KARA files to the Constitutional Court to end ‘dog meat’ industry
Below is Facebook post by Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) on December 11, 2019.
Click HERE to read in Korean.
Under current law in South Korea, ‘dog’ is not recognized as food ingredients. Listed materials according to the Food Hygiene Act can be used as food materials, while ‘dog’ is not on the list. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, which is in charge of public health, should start cracking down right now, but they are not doing their duty, saying that they need ‘social consensus’.
Also, dog is not a part of ‘livestock’ as defined by the Livestock Sanitary Control Act. The slaughter of dogs is literally everywhere because they cannot be slaughtered in a licensed slaughterhouse. Similar to the ongoing “dog electric slaughtering case” at the Seoul High Court, brutal slaughtering at one side of a dog farm is still occurring in many parts of the country.
KARA was informed at a press conference (at 21st) of the fact that the basic rights of the people are being violated as a result of the neglect of such dog farms and dog slaughterhouses. And two years ago, a dog owner who lost her dog, Osun, was there to testify the damage caused – how the slaughterers killed her lost dog Osun.
The opportunity for participating the petition is still open – if you are a Korean citizen. KARA and citizens today delivered a request to the Seoul Government to crack down on ‘dog meat’ restaurants in accordance with the current law, and will file a petition for the Constitutional Court in early December together with additional applicants.
Please be with us. 🐶
🧡 KARA is funded entirely by donations.
To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link. 👉 https://www.ekara.org/support/donate
#KARA #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates #AnimalRights

Im all from body to soul with you guys.
Everytime i wake up the first thing that came to my mind are the dogs in asia countries…
Damm i feel so impotente…that makes me very heart breaking…
I will donate everytime i can until there is no more dog meat.
My all strenght and soul are with you.
The best to you all.