KARA Publishes Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption
Dog-meat Consumption is NOT LEGAL in South Korea! However, the majority of Koreans show a profound indifference to both the law and any moral principles by doing nothing at all to stop the dog-meat trade: dogs are being brutally tortured and eaten as if it were completely legal.
KARA (Korea Animal Rights Advocates) has published information booklets explaining the laws involving dog meat consumption. This booklet summarized the major disparities between the current law on farming dogs for the meat trade – to sell and slaughter for human consumption and what is currently practiced in South Korea. You can download the copy of this booklet from their website by clicking HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page and click “법규안내집 다운받기” blue button.
You can also download this from our page by clicking HERE.
From now on, when the Korean government gives you a lame response that they “don’t have the laws to stop eating dogs,” then send them a copy of this booklet or the KARA’s page online.
Below is a full translation of their page: https://www.ekara.org/activity/against/read/7537
Case 2 “There is a restaurant in our village that hung a placard advertising Boshintang on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Today there’s a white dog tied up under that placard. Please rescue him.”
Case 3 “There’s a slaughterhouse across the street where dogs are slaughtered. They are unloaded from the truck and dragged inside, and then there’s a period of continuous screaming, and then streams of blood flow into the drain. And the day’s work must be done because then there’s silence. These images float around inside my head and torment me. It’s hard to live like this. Please help.”
Case 4 “On the side of a farm waterway, there are signs saying ‘We sell dog meat,’ ‘We buy and sell dog,’ with the contact information. As I walk past these signs, it’s agonizing seeing them because of the screams of the dogs nearby.”
Grave of Korean companion animals – Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption is published.
Published by: Korea Animal Rights Advocates
Written by: Jeon Jin-Kyung, Kim Hyun-Ji
Legal advice: Seo Guk-Hwa
Dog meat consumption is clearly illegal. It has been argued that it is impossible to determine if dog meat consumption is legal or illegal because Korean law has not passed legislation specifying whether the consumption of dog meat is permitted or not. However, dog meat farms and the slaughter and distribution of dog meat violate our current laws in many areas.
Even though ‘Banning of Dog Meat Consumption’ is not specifically stipulated in the law, the acts that are committed in the process of slaughtering dogs for consumption are clearly illegal, and therefore dog meat consumption can never be legal.
In order for the dog meat to end up on the table 6 existing laws are violated!!
1) Violation of Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act
2) Violation of Animal Protection Act
3) Violation of Control of Livestock and Fish Feed Act
4) Violation of Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases
5) Violation of Waste Control Act
6) Violation of Food Sanitation Act
So even if we only consider existing Korean laws, dog meat consumption is already illegal.
However, despite the stages of dog meat consumption – from breeding to slaughter to processing the carcass to the sale of the dog meat soup – in which many laws overlap and are cumulatively violated, the reality is that these illegal acts are neither controlled nor punished.
The administrative government, judicial government, and police all argue that “There are no laws to control dog meat consumption, the resulting animal cruelty, or the many problems that are created and witnessed as a result of the breeding, slaughter, and distribution of dog meat soup.”
It is preposterous that even though dogs are subjected to horrendous breeding practices and slaughter, all laws become invalid, and protection is out of reach for the dogs because of the excuse that they are raised as food.
Introducing the legal information that will become the guidepost to coming one step closer to ending dog meat consumption.
Is the argument that there are no laws to stop dog meat consumption and the resulting animal cruelty valid?
Could it be that dog meat consumption became normal due to complacency and a misinterpretation of the law or neglect of duty even though there are laws against it?
Could it be that the government’s outrageously irresponsible attitude, refusing to address the dog meat problem by thinking the issue of dog meat consumption eventually would end over time, brought about the lack of interpretation and enforcement of laws?
KARA’s ‘Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption’ was published to answer these questions.
Legal Information Table of Contents
- Violation of Animal Protection Act
- According to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act, it is not allowed to slaughter dogs and distribute as meat
- Violation of Food Sanitation Act
- Misuse of laws on Livestock Waste Control and Use
- Through the ‘Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases’, total collapse of epidemics prevention and imposing danger
- Violation of Control of Livestock and Fish Feed Act/Waste Control Act and the maximization of operating profit
Our Plans for the use and distribution of the Legal Information Booklet for the ending of dog meat consumption
Using these guidelines, KARA will ask the Korean government, administrative agencies, police, prosecutors, and Judicial agencies who aren’t taking any legal action against all the illegal activity and animal cruelty relating to the dog meat trade if they are doing their best.
KARA also wants to provide legal knowledge to all those with a forward-looking attitude who want to find solutions to the dog meat trade problem and provide them with an opportunity to gain insight from others to begin a serious full-scale discussion on ending the dog meat trade.
This information booklet will be distributed to politicians, government personnel, frontline administrators, police, veterinarian associations, relevant professional groups, and Judicial authorities. It will also be provided in PDF file for everyone to download and read at their convenience.
Only with your help we can end the dog meat trade.
The animal abandonment problem is serious. Unlike in the past, however, many people in our society are interested and concerned about this issue and are requesting breeding regulations to resolve the fundamental problem. This is a significant relief and a great step forward.
But unlike other nations, our nation is still faced with problems related to dog meat consumption. Compared to the hundreds of thousands of animals abandoned annually, dogs that are victims of the dog meat industry count in the millions each year. Many stray dogs end up as fatalities in the dog meat trade. The dog meat trade is a graveyard for our companion animals. If we can’t resolve this issue, we can’t expect any advancement in the companion animal culture.
You must empathize with this reality and understand that the only way to resolve the dog meat problem is by banning and ending the dog meat trade.
It’s time to raise our voices and demand an end to the dog meat trade, stricter enforcement of existing laws, and legislation of new laws banning the dog meat trade.
- Please read the legal information booklet provided in PDF file and share and distribute wherever you can.
- Please learn the contents of our legal information booklet and persuade people around you about the problems of dog meat trade.
- If you witness illegal dog farm or animal cruelty occurring at a dog farm, please report it to the police and administrative authorities with our information booklet.
Below is summary of violation of existing laws by the dog meat industry in South Korea:
A summary of the major disparity between the current law on farming dogs for the meat trade – to sale and slaughter for human consumption and what is currently practiced in S. Korea.
Click HERE for the narrative format of the below summary.

Source:KARA. A summary of the major disparity between the current law on farming dogs for the meat trade – to sale and slaughter for human consumption and what is currently practiced in S. Korea.
[2] The fact that dogs are not considered livestock according to the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act doesn’t mean that the slaughter of dogs and distribution and sale of dog meat are protected from legal restrictions. It means that the legal restrictions should be applied, and if the regulations under the governing law are violated, violators must be penalized. According to the law, dog slaughter is unauthorized because it is conducted at not permitted slaughterhouses. Therefore the maximum penalty under the Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act must be applied.
개의 사육, 도살, 지육 및 보신탕 판매까지 중복누적되는 위법행위 일람표
Thank you it was useful information.Pitty that still is not ban but if we keep protesting ll have success
Only a person with no heart would eat a dog.
Not only dogs, also farm animals like pigs, caws, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, Turkeys and their babies are slaughtered every day in millions. They are just like our dogs if not smarter. They are so very beautiful. Please while helping dogs also choose and promote vegan. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind-hearted comments. If only there were more like you. Happy new year.
despair is a very grim & unhappy position,humans on “death row” look very similar to our “best friends” about to be slaughtered for food, very tragic for all animals to surcum to this despicable fate, if we are to continue life on this great giving planet, these disturbing acts of spicesium shall cease OR MOST LIFE ESPECIALLY HUMANS WILL BE GONE FOREVER!…BETTER KNOWN AS THE SIXTH EXTINCTION!….WILL YOU BET YOUR LIFE ON THIS?!…..”YOUR A DAISY IF YOU DO”!
Lo que deseas es de humanos evolucionados y los que cometen estas atrocidades por diversión, no me creo lo de la comida, eso es un añadido, son repugnantes monstruos que nunca debieron nacer… Alguien me dijo que tras cada animal muerto violentamente, sobreviene una tragedia… No lo sé… 5h
For thousands of years man has bred dogs to be mans loyal friend and companion. What kind of barbaric ignorant people would do this to them? I or my family will not purchase anything made in South Korea as in Kia, Hyundai, LG, Samsung and others as long as dogs are treated in this way.
For thousands of years man has bred dogs to be mans loyal friend and companion. What kind of barbaric ignorant people would do this to them? I or my family will not purchase anything made in South Korea as in Kia, Hyundai, LG, Samsung and others as long as dogs are treated in this way.
We need to boycott Samung people.
Stop this cruelty
Precious photo
mercy,dog to keep is trully not for food
Your Country should be Embarrassed..Your a Disgrace for allowing this..Shame on you! Your psychotic and way behind on times…you are mentally ill Monsters. You have laws and allow these animals to die and get tortured instead of being a MAN and abiding by your laws..very disturbing and disgusting.
The president of south korea is a shameful, embarrassing and sadistic ugly coward. It is a shameful country and should not be allow to any Olympics. Dogs are better than any of those assassins.
When saying “you” you refer not only to those who do nothing, but also to this site team and Nami Kim who do all they can to stop this. Yes, I boycott Korea too, but without these Koreans we’d be absolutely powerless. It’s not “world against Korea” its “Koreans+world against the worst part of Koreans+ corrupion”.
well said Maria. I hate all koreans, Chinese, etc who breed, slaughter, and consume the dogs, BUT I KNOW there are many Koreans, Chinese etc who rally, protest, and do everything they can to stop this!! Those that have no heart, and slaughter and consume, deserve whats coming to them…its called KARMA and I hope they get it good. To those who help to save animals and do water they can to educate others I APPLAUDE you keep up the GREAT work.
Okrutne i bezduszne traktowanie zwierzat zasluguje na potepienie!!!! WSTYD I HANBA CALY SWIAT PATRZY NA WASZE PRYMITYWNE PRAKTYKI!!! GARDZE WAMI I BRZYDZE SIE WAS .
No Olympics should be allowed her for the disgusting, barbaric way this is done also no holiday makers
I will never step foot in any Asian country with this barbaric treatment of animals continuing. And I tell everyone I meet not to support tourism there.
Stop geweldadige mishandeling tegen dieren
I would never visit these countries it’s a cruel wicked disgusting way to torture and killing of most affectionate loyal animals no-one iknow they’re all disgusted and very disturbed by it stop this evil
I would never visit these countries it’s a cruel wicked disgusting way to torture and killing of most affectionate loyal animals no-one iknow they’re all disgusted and very disturbed by it stop this evil
Stop i jeszcze raz STOP !
It is astounding that with all the points of legislation listed here, that no one in S.Korea are really prepared to enforce these applicable laws. Seems officials and police generally just do not care. I really cannot understand that as a westerner, it is incomprehensible. Perhaps S.Koreans in general are just very ambivalent towards our canine and feline companions. To me that is appalling,and explains why the horrific barbarism continues,where in other countries these laws would be effective even if they are not ideal.
I agree with Kate. Why do they not apply these laws they have made? This is a backward country with no sense of decent mindset, no lead from their leaders and no conscience. Are all s. koreans content with this regime? I think not. Are they fighting for an end to this outrage?
Human!!!!we MUST join to opportunite unnormal slaughters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It appears the government of South Korea doesn’t care that the world sees them as savage “dog eaters”. Pity because it’s a shame on ALL Koreans. There are wonderful compassionate, progressive Koreans who condemn it.
Stop this barbaric cruelty S Korea!!! The world is watch and thinks very poorly of your actions. You should be ashamed of your actions. Hang your heads in shame!!!!!!!!
Every one here in America needs to see these videos. We need to send them to the clothing stores like Target and H&M and Macy’s or Nordstrom. Because besides the meat they want it is also they’re fur that they take from them and put it on our clothing for us to wear. Just because it says fake fur doesn’t mean it’s man made. It’s still coming from an animal who was tortured. If all Americans saw this and knew that then we wouldn’t want to wear fur and we would have all the dog meat petitions signed in one day. I want to do what is needed to help. I’m not wealthy but I can do other means to help.! I can’t even watch a whole video without going crazy. I look at my dear companion and cry in vain. It’s not right. It’s simply not right. These are God’s little babies, we can’t think this is okay to do.
in name of humidity.. STOP.. i will do everthing I can,that nothing from your country will be sold in germany and we nether go to your place until this cruel has stopped !!!
Is there something hanging over this man’s head? Is he being threatened? Please be a man a help these poor animals.
i wish all of Asia would fall in the ocean except the dogs and cats they kill , I would never step foot in their country nor will I step foot in any Asian business in my country they are cruel dirty disgusting maggots ,
a big shame for all politics everywhere around the world !!! all of them know what happens !!! and nobody has a courage to act !! only the money is important and the good relationship !!! there’s no place for the good relationship with the countries which don’t even care about the animals rights !!
This has got to stop! Evil, barbaric, heartless bastards! May you get a taste of your pun medicine!
The dog eating Tradition must Stopp!!!!!!it ist barbaric and Marke me Cry!!!!
Stop it
I thought that South Korea was more humane than North Korea from what I had read. However, I see they are just as barbaric as their northern counterparts. My husband and I were planning a trip there but I will never enter this barbaric country after reading of what they do to the dogs and cats there.Shame on you and your country!
These cruel imagery damage psyche of children.
What will be the long-term implications?
I am afraid, that today are dogs –
tomorrow could be people.
Only primitive are able to do something terrible, no man with a healthy mind is capable of the devil should bring them all, the poor dogs …. Oh!
Please stop, the whole world knows what you are doing and they are sickened by this
You people are sad and completely void of compassion. You have such a beautiful country….too bad you are backeard and ignorant.
I pray that whatever they do to the dogs and cats it’s done to them and someone they Love and they’re able to witness it at the same time.
I say may god help all the dogs and curse all who do bad to them rot in burning HE’LL.
L.p. all the dogs
Individui crudeli senza pietà per degli animali che aiutano l’uomo fin dalla notte del tempo, boicottiamo i prodotti provenienti dalla Corea del sud
This sickening use of companion animals for food needs to end, NOW! No excuses!
Please stop this I know you Don’t just Slaughter the Animals your also stealing them so End this or every person in every country will HATE YOU which will also be bad for Buissness
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by how its animals are treated. I believe that the more helpless a creature, the more his rights to protection from the cruelty of mankind.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.
Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals. – Theodor W. Adorno
Shame on the nation. These are the real fascists.
For thousands of years man has bred dogs to be mans loyal friend and companion. What kind of barbaric ignorant people would do this to them? I or my family will not purchase anything made in South Korea as in Kia, Hyundai, LG, Samsung and others as long as dogs are treated in this way.
Dogs are domestic animals not livestock! Stop the barbaric slaughter of these gentle creatures NOW!
la Corea del Sud è l’inferno in terra per i cani e i gatti,mentre negli altri Paesi civili fanno parte della famiglia
They are a cruel, heartless, soulless race of sub-humans that enjoy inflicting pain and agony on living beings. The people of these countries should hang their heads in shame for this insane treatment of all animals. This is the most egregious treatment of sentient beings that I have ever witnessed. This MUST STOP NOW !!!!!!!! No animal should endure this torture !!!!!! This slaughter and torture of millions of dogs and cats MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY !! The world is watching and WE WILL remember and so will God !!!!!!!!!!!!
T hey are a cruel, heartless, soulless race of sub-humans that enjoy inflicting pain and agony on living beings. The people of these countries should hang their heads in shame for this insane treatment of all animals. This is the most egregious treatment of sentient beings that I have ever witnessed. This MUST STOP NOW !!!!!!!! No animal should endure this torture !!!!!! This slaughter and torture of millions of dogs and cats MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY !! The world is watching and WE WILL remember and so will God !!!!!!!!!!!!
son lo peor de la especie humana que verguenza yo nunca iría a ese maldito país solo falta que se coman entre ellos mismos sería bueno y me alegraría que se extinguieran todos
Shame, shame on you ‘President of South Korea’ for allowing these atrocities against earth’s companion animals to go on for so long. Instead of protecting them, you’ve let them suffer unimaginable vicious, heartless torture. The savage acts of cruelty and slaughter of all those precious dogs and cats is on You, and the Mayors and Council Members throughout South Korea for not upholding the laws to protect and keep them safe. To all those who did nothing for years to stop this disgusting, barbaric evil, you should…..HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME!!
Barbaric..there is no other word to describe this horrific torture.
Buy from TAIWAN, the most humane nation in SE Asia. It is high time we used our economic leverage to fight this hideous practice. Dogs are not food or objects to be tortured. They are man’s best friend and this cruelty must stop.
boycotter tous les produits made in koréa !!!!! inonder le Net de cette nation qui ne respecte pas les animaux domestiques qui plus est !
These laws are in place to protect these innocent dogs and cats. They are lacking physical enforcement by ALL countries, Embassies, Governments and World Animal Protection Agencies.
We are failing to keep them safe and in Sanctuaries. God will remember their lives taken so brutally, away from HIS innocent animals. Be prepared for the worst.
Svp , arrêtez de tuer les chiens et les chats pour les manger , ils souffrent !
Stop this cruelty !!!!
Stop it, it’s awful! 😢😢😢
S&S. Help end this morally vile atrocity.
The dog and cat meat trade is a moral obscenity of the first order. The nations, mainly Asian, who condone this torture to such loving and trusting companion animals such as dogs, and cats, have absolutely nothing to be proud of if they crow endlessly about their materialistic progress and glorious civilizations. The empty rationalizations used to justify such depravity of a ‘business’ are just fallacious sophistic nonsense. Until animal welfare laws and legislated and enforced in said countries, and the populations are educated to understand what an obscenity this is, such nations are empty vessels of indifference and corrupt behaviour. To accept torture of nonhuman life as a norm, and not object to it, reveals systemic evil, mainly from the authorities who claim to govern the citizens under their control and who are unprepared to listen to their own activists wishing this horror to be banned. To be against torture — inflicted through malign cultural traditions — is not cultural imperialism. Those individuals who speak up to condemn the concept of cultural relativism are freely entitled to condemn torture to humans or nonhumans perpetrated in any nation on Earth. That torture is somehow acceptable within a culture, and outsiders should not interfere or criticize other cultures, is irrational nonsense. To pander to this concept is just an excuse to deny criticism of an evil. To do so exonerates the perpetrators of cruelty, the callous dog and cat meat traders who need retraining for more productive and humane occupations. Above all the acceptance of cruelty fails the nonhumans who cannot speak for themselves. More than ever, we need compassionate individuals with empathy to speak up for those beings denied a voice to live a happy life free from misery, torture, suffering and death. No more excuses for the corrupt horror of the Asian dog and cat meat trade! End it. Ban this sordid trade.
End the South Korean dog meat trade before another pandemic hits the world!
Nur barbarische primitive Mörder können solche Grausamkeiten an unschuldigen wehrlosen Tieren ausüben. Die unbeschreibliche Folter, welche diese Bestien an Tieren ausüben, müssen diese primitiven Bastarde zwingend an deren eigenen Körpern erleben. Doch besser wäre, diese abscheulichen Mörder für immer ins Gefängnis zu werfen, damit dieser letztklassigste Abschaum nie mehr ein Tier quälen kann.
Wir und unsere vielen Tausend Mitglieder boykottieren alle Produkte aus diesem primitiven, von menschlichem Abschaum besetztem Land und wir boykottieren diesen Schandfleck auf der Landkarte auch als Touristen. Nach dem die ganze Welt das unbeschreiblich brutale Schänden und Morden
von Hunden Katzen, ja überhaupt von Tieren anprangert und diese Schlächter mit Recht zum letztklassigsten miesesten Abschaum gehört wird dieser
Schandfleck auf der Landkarte keine Touristen mehr gewinnen können.
Please have compassion for these beautiful dogs.
I will spread the info as wide as i can.
We all must donate!
Ik eet veganistisch, vlees heb je absoluut niet nodig, stop dierenleed,
Moesten slachthuizen glazen muren hebben…dan zou niemand nog vlees eten!
Mijn mening>>> vleesvreters zijn dwazen!
Wat was er mis aan mijn reactie????? ik schreef gewoon de waarheid, mag ik niet schrijven dat ik veganist ben?
Al zeer lang ontvang ik Koreandogs.org,…. en nu plots… wat heb ik misdaan,… mijn reactie plaats men niet, al voor de tweede keer, …mijn vertrouwen???? of zijn jullie de mensen de les aan het lezen,>>en zelf ook vleesvreters???
Hartelijk dank voor alles!!!
Wat gebeurt in Zuid Korea met die prachtige honden is schandalig,…die onschuldige dieren lijden enorm, een schande voor het land, …Politici in Korea>>>schaam u,…Ik zou jullie land nooit willen bezoeken want u leeft in een onder ontwikkelde land + zeer domme politici…stop dierenleed nu en overal!
Maar ook hier in ons eigen land kan het veel beter, ….in Brussel mag men verder onverdoofd slachten, ook die dieren lijden, ik werkte tijdelijk in een slachthuis, ik heb daar genoeg dierenleed & brutaliteit gezien,…….
When will this vile and disgusting trade end
Disgusting conditions these poor animals suffer ,then to be slaughter in the most barbaric way, wickedness beyond words .
Evil, disgusting, torture of animals. This animal abuse needs to end immediately!
Vitun sairat paskiaiset. lemmikeläinten kitutus murhaminen ja syönti loppu välittömästi
This is wrong in so many ways. It makes me angry that anyone can treat an animal with such callous disrespect. People who have no problem with this cruelty are just pure evil.
This is cruelty, to helpless dogs, like the ones most people down and consider them to be loving companions. Loyal and true they look frightened and are treated with complete disregard, when they feel pain and fear exactly bloke a human being! This business is totally inhumane! 😠😓