Jeju-do’s response to our e-People petition asking to shut down their dog farms
Application No.: 1AA-2011-0401363, 1AA-2011-0401117
Application Date: 2020-11-14
Request to Jeju-do Province, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms.
제주도에 불법 개농장, 개도살장 행정처분 시행과 즉각적인 폐쇄를 강력히 촉구합니다.
Below are dog farms operating in Jeju-do Province, South Korea:
Jeju-do Province Jeju Geonip-dong 146 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Gimnyeong-ri 4947 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Gimnyeong-ri 781 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Gimnyeong-ri 784 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Gimnyeong-ri 792 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Gimnyeong-ri 825 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Gimnyeong-ri 825 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Deokcheon-ri 120-1 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Dongbok-ri 1103 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Sangdo-ri San 139 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Saehwa-ri 400 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Saehwa-ri 678-2 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Gujwa-eup Woljeong-ri San 41-21 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Nohyeong-dong 321-5 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Bonggae-dong 753-3 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Gwakji-ri 1187 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Napeup-ri 676 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Bongseong-ri 2418 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Sangga-ri 406 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Yusuam-ri 1356-1 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Haga-ri 56 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Haga-ri 644 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Aewol-eup Haga-ri 713-8 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yeon-dong 1120 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yeon-dong 1120 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yeongpyeong-dong 864 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Orai-dong 468-1 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yonggang-dong 1177 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yonggang-dong 1220 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yonggang-dong 1750 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Yonggang-dong 256 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Wolpyeong-dong 1077 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Daeheul-ri 1951-1 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Daeheul-ri 2364-2 2364-4
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Daeheul-ri 793 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Waheul-ri 2177 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Waheul-ri 533 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Jocheon-ri San 104 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Hamdeok-ri 3708-1 3708-4
Jeju-do Province Jeju Jocheon-eup Hamdeok-ri 500-2 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Gosan-ri 655 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Dumo-ri 1032 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Dumo-ri 1998-4 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Yongsu-ri 609 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Jeoji-ri 1124 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Jeoji-ri 2083 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Panpo-ri 688 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hangyeong-myeon Panpo-ri 74 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hanlim-eup Myeongwol-ri 134-1 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hanlim-eup Myeongwol-ri 1486 beonji 1352
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hanlim-eup Sangmyeong-ri 1129 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hanlim-eup Sangmyeong-ri 402 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hanlim-eup Sangmyeong-ri 455 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hanlim-eup Hyeopjae-ri 2401 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hwabukyi-dong 2687 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hwabukyi-dong 5554 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hoecheon-dong 103 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hoecheon-dong 1598 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hoecheon-dong 3-23 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hoecheon-dong 3-24 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hoecheon-dong 3-8 beonji
Jeju-do Province Jeju Hoecheon-dong 52 beonji
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Namwon-ri 1833-1
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Sumang-ri 947-1
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Sumang-ri 947-2
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Sumang-ri 955-9
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Shinrye-ri 2148-2
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Shinrye-ri 2156-1
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Wimi-ri 2625
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Wimi-ri 4390
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Wimi-ri 4479
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Namwon-eup Hannam-ri 1225
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Daejeong-eup Dongil-ri 1656
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Daejeong-eup Inseong-ri 625-8
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Daejeong-eup Ilgwa-ri 420
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Dongji-yeok Gangjeong-dong 1825-2
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Dongji-yeok Topyeong-dong 2653-1
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Dongji-yeok Topyeong-dong 3120
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Seongsan-eup Goseong-ri 2523-4
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Seongsan-eup Ojo-ri 1698
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Andeok-myeon Deoksu-ri 372
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Andeok-myeon Deoksu-ri 439
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Andeok-myeon Donggwang-ri 145-2
Jeju-do Province Seogwipo Pyoseon-myeon Hacheon-ri 202
📌 Please note: The South Korean government continues to deceive us with lies and excuses. Click HERE to learn more.
Civil Petition Results
organization in charge 제주특별자치도
staff in charge 이성아
contact 064-728-3812
processing date 2020-12-03
result (Korean) ○ 안녕하십니까? 귀하께서 국민신문고를 통해 신청하신 민원(신청번호 1AA-2011-0401363)이 다부처 민원으로 설정됨에 따라, 관련 부서별로 검토결과를 다음과 같이 알려드립니다.
○ 귀하의 질의사항에 대해 검토한 의견은 다음과 같습니다.
1. 개를 도살하는 행위가 동물보호법 제8조위반이라는 내용에 대해 위법사항이 확인될 경우 사법기관에 고발조치할 것이며, 현재 육견농장에서의 도축에 대해서는 축산물위생관리법 제2조(정의)에 따라 ‘개’는 가축의 범위에 포함되지않아 축산물위생관리법에 의거한 처분은 불가하나, 위반사항이 있을 경우 동물보호법 등 관련법령에 의거하여 적의 조치토록 하겠습니다.(축산과 ☏064-728-3812 )
2. 가. 개 사육시설은 「가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률」 제11조제3항 및 같은 법 시행령 제8조 [별표2]에 따라 가축분뇨배출시설 설치 신고하여 적법하게 운영이 가능하며, 사육시설 면적이 60㎡ 미만인 경우에는 신고대상 배출시설에 해당하지 않음을 알려드립니다.
나. 민원인께서 제기하신 불법 개농장 여부에 대해서는 확인을 통해 불법 사육여부 등을 확인하여, 가축분뇨 적정처리 여부 및 시설 관리, 음식물류폐기물 제공 등 위반사항이 있을 시 행정조치 해 나가도록 하겠습니다.(환경지도과 ☏064-728-3141)
3. 가. “제주시 동지역 소재 견사 19개소에 대한 건축법 위반행위 지도 단속요청”에 관한 것으로 판단되며, 우리시 건축과에서는 해당필지에 대한 현장 조사 후 건축법 위반사항이 확인될 시 건축법 제79조에 따른 철거 시정명령 등 관련 조치 예정임을 알려드립니다.
나. 관내 건축물(개사) 위반건축물 조치요청”에 관한 것으로 판단됩니다. 해당 건축물에 대하여는『행정조사 기본법』제11조 및 동법 제17조에 따라 현장조사 사전통지 후 현장을 확인하여 건축법 위반사항이 있는 경우『건축법』제79조에 따라 시정명령 등에 대한 조치를 취하도록 하겠습니다.
또한, 건축법 위반건축물에 대한 행정처분은 현장조사 후 행정처분 사전통지(15일 이상), 시정명령 1차계고(30일 이상), 재시정명령 2차계고(20일 이상), 최종시정명령 및 이행강제금 부과예고(10일 이상) 등 시정할 수 있는 충분한 이행 기간을 드리오며, 기간 내 시정되지 않으면 이행강제금 부과(납부기간 14일) 등의 절차로 진행됨을 알려드리오니 양해하여 주시기 바랍니다. (건축과 ☏064-728-3683 및 읍면동 공통)
4. 5)에 대하여 말씀 드리겠습니다.
구좌읍 김녕리 781번지
구좌읍 세화리 400번지
애월읍 납읍리 676번지
조천읍 대흘리 2364-2, 2364-4번지
조천읍 와흘리 2177번지
조천읍 함덕리 3708-1, 3708-4번지
한경면 판포리 688번지
한경면 판포리 74번지
화북이동 5554번지의 건축 용도로 단독주택 및 주거용도이므로 오수처리시설이 신고된 사항이고
그 외의 번지는 건축물 용도에 동,식물관련시설 혹은 가축용창고로 되어 있으므로 오수처리시설 없이 사용 가능한 건축물입니다.(상하수도과 ☏064-728-7498)
– 오라이동 468-1 시설내 개10~15마리 사육확인. 올해 내로 전부 처분예정입니다.(오라동)
– 2020. 11.18(수) 09:30. 노형동 321-5번지 현장확인 결과 울타리 대문이 잠겨있는 사유재산으로 출입이 불가능하여 건물이나 울타리 내부 확인이 곤란하여 생활 폐기물 투기 여부 등을 확인할 수 없었음을 알려드리오니 양지하시기 바랍니다.(노형동)
5. 개사육장 인근 순찰시 생활폐기물 불법 투기 및 방치 행위가 발견될 경우 폐기물관리법에 의거 과태료 부과 등 행정 조치토록 하겠습니다.
앞으로도 쓰레기불법투기 행위 근절을 위해 지속적으로 홍보, 단속을 실시하여 이로 인해 주민들의 생활에 불편이 발생하지 않도록 최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.(읍면동 공통)
6. 다만, 다수에 해당하는 민원이 일시에 제기되어 다소 시일이 많이 소요되는 점을 사전에 안내하여 드립니다.
참고로 「국어기본법」제14조제1항에 따라 공공기관 등은 공문서를 국어로 작성하는 것이 원칙이며, 해당 내용에 대해서는 민원인께서 번역프로그램 등을 이용하여 확인하시기 바랍니다.
답변서식(1AA-2011-0401363).zip 다운로드
Guide to Petition Handling Results
1. Information on Civil Petitioner
Application No. 1AA-2011-0401363
Date of Application
2. Civil Petition Results
Summary of requested petition Request to Jeju, South Korea, to take administrative action against illegal dog farms.
Results ○ My most sincere greeting to all of you. As the civil petitions (application number 1AA-2011-0401363) that you applied through the Civil Rights Commission are designated as a multi-department petition, we inform you of the review results of each relevant department as follows.
○ Review result on your inquiries are as follows:
1. Civil petition will be taken to judicial authority if it is validated that act of slaughtering dogs is a violation of Article 8 of the Animal Protection Act.
With regard to slaughtering at dog breeding facilities, as dog is currently not included in the extent of livestock, according to Article 2 (Definition) of the Livestock Sanitation Control Act, administrative disposition of the facilities under the Livestock Sanitation Control Act is not enforceable.
However, if there is any other violation associated with above decree, appropriate measure will be taken immediately in accordance with relevant laws such as the Animal Protection Act and etc.
(Livestock Division ☏064-728-3812)
2. A. Dog breeding facilities can be legally operated by reporting the installation of livestock manure discharge facilities in accordance with Article 11 (3) of the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Manure and Article 8 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act [Annex 2]. We inform you that if the facility area is less than 60㎡, reporting the installation of manure discharge facilities is not mandated.
B. Regarding the civil petitions you filed about the existence of an illegal dog breeding farm, we will check whether farm is operated illegally, and immediate administrative measures will come into effect when violations of proper treatment of livestock manure, facility management, and provision of food waste are verified. (Environment Instruction Division ☏064-728-3141)
3. A. Your petition is figured out as a “request to clamp down on violations of the building law for 19 dog breeding sites in the Dong Neighborhood area of Jeju City”. On-site investigation of the parcel will be conducted in our city’s infrastructure department and upon verification of any violations of the building law, related measures, such as a demolition corrective order pursuant to Article 79 of the Building Act, will be implemented and informed to you in advance.
B. Your petition is figured out as a “request for action on buildings in the jurisdiction area, which you alleged is the violation of Building law.”
Regarding the relevant building, in accordance with Article 11 of the Basic Act on Administrative Investigations and Article 17 of the same Act, we will check the site after prior notice of the site investigation, and take measures for corrective orders and etc, in accordance with Article 79 of the Building Act, if any violation of Building law is verified.
In addition, for administrative dispositions of office buildings violating the Building Law, we provide sufficient periods to redress and fulfill the correction-order, which follow as:
– prior notice of administrative disposition (more than 15 days) after on-site investigation,
– first notice of correction order (more than 30 days),
– second notice of re-corrective order (more than 20 days),
– final corrective order and the notice of imposition of the compulsory implementation fee (more than 10 days)
Please understand this is a standard procedure and will not be shortened.
(Infrastructure Division ☏064-728-3683, eup, myeon and dong: the same as above)
4. A. We will give a concise account of 5)
153-9, Gimnyeongnam 8-gil, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
161, Sehwagyeongmaru-gil, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
399-52, Cheondeok-ro, Aewol-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
2607, Namjo-ro, Jocheon-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
93, Jonginnae-gil, Jocheon-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
47-14, Hamjo-gil, Jocheon-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
107-10, Baenanggol-gil, Hangyeong-myeon, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
8-12, Josudong 1-gil, Hangyeong-myeon, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
32, Giwa 5-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea
has reported the installation of the sewage treatment facility as they are family house and has beend constructed as residential purpose.
Other bungee areas have been constructed and reported for use of animal & plant-related facilities or warehouses for livestock and thus buildings that can be used without sewage treatment facilities. (Water and Sewerage Division ☎064-728-7498)
B. Confirmation of breeding of 10 to 15 dogs in the facility in 26, Jeongsillam 4-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea. Facility is scheduled to be disposed of within this year. (Ora-dong)
C. 2020. 11.18 (Wed) 09:30 on-site investigation result report:
Please note that as it was gate-locked private land with fences and unaccessible, we were not able to check inside the fenced area and could not confirm the illegal household waste disposal. (Nohyeong-dong)
5. Your petition is figured out as a “request to clamp down on the illegal dumping and neglect of domestic waste near dog breeding grounds.”
If illegal dumping or neglect of household waste is discovered during patrol near a dog breeding ground, administrative measures such as imposition of a fine in accordance with the Waste Management Act will be taken.
Continue to conduct public promotion and crackdowns to eradicate illegal waste dumping in advance, and do our best to prevent any further inconvenience of our residents.
(eup, myeon and dong: the same as above )”
6. Nevertheless, due to a number of petitions filed at the same time, we inform you that verification of the complaint is expected to take a while.
For reference, in accordance with Article 14 (1) of the Framework Act on the Korean Language, it is a general principle for public institutions to produce official documents in Korean and thus civil petitoners themselves must clarify the content using a translation program or by any means.
(Please note that the translated version of this notice does not provide any notarization or legal effect.)
Organization Jeju City
Department Livestock department
Date of processing
Staff in Charge LEE Seong-a ([email protected])
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