
CARE and Watchdog expose dog meat farmer “adopting” dogs from Inje County Animal Shelter multiple times.

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Coexistence of Animal Rights on Earth (CARE) and Watchdog recently shut down a small dog farm owned by a man who operated a well known noodle restaurant in Inje County, Gangwon-do province, South Korea. Unbelievably, this man was able to adopt dogs from Inje County Animal Shelter multiple times despite the fact that he is a known member of the Korean Meat Dog Farmers Association (South Korea’s dog meat industry trade association), owns a meat dog farm, and has a history of slaughtering dogs and selling “dog elixir;” a soup made of dog meat. What is even more shocking is that an employee of Inje County’s Livestock department actually encouraged this man to “adopt” these dogs from the shelter. While at the scene, the informants and the CARE team were verbally attacked by this county employee who used vulgar language and threats in an attempt to intimate them.

This restaurant owner took the dogs from the Inje County Shelter to his dog farm, bred them repeatedly, and sold them to the dog meat industry. His dog farm used to have hundreds of dogs imprisoned in wire cages along both sides of the road. A witness saw this man selling over 30 dogs to the dog slaughterhouse this past summer. The dogs at his farm were being fed rotted garbage for food that infested with maggots, and lived their entire lives in painful, cramped raised wire cages filled with feces.

Last week, CARE and the local informants who were posing as customers at his restaurant recorded their conversation with the owner. They were able to rescue two dogs from his dog farm. The man originally took these dogs from the Inje County shelter after completing an adoption agreement in which he fraudulently agreed to adopt them as companion animals. CARE and the Watchdog team then raided his dog farm. After a long negotiation with county officials, were able to convince the Inje county officials to take the remaining dogs back to their shelter and to prevent this man from taking any more dogs in the future. CARE also warned the County officials that this man might try to continue to take the dogs from the shelter by using other people in his place. CARE also demanded that the county implement stricter adoption requirements to prevent dog farmers and butchers from taking dogs from shelters for the sole purpose of killing them for consumption.

CARE has demanded that Inje County provide them with adoption data, including the partial name of adopters. CARE has also made a request to the Korea’s National Assembly to further investigate this issue by examining the adoption data nationwide.

CARE asks that we file e-People petitions to Inje County to stop the corruption in their shelter management and make them take this issue seriously. CARE will also submit civil complaints against this dog farmer for all the violations.

On this day, one dog was taken by a minister who runs a well managed private dog shelter, and the remaining five dogs were sent to the county shelter to be registered in their system. Afterwards, the local animal advocates who helped with this case will be relocating them to another shelter where they will be cared for until they are able to be relocated into forever homes, where they will be treated as the companion animals they are.

This type of corruption surrounding adoption by government run shelters, so called “Don’t ask” adoption of shelter dogs, is very common in South Korea. We see frequent stories in the news about this, because in Korea because anyone with an ID can adopt dogs without any due diligence by the shelters. Last May, we saw the news about a woman mauled by a dog and died of blood loss in Namyangju. This case also involves a dog farmer adopting numerous dogs from city shelter in Namyangju, even though the alleged suspect denies it. The dog involved suffered horrific long-term abuse, including living with a collar choking and cutting deeply into the skin. He was able to escape and unfortunately resulted in the death of a woman.

👉 Click HERE to learn more about the CARE and Watchdog’s project to shut down dog farms and slaughterhouses in South Korea.

Rescue and undercover operations like this are only possible through donations to CARE. Please help them continue their important work of shutting down the dog meat industry in South Korea by donating today. Thank you!🙏🏼

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Call for Action

CARE’s posts in Korean:
[라이브1] 인제군, 육견협회 회원에게 유기견 입양 보내다.
개농장 주에게 남은 개들 구조 작업 중.
[라이브2/ 인제] “ 괜찮은 개 있으니 데려가라…” 육견협회 회원이 유기견을 입양한 인제군.
강원도 인제군은 육견협회 소속이라 주장하는 개농장주에게 유기견을 입양보냈습니다.
개농장주는 유기견을 지자체로부터 반복 입양했다는 사실을 시인했고
심지어 입양각서까지 썼습니다.
개농장주는 공무원이 입양을 다음과 같이 권장했다고 했습니다.
” 괜찮은 개 있으니 데려가라…”
와치독이 뛰고 있습니다.
와치독이 없앨 수 있습니다!
🙏🏼🐕❤️와치독을 응원하는 개인과 기업을 기다립니다!
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  1. Lilia
    LiliaSeptember 23,21

    The Korean Government know this is wrong it is illegal and barbaric and MURDER. Innocent Animals are being killed for human consumption. Dogs and cats were not put on this earth for human consumption and they were not put on this earth to be tortured and abused. The Korean government should be shutting down these illegal farms. Those involved should be prosecuted and imprisoned for there act of cruelty to Animals.
    This has been going on for too long. They have the power to end this now. What are they teaching the children and future generations that this is acceptable. It is not it is MURDER. Helpless Animals are SUFFERING. They are being treated with cruelty. This has to end NOW.

  2. Henriette Heck
    Henriette HeckSeptember 23,21

    Shame on Korea !!
    Stop the cruelty against Animals NOW !! Stop killing and torturing !!
    You know very well that what you do is wrong !
    Animals are not here for us, they are here with us !!
    Shame on you !!!

  3. Lisa Watson Nolan
    Lisa Watson NolanSeptember 24,21

    This is a terrible form of torture killing on these innocent animals. This needs to stop immediately. Stop selling dogs and cats for meat!

  4. Sheila Glover
    Sheila GloverSeptember 24,21

    Well done to the brave welfare workers! It is disgusting that the Korean government does not act to stop this vile, barbaric and truly unsanitary business. It is wrong on every level – corrupt, cruel, immoral and a public health disaster waiting to happen. When will it stop?

  5. Tara Lynn Spires
    Tara Lynn SpiresSeptember 26,21

    Disgusting and inhumane!

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