 하겠습니다.

3. 본 민원과 같은 민원은 ‘민원 처리에 관한 법률’ 제23조(반복 및 중복 민원의 처리)에 따라 처리됨을 알려드립니다.
(국민신문고 1AA-2107-0855585, 1AA-2107-0861466, 1AA-2107-0779527, 1AA-2107-0859086, 1AA-2107-0855541, 1AA-2107-0856062, 1AA-2107-0855712, 1AA-2107-0855641, 1AA-2107-0855785, 1AA-2107-0910811, 1AA-2107-0855789, 1AA-2107-0916693, 1AA-2107-0855953, 1AA-2107-0855987, 1AA-2107-0855791, 1AA-2107-0855999, 1AA-2107-0856019, 1AA-2107-0856414, 1AA-2107-0861201, 1AA-2107-0883546, 1AA-2107-0861630, 1AA-2107-0885944, 1AA-2107-0885132, 1AA-2107-0885815, 1AA-2107-0901309, 1AA-2107-0886894, 1AA-21070900695, 1AA-2107-0886843, 1AA-21070908722, 1AA-2107-0902773, 1AA-2107-0906945, 1AA-21070909594, 1AA-21070912250, 1AA-210-70912633, 1AA-2107-0887498, 1AA-21070929564, 1AA-2107-0929564, 1AA-2107-0946330, 1AA-2107-0963621, 1AA-2107-0963457

4. 상기 답변이 만족스러운 답변이 되었기를 바라며, 답변 내용에 대한 추가 설명이 필요한 경우 이천시 동물보호팀(031-644-2612)으로 연락주시면 안내해 드리도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
Attachment 외국어 민원 답변서식(7.26).pdf 다운로드
End date 2021-07-27 23:59:59

  1. Jane
    JaneOctober 17,21

    Thank you for continuing to fight against the terrible treatment of dogs across South Korea. This situation you described sounds like a vicious circle. They are admitting that there are numerous dog farms which are illegal yet they will not investigate them until they are provided with pictures/reports etc. so they continue to flourish because no one is investigating them. What a truly dreadful situation it is for dogs (and no doubt cats) in South Korea. I’m still stunned at how widespread it is. You’ve posted evidence of them being in so many areas – in a seemingly endless list of places. I will carry on with the e-petitions/twitter & facebook comments/emails as hopefully many others will too.

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