KARA: Please help us buy food, new briquette stove and briquettes for Dalbong’s Shelter.
Sharing for Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA).
Since 2012, KARA has been providing supplies and medical assistance for Dalbong’s Shelter so that more than 140 dogs can live in a better environment. However, KARA’s efforts have become more difficult as the food sponsorship had decreased in 2020 due to the Covid-19 situation. We wanted to have in advance, a stock of food available for at least one or two months for Dalbong’s Shelter, but it wasn’t enough.
Dalbong’s Shelter is a private shelter which cares for dogs that had been abandoned in redevelopment areas, and also dogs that people had irresponsibly dumped to fend for themselves. The shelter came into operation in 2015 by one individual who had decided to care for the abandoned dogs from a large redevelopment complex in Seoul. It has always been short of manpower and finances to support its operation which provides food, shelter, and medical care for the rescued dogs.
We know that you are already donating for animals even at a difficult time due to issues such as COVID-19. Still, may we ask for your help again so that dogs at Dalbong’s Shelter can prepare for a warm winter?
◽ Current Situation at Dalbong’s Shelter
– Remaining food available: enough for 10 days only.
– Heating conditions: Requires replacement for safety reasons due to long-term use of stovepipe and briquette stove
◽ Calculation of necessary food
– 1.5 tons of feed per month for 140 dogs (more feed is required in winter to maintain body temperature)
– About 5 tons of feed from October 15 to January 30 (3.5 months)
◽ Target Amount of Donations
– USD $8,613 (10 million Korean won) in total
– About USD $6,890 (8 million won) for purchase of 4 tons of feed
(※ KARA will provide 1 ton of feed of a higher grade, such as Natural Balance, and mix with the other 4 tons of feed.)
– Cost of briquettes: 2,700 sheets, USD $172 (20,000 Korean won).
– Replacement of briquette stove and placement of 5 fire extinguishers: USD $1,550 (1.8 million won)
Thankfully, our supporters have sent us high-quality feed, making it easier for us to maintain the dogs’ health. Please support us to keep the dogs warm, fed, and safe this winter. ⛄
💙 KARA is funded entirely by donations. To support & donate to KARA via PayPal, please click this link.
👉 https://www.ekara.org/support/donate
#KARA #Korea_Animal_Rights_Advocates #AnimalRights
🌺 KARA is an animal rights group that has received perfect scores in non-profit transparency evaluation and is fully committed to honest donation management through external accounting audits.

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