South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Unveils Roadmap to End Dog Consumption by 2027 🛣️
Video: “With 100 billion won in tax investment… the dog meat industry warns of ‘full-scale conflict’ (Subtitle News) / SBS”, September 26, 2024. (1천억 세금 투입하는데…개 식용 업계는 ‘전면전 예고’ (자막뉴스) / SBS)
Below is South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ Roadmap for Ending Dog Consumption by 2027, unveiled on September 26, 2024.
South Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Unveils Roadmap to End Dog Consumption by 2027
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), led by Minister Song Mi-Ryung, has announced a “Basic Plan for Ending Dog Consumption.” This plan outlines targeted solutions by sector to end dog meat consumption by 2027.
According to the “Special Bill to End the Breeding, Slaughter, and Distribution of Dogs for Consumption” (Dog Consumption Abolition Act), enacted in February this year, breeding, slaughtering, distributing, and selling dogs for consumption will be prohibited starting February 7, 2027. Businesses currently involved in dog consumption must either transition to alternative practices or close by this deadline.
MAFRA has solidified its policy direction to end dog consumption through discussions with relevant ministries and stakeholders, informed by a survey of the industry status and research from specialized institutions. On September 24, the basic plan was reviewed and confirmed by the Committee for Ending Dog Consumption, chaired by Vice Minister Park Beom-Soo.
The basic plan aims to fully terminate dog consumption by 2027 and outlines specific implementation methods by focusing on three main strategies:
1. Incentives for early transition or closure by business type
2. Establishing a reliable implementation system for termination
3. Expanding social consensus.
The main contents of the basic plan are as follows:
First, we will support the necessary measures to transition or close down 5,898 dog meat businesses.
All 5,898 establishments in the dog meat industry that reported their operating status under the “Dog Consumption Abolition Act” have submitted plans to transition or suspend operations, and the government intends to actively support a smooth transition or closure.
* (‘25 Government Budget (Draft)) A total of 109.5 billion KRW (approximately $80.2 million USD) is allocated for support, including 56.2 billion KRW (approximately $41.2 million USD) for business closure promotion funds and 30.5 billion KRW (approximately $22.3 million USD) for the residual value of farm owners’ facilities. This funding will be split equally, with 50% provided nationally and 50% locally.
** The final support amount for 2025 will be determined in December 2024, following the National Assembly budget review.
MAFRA will provide subsidies to farm owners to expedite their transition to business closure, prioritizing the early reduction of dog breeding for consumption. Farm owners who close their businesses early will receive increased subsidies, ranging from a maximum of 600,000 KRW (approximately $440 USD) to a minimum of 225,000 KRW (approximately $165 USD) per dog, depending on the closure timing. These amounts are based on the annual average number of dogs reported to the city, county, or district. However, the upper limit will be determined by the appropriate number* of dogs calculated based on the size of the breeding area.
* Manure discharge facilities (according to Article 11 of the “Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta”) reported area (㎡) × appropriate number of livestock per area (1.2 head/㎡)
Additionally, dog farm owners and slaughterhouse operators who close their businesses will receive support based on the residual value of their facilities, as determined through an appraisal. Local governments will act as agents for the demolition of these facilities. Low-interest loans for those transitioning to agriculture will be offered for related facilities or operational funds.
For distributors and restaurants closing their businesses, we plan to support store demolition costs (up to 2.5 million KRW in 2024, roughly $1.8K USD and up to 4 million KRW after 2025, roughly $2.9K USD) and re-employment success allowances (up to 1.9 million KRW in 2025, roughly $1.4K USD) in coordination with the Ministry of SMEs and Startups’ support project for small business closures. Additionally, if they change their menu or the type of meat sold, we will provide funding for replacing signboards and menu boards (up to 2.5 million KRW).
Second, we will establish a reliable system to ensure the smooth implementation of ending dog consumption.
To proactively reduce the breeding scale, currently estimated at around 466,000, the Ministry will encourage farm owners to voluntarily minimize breeding and conduct systematic inspections. Dogs that are inevitably left behind due to abandonment of breeding, etc., will be protected and managed, including through adoption support, in accordance with the Animal Protection Act.
Additionally, we plan to provide administrative support, including sector-specific consulting*, to businesses facing challenges transitioning or closing operations. This support aims to facilitate stable business transitions or closures while systematically inspecting and managing compliance with the obligations outlined in the “Dog Consumption Abolition Act.”
* Customized full-time consulting for farms wishing to switch to other livestock types (MAFRA), food hygiene consulting for full-time distributors and restaurant workers (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety), business closure consulting in connection with the support project for small business owners who are closing down (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
Third, to ensure the stable establishment of the dog meat prohibition, we will promote social consensus and thoroughly enforce the ban on such activities as mandated by law starting in 2027.
Multifaceted campaigns and promotions will be launched to eradicate not only the commercial distribution network for dog consumption but also the culture surrounding it. These efforts will promote animal welfare awareness and enhance food culture. Education on the lifecycle of companion animals will be provided to foster public consensus on ending dog consumption.
After the grace period for the “Dog Consumption Abolition Act” ends in February 2027, joint inspection teams between the Ministry and local governments will be established to strictly enforce prohibitions on breeding, slaughtering, distributing, and selling dogs for consumption. Strong measures will also be taken against illegal activities, including cases of animal abuse where pets are stolen for consumption, ensuring strict enforcement of the “Dog Consumption Abolition Act” and other legal violations.
Vice Minister Park Beom-Su stated, “We will ensure that the implementation of the dog meat prohibition proceeds smoothly by taking thorough follow-up actions on the basic plan and engaging in proactive administration.” He added, “I hope that not only the relevant industries but also the public will actively cooperate with the government’s initiatives to achieve complete abolition within the specified timeframe.”
Basic Plan Infographic
Summary of the Basic Plan for Ending Dog Consumption
Overview of the Dog Consumption Termination Committee
👉 Click HERE to learn more from MAFRA’s page.
농식품부, 2027년 개식용종식 로드맵 제시
2024.09.26 12:00:00 동물복지환경정책관 개식용종식추진단
– 개식용 조기종식을 위한 전·폐업 지원 등 기본계획 마련 –
– 개식용 업계 5,898개소의 차질없는 전‧폐업 이행을 적극 지원
– 농장주 조기 전‧폐업 이행 노력에 폐업이행촉진지원금 등 인센티브 제공
– 개식용종식 사회적 공감대 확산, ‘27년 이후 개식용 행위 단속 철저
농림축산식품부(장관 송미령, 이하 농식품부)는 2027년 개의 식용을 종식하기 위해 분야별로 구체적인 해결책을 담은 ‘개식용종식 기본계획(이하 기본계획)’을 발표했다.
올해 2월 제정된 「개의 식용 목적의 사육ㆍ도살 및 유통 등 종식에 관한 특별법」(이하 개식용종식법)에 따라 2027년 2월 7일부터 개의 식용 목적 사육ㆍ도살ㆍ유통ㆍ판매가 금지되며 현재 개의 식용을 목적으로 운영 중인 업계는 금지 시점까지 전ㆍ폐업을 의무적으로 이행해야 한다.
농식품부는 관련 업계 현황에 대한 실태조사와 전문기관 연구용역을 토대로 관계부처, 이해관계자 등과의 논의를 거쳐 개의 식용을 종식하기 위한 정책 방향을 구체화하였으며, 지난 9월 24일 개식용종식위원회(위원장: 박범수 농식품부 차관)를 통해 기본계획을 심의하여 확정하였다.
기본계획은 2027년 개식용종식의 완전한 달성을 목표로 하여 ‘조기 종식을 위한 업종별 전ㆍ폐업 인센티브’, ‘차질 없는 종식 이행 체계 구축’, ‘사회적 공감대 확산’이라는 3대 추진 전략을 기반으로 구체적인 이행 수단을 제시한다.
기본계획의 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.
첫째, 개식용 업계 5,898개소의 전ㆍ폐업 이행에 필요한 사항을 지원한다.
「개식용종식법」에 따라 운영 현황을 신고한 개식용 업계 5,898개소 모두 전ㆍ폐업 이행계획서를 제출한 상황이며, 정부는 업계의 차질없는 전ㆍ폐업 이행을 적극 지원할 계획이다.
* (‘25 정부예산(안)) 폐업이행촉진금 562억원, 농장주 시설물 잔존가액 305억원 등 총 1,095억원 지원(국비 50%, 지방비 50%)
** ’25년 지원 금액은 국회 예산 심의를 거쳐 ‘24.12월 최종 확정 예정
농식품부는 식용 목적 개 사육 규모의 조기 감축에 방점을 두고 농장주에게 폐업이행촉진지원금을 지급한다. 조기에 전ㆍ폐업 이행 시 더 많은 지원금을 지급하는 구조로, 농장주는 시군구에 신고한 연평균 사육 마릿수(단, 사육면적을 기준으로 산출한 적정 사육마릿수*를 상한으로 적용)를 기준으로 1마리당 폐업 시기별 최대 60만 원, 최소 22.5만 원을 지원받게 된다.
* 분뇨 배출시설(「가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률」 제11조) 신고 면적(㎡)×면적당 적정 두수(1.2마리/㎡)
이 외에도 농장주와 도축상인이 폐업하는 경우 감정평가를 통해 산출한 시설물 잔존가액을 지원하는 한편, 지자체가 시설물 철거를 대행하며, 농업으로 전업하는 경우에는 관련 시설 혹은 운영자금을 저리 융자 지원한다.
폐업하는 유통상인과 식품접객업자에게는 중소벤처기업부의 폐업 소상공인 지원사업과 연계하여 점포 철거비(‘24년 최대 250만원, ‘25년 이후 최대 400만원)와 재취업 성공수당(‘25년 최대 190만원) 등을 지원하고, 취급 메뉴나 식육 종류를 변경해 전업하는 경우 간판과 메뉴판 교체 비용을 지원 (최대 250만원)할 계획이다.
둘째, 차질 없는 개식용종식 이행 체계를 구축한다.
현재 약 46.6만 마리로 파악된 사육 규모의 선제적 감축을 위해 농장주의 자발적인 번식 최소화 등 개체 관리를 유도하고 체계적으로 점검할 계획이다. 사육 포기 등에 따라 불가피하게 남겨지는 개는 「동물보호법」에 따라 분양을 지원하는 등 보호ㆍ관리한다.
또한 전ㆍ폐업 이행에 애로를 겪는 업계가 안정적으로 전ㆍ폐업을 이행할 수 있도록 분야별 컨설팅* 등 행정적 지원을 하는 동시에 「개식용종식법」에 따른 의무 이행 상황을 체계적으로 점검ㆍ관리할 계획이다.
* 타 축종 전환 희망 농장 현장 맞춤형 전업 컨설팅(농식품부), 전업 유통상인 및 식품 접객업자 대상 식품위생 컨설팅(식약처), 폐업소상공인지원사업 연계 폐업 컨설팅(중기부)
셋째, 개식용종식의 안정적인 정착을 위해 사회적 공감대를 확산하고, 2027년 이후 법에서 금지하는 행위를 철저히 단속한다.
개 식용 목적의 상업적 유통망뿐만 아니라 개식용 소비 문화 종식을 위해 동물복지 가치 인식, 식문화 개선 등 다각적 캠페인과 홍보를 추진하는 한편, 반려동물에 대한 생애주기별 교육을 추진하여 개식용종식에 관한 대국민 공감대를 확산한다.
「개식용종식법」의 종식 유예기간(‘27.2.) 종료 이후에는 농식품부와 지자체 간 합동 점검반을 구성하여 개의 식용 목적 사육ㆍ도살ㆍ유통ㆍ판매 행위를 철저히 단속하고, 특히 타인의 반려견을 훔쳐 식용으로 취급하는 동물 학대 사건 등 불법 행위에 대해서도 강력히 대응하는 등 「개식용 종식법」을 포함한 여타 법령 위반 행위가 적발되는 경우 법에 따라 엄중한 조치를 취할 계획이다.
박범수 농식품부 차관은 “개식용종식이 차질 없이 이행될 수 있도록 기본 계획의 후속조치에 만전을 기하는 등 적극행정에 임하겠다”며, “기한 내 완전한 종식을 달성할 수 있도록 관련 업계뿐만 아니라 국민 여러분께서도 정부 시책에 적극적으로 협조해 주시길 바란다”고 당부하였다.
붙임 1. 기본계획 인포그래픽
2. 개식용종식 기본계획(요약)
3. 개식용종식 위원회 개요
👇👇👇 The announcement of the Basic Plan for Dog Meat Prohibition, including a roadmap for the complete abolition by 2027 and support measures for the industry ((Animal Welfare and Environmental Policy Division – Dog Meat Prohibition Promotion Team, Press Release, September 27, Morning Edition.) This report contains detail plans in Korean.

– Roadmap to End Dog Consumption by 2027
Video: Announcement of the “2027 Basic Plan for the Abolition of Dog Meat Consumption” – Briefing by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Vice Minister Park Beom-Su, SBS News. Streamed live on September 25, 2024. (“2027년 개 식용 종식 기본계획” 발표 – 농림축산식품부 브리핑 / SBS)
🛣️ Below is the translation of the detail roadmap:
(동물복지환경정책관-개식용종식추진단) 2027년 개식용종식 로드맵 제시 업계 지원방안 등 담은 개식용종식 기본계획 발표 보도자료(9.27 조간)
(Animal Welfare and Environmental Policy Division – Dog Meat Prohibition Promotion Team) Announcement of the Basic Plan for Dog Meat Prohibition, including a roadmap for the complete abolition by 2027 and support measures for the industry (Press Release, September 27, Morning Edition).
담당 부서
농림축산식품부 개식용종식추진단
책임자: 과장 손경문 (044-201-2280)
담당자: 사무관 장래현 (044-201-2283)
식품의약품안전처 식품안전정책과
책임자: 과장 최종동 (043-719-2010)
담당자: 사무관 이성 (043-719-2030)
Department in Charge
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Dog Meat Consumption Abolition Task Force Team
Person in Charge: Section Chief Son Kyung-moon (044-201-2280)
Person in Charge: Secretary Jang Rae-hyeon (044-201-2283)
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Food Safety Policy Division
Person in Charge: Section Chief Choi Jong-dong (043-719-2010)
Person in Charge: Secretary Lee Seong (043-719-2030)
붙임 2 개식용종식 기본계획(요약)
Attachment 2: Summary of the Roadmap to End Dog Consumption
Ⅰ. 추진 배경
□ 동물복지 선진국 도약을 위해 개식용종식을 국정과제*로 채택(2022)
* (국정과제 48-7) 반려동물 생명보장과 동물보호 문화 확산
ㅇ’개식용 문제논의를 위한 위원회*’에서 개식용종식에 관해 정부, 이해관계자 간 사회적 논의 지속 추진(총 23차례 논의, 2021~2023)
*육견 관련 단체, 동물보호단체, 소비자단체, 관련 전문가, 정부 위원 등 21명으로 구성
Ⅰ. Background of the Initiative
□ To advance animal welfare, the abolition of dog meat consumption was adopted as a national policy task* (2022).
*(National Policy Task 48-7) Promoting the life security of companion animals and the culture of animal protection
ㅇThe “Committee for Discussion on the Dog Meat Issue” has continued social discussions on the abolition of dog meat consumption among the government and stakeholders (23 meetings held from 2021 to 2023).
* The committee is composed of 21 members, including representatives from dog meat industry organizations, animal protection groups, consumer organizations, relevant experts, and government officials.
□ 초당적 합의를 거쳐 「개의 식용 목적의 사육ㆍ도살 및 유통 등 종식에 관한 특별법(이하 “개식용 종식법”)」 제정(2024.2.6. 공포)
ㅇ 「개식용종식법」에서 규정한 종식 기한(2027.2월) 내 원활한 개식용 종식 이행을 위해 필요한 시책 수립 필요
□ Through bipartisan agreement, the “Special Bill to End the Breeding, Slaughter, and Distribution of Dogs for Consumption” (Dog Consumption Abolition Act) was enacted (promulgated on February 6, 2024).
ㅇ To ensure a smooth implementation of the termination of dog consumption within the deadline specified in the Dog Consumption Abolition Act (February 2027), it is necessary to establish the required policies.”
Ⅱ. 관련 산업 현황 및 진단
Ⅱ. Current Status and Diagnosis of Related Industries
1. 업계별 산업 현황
1. Industry Status by Sector
□ (사육업) 대부분 영세 고령농으로 타 축종 병행 사육 비중이 작고 개 사육업에 오랜 기간 종사하여 전ㆍ폐업 이행에 애로(총 1,537개소)
*연 300마리 이하 사육 56.1%, 65세 이상 53.6%, 타 축종 병행 사육 21%, 평균 종사기간 17.6년
□ Livestock Industry: Most are small-scale, elderly farmers with a low proportion of mixed breeding with other livestock. They have been engaged in dog breeding for a long time, making it difficult to transition to other businesses (a total of 1,537 establishments).
* 56.1% breed less than 300 animals per year, 53.6% are 65 years or older, 21% concurrently breed other livestock, and the average duration of engagement is 17.6 years.
□ (도축업)다수 도축상인이 오랜 기간 개 도축업에 종사하며 고령화, 타 축종 도축 병행 비중이 작고 전업 희망 의사도 저조(총 221개소)
* 평균 종사기간 26.4년, 60세 이상 67.9%, 타 축종 도살 병행 13.7%, 전업 희망 비율 22.5%
□ Slaughtering Industry: Many slaughterhouse operators have been engaged in dog slaughtering for a long time, with an aging workforce and a low proportion of mixed slaughtering with other livestock. There is also low interest in transitioning to other businesses (a total of 221 establishments).
* The average duration of engagement is 26.4 years, 67.9% are over 60 years old, 13.7% engage in slaughtering other livestock, and the desire to transition to other industries is 22.5%.
□ (유통업) 타 축산물 등 병행 취급 비중이 높고 전업이 용이한 여건, 취급 축산물 등 전환을 통한 전업 희망 비율도 높은 편 (총 1,788개소)
* 타 축산물 등 병행 취급 비중 90.9%, 전체 유통상인 중 개 원료 식품 판매 영업자 (과일즙, 흑염소추출액 등 함께 취급하는 건강원) 74.2%, 전업 희망 비율 79.4%
□ Distribution Industry: There is a high proportion of businesses handling other livestock products, and the conditions for transitioning to other industries are favorable. The desire to transition through the conversion of handled livestock products is also relatively high (a total of 1,788 establishments).
* 90.9% handle other livestock products, 74.2% of all distributors sell dog meat products (so-called “Health Centers” that also sell fruit juices and black goat extracts, etc.), and the desire to transition to other industries is 79.4%.
□ (음식점) 개고기 외 다른 메뉴를 함께 취급하는 겸업 비중이 높아 전업에 대한 현장 부담감이 낮은편, 전업 희망 업자 상당수(총 2,352개소)
* 개고기 이외 메뉴 병행 취급 비중 91.8%, 전업 희망 비율 80.9%
□ Restaurants: There is a high proportion of businesses that handle other menu items alongside dog meat, resulting in a lower sense of burden regarding transitioning to other industries. A significant number of operators express a desire to transition (a total of 2,352 establishments).
* 91.8% handle menu items other than dog meat, and the desire to transition to other industries is 80.9%.
2. 개식용종식 여건 진단
2. Diagnosis of Conditions for Terminating Dog Consumption
□ (종식 이행 여건 조성) 全 업계(5,898개소*)신고 및 이행계획서 제출
* 농장 1,537개소, 도축상인 221개소, 유통상인 1,788개소, 식품접객업자 2,352개소
□ Creating Conditions for Termination Implementation: All sectors (5,898 establishments*) are required report and to submit implementation plans.
*1,537 dog farms, 221 dog slaughterhouses, 1,788 distributors, 2,352 foodservice operators
□ (합리적 지원 필요) 다수 업계는 유예기간(~‘27.2) 운영 지속을 희망하며 전ㆍ폐업 애로 호소, 원만한 종식을 위해 합리적 지원방안 제시 필요
ㅇ 식용 목적 개 사육 규모는 약 46.6만 마리(2024.8)로 사육 규모의 선제적 관리 없이는 법정 기한(‘27.2) 이후에도 상당규모 잔여 가능성
□ Need for Rational Support: Many sectors hope to continue operations during the grace period (until February 2027) and express difficulties regarding transitioning or closing businesses. Rational support measures are necessary for a smooth termination.
ㅇ The scale of dog breeding for consumption is approximately 466,000 dogs (as of August 2024), and without proactive management of the breeding scale, there is a significant possibility of a substantial number remaining after the legal deadline (February 2027).
□ (오랜 사회적 요구) 전 세계적으로 개를 식용 가축이 아닌 반려동물로 인식, 오랜 기간 국내외적으로 개식용 금지를 요구
□ Long-standing Social Demand: Worldwide, dogs are recognized as pets rather than livestock. There has been a long-standing demand, both domestically and internationally, for a ban on dog meat consumption.
□ (인식 개선 필요) 개식용 관련 다양한 사회적 문제 잠재에도 국내 개고기 소비층 일정 수준 유지, 종식 달성을 위한 국민 인식 개선 필요
* (2024년 인식조사(케이스탯)) “현재 개고기 섭취” 12.8%, “개식용종식법 인지” 39.7%
□ Need to improve awareness: Despite various social issues related to dog meat consumption, there is still a certain level of consumer base for dog meat in the country. There is a need to improve public awareness to achieve the cessation of dog meat consumption.
* (2024 Awareness Survey (K Stat)) “Current dog meat consumption” is at 12.8%, and “Awareness of the law to end dog meat consumption” is at 39.7%.
Ⅲ. 주요 추진과제 및 방향
Ⅲ. Major Initiatives and Directions
가. 조기 종식을 위한 업계 유인책 마련
A. Establishing incentives for early termination of the dog meat industry
□ 사육업ㆍ도축업은 전ㆍ폐업 난도가 비교적 높고, 겸업 비율이 낮으며, 일정 규모 전문시설 조성 필요 등 감안하여 폐업지원 중심 접근
* 생계안정 목적 폐업지원금은 영업 행위가 불법이 아닌 사육업에 한정 지원
□ Considering the relatively high difficulty of transitioning out of or shutting down the dog breeding and slaughter industries, the low rate of diversification, and the need to establish specialized facilities of a certain scale, the approach will focus on providing support for closing down these businesses.
*The business closure support fund, intended to ensure livelihood stability, is limited to livestock businesses whose activities are not illegal.
□ 유통업ㆍ음식점은 메뉴ㆍ취급 축종 변경 등을 통한 전업 난도가 비교적 높지 않고 겸업 비율이 큰 점을 고려하여 전업 중심 지원
□ Considering that the difficulty of transitioning to other businesses is relatively low in the distribution and restaurant sectors due to the ability to change menus or the types of animals handled and the high rate of diversification, the approach will focus on supporting business transitions.
나. 전·폐업 이행 장벽 해소를 통한 원활한 종식 이행
B. Facilitating Smooth Termination through Removal of Barriers to Closure and Transitioning of Businesses
□ 업계의 전ㆍ폐업 애로 해소 지원과 동시에 법적 의무 준수 여부 점검
□ Support to the industry in overcoming obstacles related to transitioning or shutting down businesses, while simultaneously monitoring compliance with legal obligations.
□ 개 사육 규모는 농장주 책임 아래 체계적으로 감축토록 제도적 장치 마련
□ Develop institutional mechanisms to systematically reduce the scale of dog breeding under the responsibility of farm owners.
다. 개식용 종식의 안정적 정착을 위한 대국민 협조 유도
C. Encouraging Public Cooperation for the Stable Ending of Dog Meat Consumption
□ 종식 필요성에 대한 사회적 공감대를 확산하며 긍정적 효과 적극 홍보
□ 2027.2월 이후 개식용 목적 운영 행위를 철저히 단속ㆍ점검
□ Expand public understanding and build social consensus for ending dog meat consumption and actively promoting its positive effects.
□ From February 2027 onwards, thoroughly inspect and crack down on activities related to dog meat consumption.
Ⅳ. 비전, 목표 및 추진 전략
IV. Vision, Goals, and Implementation Strategies
비전: 사람과 동물이 조화롭게 공존하는 동물복지 가치 실현
Vision: Realizing the values of animal welfare where humans and animals coexist harmoniously.
추진목표 – 2027년 개식용종식 달성
Goals: Achieving the end of dog meat consumption by 2027
• 전ㆍ폐업 업계 안정적 경제활동 지속 – (2027) 全업계 전업 이행률 50%
• Ensuring the continued economic activity of businesses undergoing transition or closure: (2027) 50% of all businesses complete transition
• 식용 목적 사육견 ZERO화 – (2024) 466천마리 → (2027) 0
• Zero dogs bred for consumption: (2024) 466,000 → (2027) 0
• 국민 인지도 향상 공감대 확산 – 종식 인지도(%) (2024) 39.7 → (2027) 80
• Increase public awareness and expand consensus – Awareness of the end of dog consumption (%) (2024) 39.7 → (2027) 80
추진 전략
Implementation Strategies
3 대전략
3 Major Strategies
1. 업계 전·폐업 지원
1. Supporting the transition or closure of businesses
과제: 사육·도살 종식
Task: Ending breeding and slaughter
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 농장주 폐업이행촉진금 지급
• Providing financial incentives for farmers to cease operations
• 시설물 잔존가액 및 철거 지원
• Supporting the disposal of remaining facilities and their removal
• 전업 시 시설·운영자금 저리 융자
• Providing low-interest loans for facility and operational funds for those transitioning to new businesses
과제: 유통·소비 종식
Task: Ending distribution and consumption
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 철거 및 재취업·재창업 지원
• Supporting the removal of facilities and job retraining or starting new businesses
• 메뉴·취급 식육 변경 시 시설 교체 지원
• Supporting the replacement of facilities when changing menus or types of meat handled
2. 종식 이행체계 구축
2.Establishing a system to implement the end of dog consumption
과제: 전·폐업 컨설팅
Task: Consulting on transition or closure
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 농장주 현장 맞춤형 전업 컨설팅
• Providing on-site, customized consulting for farmers transitioning to new businesses
• 법률 자문 및 사업정리 컨설팅
• Providing legal advice and business closure consulting
• 식품위생 정보제공 및 컨설팅
• Providing food hygiene information and consulting
과제: 식용 목적 사육견 관리
Task: Management of dogs bred for consumption purposes
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 사육 규모 모니터링 및 조기 감축
• Monitoring of breeding scale and early reduction
• 농장주 소유권 포기견 보호·관리
• Protection and management of dogs surrendered by dog farm owners
• 동물보호 인프라 확충
• Expansion of animal protection infrastructure
과제: 종식 이행 점검
Task: Assessment of dog breeding eradication implementation
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 업계 전·폐업 이행상황 분기별 점검
• Quarterly inspection of industry business closure and shutdown implementation status
• 적발 행위 대상 이행명령 및 과태료 부과
• Issuance of compliance orders and imposition of fines for detected violations
3. 사회적 공감대 확산
3.Expansion of social consensus
과제: 인식 개선 및 홍보
Task: Changing public awareness about eating dogs
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 개식용 소비 종식 캠페인·홍보
• Campaign and promotion to end the consumption of dog meat
• 동물복지 가치 인식 제고 교육
• Education to raise awareness about animal welfare values
• 개식용 종식 긍정적 효과 대외 홍보
• External public relations promotion of the positive effects of ending dog meat consumption
과제: 종식 이후 단속
Task: Post-dog meat eradication enforcement
이행수단: Implementation measures:
• 농식품부·지자체 합동 점검반 운영
• Operation of joint inspection teams by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) and local governments
• 음성적 운영 행위 단속 및 엄중 조치
• Crackdown on covert operations and strict enforcement measures
추진 기반
Implementation Foundation
▸ 「개식용종식법」 이행 및 관련 법령 정비(「축산법」, 「동물보호법」, 「폐기물관리법」 등)
▸ Implementation of the “Dog Meat Consumption Eradication Act” and revision of related laws (e.g., “Livestock Industry Act,” “Animal Protection Act,” “Wastes Control Act,” etc.)
▸ 개식용 종식 중앙-지방 지방협의체, 전체 시도 및 시군구별 TF 구성
▸ Formation of central-local government joint committee for the eradication of dog consumption and establish a task force (TF) in each province and city/county.
▸ 종식 공감대 확산을 위한 ‘공감 포럼’ 운영(이해관계자, 전문가, 언론계 등 참여)
▸ Operation of a “Consensus Forum” to advocate for the eradication of dog meat consumption, with the participation of stakeholders, experts, and the media.
Ⅴ. 과제별 추진계획
V. Task-Specific Implementation Plan
1. 조기 종식을 위한 업종별 전·폐업 인센티브
1. Industry-Tailored Incentives to Encourage Proactive Business Transitions and Closures
가. 농장주 및 도축상인 전·폐업 지원
□ 지원 조건: 제출한 이행계획서에 따른 폐업 이행(농장주 전체 출하 이행 필수)및 관련 법령 위반 여부 확인, 시설물 평가 및 철거 완료후 지원금 지급
* 2024년 내 폐업이 완료된 경우 시설물 감정평가는 당해 연도에 실시하되 철거 대행, 감정평가 비용 및 지원금(폐업이행촉진지원금, 시설물 잔존가액) 지급은 2025년에 실시
a. Support for Farm Owners and Slaughterhouse Operators’ Business Transitions and Closures
□ Support Conditions: Support funds will be provided after verification of business closure in accordance with the submitted implementation plan (all farm owners must complete the shipment), verification of compliance with related laws and regulations, and completion of facility evaluation and removal.
* If the business closure is completed by the end of 2024, the facility appraisal will be conducted in the same year, but the demolition agency, appraisal costs, and support funds (business closure promotion support funds, remaining facility value) will be paid in 2025.
□ 지원 내용 ※ 2025년 지원 금액은 국회 예산 심의를 거쳐 2024.12월 최종 확정 예정
① (폐업이행 촉진지원금)농장주에 한정하여 사육 마릿수(연평균, 신고기준)당 폐업 시기 구간별 22.5~60만원 지원(농식품부, 2025~2027)
*단, 「가축분뇨법」(배출시설 미신고) 및 「건축법」(시설물 무허가·미신고) 위반 확인 시 지원 배제
◈ 지원기준: 사육마릿수 × 폐업 시기별 지원단가 × 조정률
☞ (사육마릿수) 신고한 연평균 사육마릿수 기준(단, 적정 사육두수*를 상한으로 적용)
* (적정 사육두수) 「가축분뇨법」에 따른 배출시설 신고면적(㎡)×면적당 적정 두수(1.2마리/㎡)
☞ (지원단가) 폐업 시기 구간별 지원단가(30만원×지원기간) 차등 적용
폐업시기 구간: 지원단가(지원기간)
2024.8.7.~2025.2.6.*: 60만원(2년)
2025.2.7.~2025.8.6.: 52.5만원(1.75년)
2025.8.7.~2025.12.21.: 45만원(1.5년)
2025.12.22.~2026.56.: 37.5만원(1.25년)
2026.5.7.~2026.9.21.: 30만원(1년)
2026.9.22.~2027.2.6.: 22.5만원(0.75년)
* 「개식용종식법」 공포(2024.2.6.) 이후 법 제11조(폐업 등의 지원) 시행(2024.8.7.) 이전까지 폐업한 농가 포함
☞ (조정률) 농지 전용 미신고 등 「농지법」 위반 확인 시 50% 감액 적용
□ Support Details ※ The support amount for 2025 is expected to be finalized in December 2024, following the National Assembly’s budget review.
① (Business Closure Promotion Support Fund) For farm owners only, support ranging from 225,000 to 600,000 KRW per head of livestock (based on annual average and reported figures) will be provided depending on the closure timing period (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2025–2027).
*However, support will be excluded if violations of the “Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta” (failure to report discharge facilities) and the “Building Act” (unauthorized/unreported facilities) are confirmed.
◈ Support Criteria: Number of livestock raised × Support unit price per closure period × Adjustment rate
☞ (Number of livestock) Based on the reported annual average number of livestock (however, the appropriate number of livestock* will be applied as the upper limit).
*(Appropriate number of livestock) Reported discharge facility area (㎡) according to the “Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta” × Appropriate number of livestock per area (1.2 animals/㎡)
☞ (Support unit price) Different support unit prices (300,000 won × support period) are applied according to the closure period.
Closure period: Support unit price (Support period)
8/7/2024 – 2/6/2025*: 600,000 won (2 years)
2/7/2025 – 8/6/2025: 525,000 won (1.75 years)
8/8/2025 – 12/21/2025: 450,000 won (1.5 years)
12/22/2025 – 5/6/2026: 375,000 won (1.25 years)
5/7/2026 – 9/21/2026: 300,000 won (1 year)
9/22/2026 – 2/6/2027: 225,000 won (0.75 years)
*Includes farms that close before the enforcement of Article 11 (Support for Business Closure, etc. implementation August 7, 2024) of the Dog Consumption Abolition Act (enacted on February 6, 2024).
☞ (Adjustment Rate) A 50% reduction is applied if a violation of the Farmland Act, such as a failure to report a change in farmland use, is confirmed.
②(폐업 시설물 잔존가액)폐업 지원 신청일 이후* 시군구 의뢰 감정평가로 산출한 개 사육·도축시설(건축물, 설비 등)잔존가액** 지급(농식품부, 2025~2027)
*사전 철거 등 감정평가 불가 시 지원 불가
** 감정평가법인 2개소 평가 금액 산술 평균
② (Remaining Value of Closed Facilities) The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs will provide payment for the remaining value of facilities (such as buildings and equipment for livestock breeding and slaughter) during 2025–2027. This value will be calculated through an appraisal commissioned by the local government after the business closure support application.
*Support will not be available if pre-demolition or other factors prevent the appraisal.
**The appraisal amount will be the arithmetic average of evaluations from two appraisal firms.
③ (폐업 시설물 철거) 시설물 철거 및 폐기물 처리 대행 지원(농식품부, 2025~2027)
*단, 「건축법」(시설물 무허가·미신고), 「농지법」(농지 전용 미신고), 「가축분뇨법」(배출시설 미신고) 위반 확인 시 지원 배제 및 자부담 철거 원칙
③ (Demolition of Closed Facilities) Subsidized Demolition and Waste Disposal Services (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2025-2027)
* Note: Support will be excluded, and self-funded demolition will be required if violations of the following laws are found: the Building Act (unpermitted or unreported facilities), the Farmland Act (unreported conversion of farmland), and the Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta (unreported discharge facilities).
④ (전업 시설·운영자금 지원) 농업 전업 및 도축 축종 전환 시 관련 시설 및 운영자금 저리 융자 사업 연계 지원(농식품부, 2025~)
*축사시설현대화융자, 농업자금이차보전-원예·축산업융자, 축산물도축가공업체지원융자
④ (Support for Conversion of Business and Operating Capital) Linked support for low-interest loans for related facilities and operating capital when converting to agriculture or changing livestock slaughter types (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2025~)
* Includes support for livestock facility modernization loans, agricultural fund interest rate compensation – horticulture and livestock industry loans, livestock product slaughter and processing facility support loans
나. 개식용 유통상인 및 식품접객업자 전·폐업 지원
□ 지원 조건: 제출한 이행계획서대로 2027.2.6일까지 폐업 혹은 업종·메뉴 변경 등 전업을 이행한 것으로 확인 시 지원
□ 지원 내용 ※ 2025년 지원 금액은 국회 예산 심의를 거쳐 2024.12월 최종 확정 예정
b. Support for the Closure or Transition of Dog Meat Distributors and Food Service Providers
□ Support Conditions: Support will be provided if closure or transition to a different industry or menu change is confirmed by February 6, 2027, according to the submitted implementation plan.
□ Support Details: ※ The support amount for 2025 will be finalized in December 2024 after the National Assembly’s budget review.
① (폐업소상공인지원) 철거비 및 재취업·재창업 지원(중기부, 2025~)-폐업 점포철거 및 원상복구 소요 비용 최대 400만원 지원
* 소상공인 요건 충족 및 임대차계약서 제출이 가능한 경우 지원 / 2024년까지는 최대 250만원 지원
-폐업 이후 원활히 취업할 수 있도록 관련 교육지원 및 수당 지급
* 취업지원프로그램 참여 시 최대 6개월간 월 50~110만원 훈련참여수당(국민취업지원제도 참여자 대상, 고용부+중기부 수당 합산) 및 취업성공수당 최대 190만원 지급
-재창업 희망시 전담 관리자 1:1 매칭 및 밀착관리 중점 추진
* 재창업 의지와 성장가능성이 평가후 선발된 경우 재창업 사업화 자금 최대 2천만원 지원
① (Support for Closed Small Businesses) Support for Demolition Costs, Reemployment and Restarting a Business (Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Startups, 2025~) Up to 4 million won is provided to cover the costs of demolishing closed stores and restoring the original state.
* Support is provided if the small business meets the requirements and can submit a lease contract. / For until 2024, up to 2.5 million won to be provided.
* Provides related education and allowances to help small business owners find employment after closing.
* When participating in an employment support program, up to 500,000 to 1,100,000 won in training participation allowance per month for up to 6 months (for participants in the National Employment Support System, combined allowance from the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups) and up to 1.9 million won in job success allowance are provided.
– Actively promotes one-on-one matching and close management with a dedicated manager for those who wish to restart a business.
* Up to 20 million won in business startup funds is provided to those who are selected after evaluating their will to restart a business and growth potential.
② (시설·물품 교체 지원) 메뉴·취급 식육 종류 변경시 간판 및 메뉴판 교체 비용 최대 250만원 지원(식약처, 2025~2027)
② (Facility and Item Replacement Support) Up to 2.5 million won is provided to support the replacement of signs and menus when changing the menu or types of meat handled (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, 2025-2027)
2. 차질 없는 종식 이행 체계 구축
2. Establishment of a System for the Smooth Implementation of Dog Meat Termination
가. 전·폐업 컨설팅
□ (전업 컨설팅) 전업 후 안정적 정착 유도를 위한 컨설팅 지원
ㅇ 타 축종 전환 사육을 위한 경영 능력 분석, 전문 기술 지도 및 행정 분야 상담 등 농장주 현장 맞춤형 전업 컨설팅(농식품부, 2024~)
* (컨설팅 지원단) 국립축산과학원, 농협 친환경 컨설팅 방역부, 지자체 전문가 등 300여명
ㅇ 유통상인 및 식품접객업자 전업 후 위생 수준 진단 및 위생 지도 등 식품위생에 관한 정보제공 및 컨설팅(식약처, 2025~2027)
□ (폐업 컨설팅) 소상공인 해당 유통상인 및 식품접객업자 대상 법률 자문* 및 사업 정리 컨설팅** 등 폐업 컨설팅 지원(중기부, 2024~)
* 임대차, 세무 등 관련 법률 자문 및 서류작성 대행 등 지원
** 재기전략·세무·부동산·심리·직무직능 중 최대 3개 분야 전문가 1:1 컨설팅
a. Business Conversion and Closure Consulting
□ (Conversion Consulting) Consulting support to induce stable settlement after conversion
ㅇ Customized conversion consulting for farmers, including business capability analysis, expert technical guidance, and administrative consultation for the conversion to other livestock farming (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2024~)
* (Consulting Support Team) Approximately 300 experts including the National Institute of Animal Science, NH Nonghyup Green Consulting Quarantine Division, and local government experts
ㅇ Providing information and consulting on food hygiene, including hygiene level diagnosis and hygiene guidance for distributors and food service businesses after conversion (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, 2025-2027)
□ (Closure Consulting) Legal advice* and business closure consulting** support for relevant small business retailers and food service businesses (Ministry of SMEs and Startups, 2024~)
* Support includes legal advice on leases, taxes, etc., and document preparation
** 1:1 consulting with experts in up to 3 areas: business restart strategy, taxation, real estate, psychology, and job skills
나. 식용 목적 사육견 관리
□ (사육규모 감축) 증·입식 중단, 사육 감축 등 농장주 이행계획서 구체화, 감축관리 미흡 시 이행조치명령 및 과태료 부과(농식품부·지자체, 2024.9~2027.2)
□ (소유권 포기견 보호·관리) 농장주 사육 포기* 등 불가피하게 발생한 잔여견은 지자체에서 소유권을 인수하여 보호·관리(지자체, 2024.9~)
* 농장주가 개에 대한 소유권 포기 시 농장주 책임 하에 사육규모 감축 등 개체관리 사실이 증명되지 않는 경우 폐업이행촉진지원금 등 폐업 지원 대상으로 불인정
ㅇ 지자체는 개의 소유권을 인수하는 경우 농장주에게 보호 비용 청구 등 조치 후 「동물보호법」에 따른 분양 지원 등 보호·관리*
* 지자체 동물보호센터 수용 여력 미흡 시 소유권은 지자체가 보유하되 임시적으로 농장에서 「동물보호법」에 따른 보호·관리
□ (동물 보호 인프라 확충) 개 사육 규모 대비 보호 인프라 미흡 지자체 직영 동물보호센터 우선 확충(농식품부·지자체, 2024~)
* 2023년 71개소 → 2024년 84개소(광주 1개소, 경기 3, 강원 3, 충남 1, 전남 1, 경북 1, 경남 3 신규 준공 예정)
b. Management of Dogs Bred for Consumption
□ (Reduction in Breeding Scale) Concrete implementation plans for farmers to cease increasing or introducing new dogs and to reduce the number of dogs they breed. Failure to comply with reduction management and measures will result in an order to take corrective actions and imposition of fines (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local governments, September 2024 – February 2027)
□ (Protection and Management of Abandoned Dogs) Local governments will take ownership of remaining dogs that are inevitably abandoned due to farmers giving up their ownership and provide protection and management (local governments, September 2024~)
* If a farmer gives up ownership of a dog but fails to prove that they have reduced the scale of their breeding or managed the number of dogs under their responsibility, they will not be eligible for business closure support such as closure promotion subsidies.
* When local governments take ownership of dogs, they will take measures such as charging the protection costs from farmers and providing protection and management according to the “Animal Protection Act,” such as support for adoption.*
* If local government animal shelters have insufficient capacity, the local government will retain ownership of the dogs but temporarily allow them to be protected and managed at the dog farm in accordance with the “Animal Protection Act.”
□ (Expansion of Animal Protection Infrastructure) Prioritizing the expansion of locally-operated animal shelters in regions with inadequate protection infrastructure relative to the scale of dog breeding (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local governments, 2024~)
* Increase from 71 in 2023 to 84 in 2024: New shelters are scheduled to open in Gwangju (1), Gyeonggi-Province (3), Gangwon-Province (3), Chungcheongnam-Province (1), Jeollanam-Province (1), Gyeongsangbuk-Province (1), and Gyeongsangnam-Province (3).
다. 종식 이행 점검
□ 「개식용종식법」 위반 행위 분기별 현장 점검(농식품부·지자체, 2024~2027.2)
ㅇ (점검 대상) 개식용 목적 신규·미신고운영,이행계획서 미이행, 사육견 개체 관리, 전·폐업 지원 후 개식용 운영 회귀 여부
* 농장주 이행계획서에 따른 증‧입식 중단, 사육견 개체 관리 현황 및 사육규모 감축 등을 통한 전·폐업 이행 등을 중점 점검
ㅇ (조치 계획) 위반 행위 적발 시 이행조치명령 및 영업장 폐쇄 조치, 과태료 부과 등을 통해 법적 의무 이행 유도
c. Monitoring of Cessation Implementation
□ Quarterly on-site inspections of violations of the Dog Meat Consumption Abolition Act (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local governments, 2024-February 2027)
ㅇ Inspection targets: New or unreported operations for dog consumption purposes, failure to comply with implementation plans, management of the number of bred dogs, and return to dog meat operations after business conversion or closure support
* Focus areas: Compliance with farmers’ implementation plans, such as cessation of increasing or introducing new dogs, management of the number of bred dogs, and reduction in breeding scale to facilitate business conversion or closure.
ㅇ Action plan: In case of violations, legal obligations will be enforced through measures such as orders to take corrective actions, closure of businesses, and imposition of fines.
3. 사회적 공감대 확산
3. Expanding Social Consensus
가. 대국민 인식 개선 및 정책 홍보
□ (캠페인) 개식용 관련 문제의식 공유 및 개식용 소비 종식 등을 위해 다각적 캠페인·홍보 추진(농식품부, ‘25~)
ㅇ 동물보호의날(10.4) 연계 및 동물보호단체 협업 하 개식용종식 주요정책 및 보호동물 입양 장려등 캠페인·홍보추진
* 개식용종식 배경, 법령주요내용, 기대효과, 보호동물 입양 필요성 등
ㅇ 식생활 교육 연계 주요 정책 홍보·안내 및 식문화 개선 캠페인 추진
□ (교육) 생애주기별 맞춤형 동물복지 교육 체계*와 연계하여 개식용 종식 관련 교육 컨텐츠(배경, 주요정책 및 기대효과 등) 확산(농식품부, 2025~)
* 동물보호·복지 교육 포털(, 찾아가는 ‘동물사랑배움학교’ 등
□ (지역별 홍보) 이행 시기별 정부·지자체 홍보 매체를 활용하여 관련 업계가 집중된 지역 중심 개식용종식 정책 홍보(농식품부·지자체, 2025~)
* 종식 이행 후반부(2026년 이후) 개식용 업계 다분포 지역 및 재래시장 위주 중점 홍보
□ (해외 홍보) 외신 홍보,국내외 인플루언서 협업* 등을 통해 개식용 종식에 따른 긍정적 효과 등 홍보 컨텐츠 해외 확산(농식품부, 2025~)
a. Improving Public Awareness and Policy Promotion
□ (Campaign): Various campaigns and promotional activities will be carried out to share awareness of issues related to dog consumption and to end the consumption of dog meat (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, starting 2025)
ㅇ Campaigns and promotions will be carried out in conjunction with Animal Protection Day (October 4) and in collaboration with animal protection organizations to promote key policies for ending dog consumption and encourage the adoption of shelter animals.
* This will include information on the background of ending dog consumption, key provisions of relevant laws, expected effects, and the need to adopt shelter animals.
ㅇ Promotion and guidance of key policies linked to food education and promotion of campaigns to improve food culture.
□ (Education) Expand educational content related to ending dog consumption (background, key policies, expected effects, etc.) in conjunction with a customized animal welfare education system for all life stages (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, starting 2025).*
* Animal Protection and Welfare Education Portal (, Mobile ‘Animal Compassion Learning School’, etc.
□ (Regional Promotion) Utilize government and local government promotional media to promote policies to end dog consumption, focusing on regions with concentrated related industries (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local governments, starting 2025).
* Focus on regions with a high concentration of dog consumption industries and traditional markets in the latter stages of implementation (after 2026).
□ (Overseas Promotion) Expand the dissemination of promotional content on the positive effects of ending dog consumption through foreign media, collaboration with domestic and international influencers, etc. (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, starting 2025).
나. 종식 이후 단속 강화
□ 2027.2.7일 이후 개 식용 목적 사육·도살·유통·판매 행위 단속 철저 (관계부처․지자체, 2027.2~)
ㅇ 농식품부·지자체 합동 점검반 구성 및 매년 여름철 집중 단속 기간 운영을 통해 위법 현장 적발
ㅇ 「개식용종식법」 포함 여타 법령* 위반 음성적 개식용 목적 운영 행위 단속 및 엄중 조치
*「농지법」, 「식품위생법」, 「축산물위생관리법」, 「건축법」, 「가축분뇨법」, 「폐기물관리법」, 「물환경보전법」 등
b. Strengthening Enforcement After Cessation
□ Strict enforcement of acts of breeding, slaughtering, distributing, and selling dogs for consumption after February 7, 2027 (Relevant government agencies and local governments, starting February 2027)
ㅇ Form joint inspection teams with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, and local governments and operate intensive inspection periods every summer to identify illegal activities.
ㅇ Crackdown and strict measures against covert activities aimed at consuming dog meat in violation of other relevant laws, including the “Special Bill to End the Breeding, Slaughter, and Distribution of Dogs for Consumption.”*
*Farmland Act,” “Food Sanitation Act,” “Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act,” “Building Act,” “Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta,” “Wastes Control Act,” “Water Environment Conservation Act,” etc.
Ⅵ. 추진 기반
VI. Foundation for Implementation
1. 법령 정비
□ 「축산법」 상 가축에서 ‘개’를 제외하고 「동물보호법」으로 개 사육 행위 등을 관리하기 위한 관련 법령 개정(농식품부, 2027)
□ 폐기물 처리비용 수입 목적의 음식물류폐기물 가축 급이를 방지하고 적정 재활용을 위해 「폐기물관리법 시행규칙」 개정 추진(환경부, 2027.2)
ㅇ 가축 먹이로 재활용하는 경우 기존 신고에서 허가 대상으로 변경
1. Legal Overhaul
□ Amendment of relevant laws to exclude dogs from the category of livestock under the Livestock Industry Act and manage dog breeding activities under the Animal Protection Act (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 2027)
□ Revision of the Enforcement Rules of the Wastes Control Act to prevent the feeding of food waste to livestock to generate waste disposal fees and to promote proper recycling (Ministry of Environment, February 2027)
ㅇ Change from notification to permit requirement for recycling food waste as livestock feed
2. 거버넌스 구축
□ 원활한 현장 이행을 지원하기 위해 중앙-지방 실무협의체, 시도 및 시군구별 개식용종식 TF등 「지방협의체」 운영(농식품부·지자체, 2024.上~)
□ 종식 공감대 확산을 위한 「공감 포럼(가칭)」 운영(농식품부, 2024.下~)
ㅇ 이해관계자, 전문가, 관계부처 등 다양한 입장 간 논의, 사회적 갈등을 최소화하며 종식을 달성하기 위한 소통·홍보 전략 모색
2. Governance Establishment
□ Operation of ‘Local Councils’ such as central-local government working groups, provincial and municipal-level dog meat consumption abolition task forces to support smooth on-site implementation (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and local governments, beginning of 2024)
□ Operation of a ‘Consensus Forum’ (tentative name) to promote public consensus (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, end of 2024)
ㅇ Seeking communication and promotion strategies to minimize social conflict and achieve cessation through discussions among various stakeholders, experts, and related government agencies
Ⅶ. 재정 투융자 계획
□ 2025년 기준 잠정 총 1,095억원(국비 50%, 지방비 50%)지원 예정
※ 향후 3년간(2025~2027) 구체적인 지원 규모는 국회 예산 심의를 거쳐 최종 확정 예정
ㅇ 2025년 농장주 전·폐업 지원을 위해 폐업이행촉진지원금 562억원, 시설물 잔존가액 305억원, 철거비 70억원 등 총 972억원 지원
ㅇ 2025년 도축상인 전·폐업 지원을 위해 시설물 잔존가액 67억원, 철거비 42억원 등 총 108억원 지원
ㅇ 2025년 유통상인 및 식품접객업자의 전업지원을 위해 총 10.4억원 지원
VII. Fiscal Investment and Loan Plan
□ As of 2025, a total of 109.5 billion won (50% of national expenses and 50% of local expenses) is expected to be provided
※ Note: The specific amount of support for the next three years (2025-2027) will be finalized after deliberation by the National Assembly.
ㅇ In 2025, a total of 97.2 billion won will be supported to support the conversion or closure of farms, including 56.2 billion won in closure incentive payments, 30.5 billion won in residual value of facilities, and 70 billion won in demolition costs.
ㅇ In 2025, a total of 10.8 billion won will be supported to support the conversion or closure of slaughterhouses, including 67 billion won in residual value of facilities and 42 billion won in demolition costs.
ㅇ In 2025, a total of 10.4 billion won will be supported to support the conversion of distributors and food service businesses.
Ⅷ. 추진일정
VIII. Implementation Schedule
Policy Tasks
1. 조기 종식을 위한 업종별 전·폐업 인센티브
1. Incentives for Early Conversion or Closure by Industry
가. 농장주 및 도축상인 전·폐업 지원 일정 2025~ , 주관 농식품부
• 농장주 폐업이행촉진지원금 지원: 일정 2025.1~2027.2, 주관 농식품부
• 시설물 잔존가액 및 철거 지원: 일정 2025.1~2027.2, 주관 농식품부
• 전업 시 시설·운영자금 저리융자: 일정 2025~ , 주관 농식품부
나. 개식용 유통상인 및 식품접객업자 전·폐업 지원 일정 2024~ , 주관 관계부처
• 소상공인 점포철거비 지원: 일정 2024~ , 주관 중기부
• 소상공인 전직장려수당·재창업 사업화자금 지원: 일정 2025~ , 주관 중기부
• 전업 시 시설·물품 교체 지원: 일정 2025.1~2027.2, 주관 식약처
a. Support for Conversion or Closure of Farm Owners and Slaughterhouse Operators: Schedule 2025~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Support for Closure Incentive Payments for Farm Owners: Schedule 2025.1~2027.2, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Support for Residual Value of Facilities and Demolition: Schedule 2025.1~2027.2, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Low-interest Loans for Facilities and Operating Capital for Conversion: Schedule 2025~, Overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
b. Support for Conversion or Closure of Dog Meat Distributors and Food Service Businesses: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Relevant Ministries
• Support for Store Demolition Costs for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
• Support for Job Retraining Allowances and Business Startup Funds for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Schedule 2025~, Overseen by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
• Support for Replacement of Facilities and Equipment for Conversion: Schedule 2025.1~2027.2, Overseen by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
2. 차질 없는 종식 이행 체계 구축
가. 전·폐업 컨설팅 일정 2024~ , 주관 관계부처
• 전업 희망 농장 대상 현장 맞춤형 컨설팅: 일정 2024~ , 주관 농식품부
• 전업 업종 관련 식품 위생 정보제공 및 컨설팅: 일정 2025~2027, 주관 식약처
• 폐업 소상공인 지원: 일정 2024~ , 주관 중기부
나. 식용 목적 사육견 관리 일정 2024~ , 주관 농식품부
• 농장주 사육규모 감축 등 이행 점검: 일정 2024.9~2027.2, 주관 농식품부
• 소유권 포기견 보호‧관리: 일정 2024.9~ , 주관 농식품부
• 동물보호 인프라 확충: 일정 2024~ , 주관 농식품부
다. 종식 이행점검 일정 2024~ , 주관 농식품부
• 개식용종식법 위반행위 분기별 현장점검: 일정 2024~2027.2, 주관 농식품부
2. Establishment of a System for Smooth Cessation Implementation
a. Conversion and Closure Consulting: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Relevant Ministries
• On-site Customized Consulting for Farms Wishing to Convert: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Provision of Food Hygiene Information and Consulting Related to Conversion Industries: Schedule 2025-2027, Overseen by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
• Support for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Undergoing Closure: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
b. Management of Dogs Bred for Consumption: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Inspection of Compliance with Reduction in Breeding Scale by Farm Owners: Schedule 2024.9~2027.2, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Protection and Management of Surrendered Dogs: Schedule 2024.9~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Expansion of Animal Welfare Infrastructure: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
c. Inspection of Implementation of Cessation: Schedule 2024~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Quarterly On-site Inspections for Violations of the Dog Consumption Abolition Act: Schedule 2024~2027.2, Overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
3. 사회적 공감대 확산
가. 대국민 인식 개선 및 정책 홍보: 일정 2025~ , 주관 농식품부
• 개식용 소비 종식 캠페인 및 홍보: 일정 2025~ , 주관 농식품부
• 동물복지 가치 인식 제고 교육: 일정 2025~ , 주관 농식품부
나. 종식 이후 단속 강화 일정 2027.2~, 주관 농식품부
• 종식 이후 식용 목적 운영행위 단속 및 조치: 일정 2027.2~- 14, 주관 농식품부
3. Expanding Social Consensus
a. Improving Public Awareness and Policy Promotion: Schedule 2025~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Campaigns and Promotion to End Consumption of Dog Meat: Schedule 2025~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Education to Enhance Awareness of Animal Welfare Values: Schedule 2025~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
b. Strengthening Enforcement After Cessation: Schedule 2027.2~, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
• Crackdown on Operations for Dog Meat Consumption Purposes after Cessation: Schedule 2027.2~ – 14, Overseen by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
붙임 3 개식용종식위원회 개요
Attachment 3: Overview of the Dog Consumption Abolition Committee
□ (배경) 「개식용종식법」 시행(2024.8.7) 후 개식용종식을 위한 기본계획 및 주요 정책 수립·조정 등을 심의하기 위해 개식용종식위원회 구성
□ Background: The Dog Meat Consumption Abolition Committee was established to deliberate on the basic plan and major policies for the cessation of dog meat consumption following the enforcement of the “Dog Consumption Abolition Act” (August 7, 2024).
□ (법적 근거) 「개식용종식법」 제8조(개식용종식위원회의 구성·운영)
□ Legal Basis: Article 8 (Establishment and Operation of the Dog Meat Consumption Abolition Committee) of the “Dog Consumption Abolition Act”
□ (역할) 개식용 관련 기본계획 및 주요 정책 등 심의(법 제8조 제2항)
□ Role: Deliberation on basic plans and major policies related to the cessation of dog meat consumption (Article 8, Paragraph 2 of the Act)
□ (구성) 위원장(차관) 1명을 포함하여 관계 부처 및 관련 업계 대표, 동물보호단체, 소비자단체, 전문가 등 24명
□ Composition: 24 members, including a chairperson (Vice Minister) and representatives from related government ministries, industries, animal protection groups, consumer groups, and experts.
□ 개식용종식위원회위원명단
※임기: 2024.9.23~2026.9.22
1. 위원장 박범수: 농림축산식품부 차관
2. 박정훈: 농림축산식품부 동물복지환경정책관
3. 강기룡: 기획재정부 정책조정국장
4. 조영진: 행정안전부 지방행정국장
5. 김도형: 문화체육관광부 소통정책관
6. 유승광: 환경부 자원순환국장
7. 황영호: 중소벤처기업부 소상공인코로나19회복지원단장
8. 김성곤: 식품의약품안전처 식품안전정책국장
위촉직 (16)
9. 주영봉: 대한육견협회 회장
10. 조환로: 육견단체TF팀 회장
11. 장인실: 육견권리보호연합회 회장
12. 이귀재: 전국육견상인회 회장
13. 박동석: (사)한국추출가공식품업중앙회 회장
14. 전강식: 한국외식업중앙회 회장
15. 조희경: 동물자유연대 대표
16. 전진경: (사)동물권행동 카라
17. 강정화: (사)한국소비자연맹 회장
18. 김연화: (사)소비자공익네트워크 회장
19. 정민국: 한국농촌경제연구원 반려동물복지연구단 단장
20. 허주형: 대한수의사회 회장
21. 이범준: 충북대학교 수의과대학 교수
22. 전향숙: 중앙대학교 식품공학과 교수
23. 김도희: 동물의 권리를 옹호하는 변호사들 공동대표
24. 최진식: 한국갈등학회 회장
Dog Meat Consumption Cessation Committee Members
Term: September 23, 2024 – September 22, 2026
Chair, Park Beom-su: Vice Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Ex-officio member (7 total)
Park Jung-hoon: Director-General for Animal Welfare and Environmental Policy, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Kang Ki-ryong: Director-General for Policy Coordination, Ministry of Economy and Finance
Jo Young-jin: Director-General for Local Administration, Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Kim Do-hyung: Director-General for Communication Policy, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Yoo Seung-kwang: Director-General for Resource Circulation, Ministry of Environment
Hwang Young-ho: Director-General of the Small and Medium Enterprise Recovery Support Team, Ministry of SMEs and Startups
Kim Sung-gon: Director-General for Food Safety Policy, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
Appointed Members (16)
9. Joo Young-bong: Chairman of the Korean Dog Meat Association
10. Jo Hwan-ro: Chairman of the Dog Meat Association TF Team
11. Jang In-sil: Chairman of the Dog Rights Protection Association
12. Lee Gui-jae: Chairman of the National Dog Meat Merchants Association
13. Park Dong-seok: Chairman of the Korea Processed Food Industry Central Association
14. Jeon Kang-sik: Chairman of the Korea Foodservice Industry Association
15. Jo Hee-kyung: Representative of the Animal Liberation Korea
16. Jeon Jin-kyung: Korea Animal Rights Advocates
17. Kang Jeong-hwa: Chairman of the Korea Consumer Federation
18. Kim Yeon-hwa: Chairman of the Consumer Rights Network
19. Jeong Min-guk: Director of the Companion Animal Welfare Research Unit, Korea Rural Economic Institute
20. Heo Ju-hyung: President of the Korean Veterinary Medical Association
21. Lee Beom-jun: Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University
22. Jeon Hyang-suk: Professor, Department of Food Engineering, Chungang University
23. Kim Do-hee: Co-representative of Lawyers for Animal Rights
24. Choi Jin-sik: President of the Korean Society for Conflict Studies
□ 제1차 회의 개요
ㅇ 목적: 개식용종식 기본계획(안) 심의
ㅇ 일시: 2024. 9. 24.(화), 14:00 ~ 16:00
ㅇ 장소: 정부서울청사 대회의실(1907호)
ㅇ 참석: 박범수농식품부 차관(위원장), 관계부처, 관련 업계 대표, 동물보호단체, 소비자단체, 전문가 등 총 24명
ㅇ 현장 사진
Overview of the First Meeting
ㅇ Purpose: Deliberation on the Basic Plan for the Cessation of Dog Consumption
ㅇ Date and Time: Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
ㅇ Location: Government Seoul Building, Grand Conference Room (1907)
ㅇ Attendees: 24 total, including Park Beom-su, Vice Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Chairperson), representatives from related government ministries, industries, animal protection groups, consumer groups, and experts.
ㅇ On-site Photo:
Ce traffic est insupportable !!! En aucun cas on ne doit martyriser des êtres vivants pour quelque raison qu’il soit !!!
STOP à toute cette monstruosité !!! Honte à ces hommes bourreaux !!!
WHY 2027?? WHY NOT NOW!!!!
I’ll believe this when it ACTUALLY happens as even the ‘government and police’ partakes in this heinous atrocity and can’t be bothered to take any action so I doubt that will change.
Ils sont la honte de l’hulmanité; des bourreaux sans coeur, sasn empathie, ils n’ont pas évolués, tout ce qu’ils ont ils l’pnt pompés dans les autres pays
That’s RIGHT,Barry Armstrong!!!!!
I am so very pleased that this inhumane practice of breeding and eating of dogs is finally receiving this attention and helping businesses to stop this practice and moving in another direction. I have cried many times at the cruelty of how the dogs live and how they are killed. I pray the transition will be smooth and no road blocks. Thank you
Advanced countries do not shamelessly abuse, exploit and otherwise mistreat animals. South Korea needs to change its practices toward all animals in its countries and start respecting them, not mercilessly killing them.
People need to boycott all South Korea products until this atrocity is stopped completely in South Korea – their Gov’t and officials are just paying lip service to this and letting it continue
I have encouraged everyone I know to boycott all products from South Korea until you stop cannibalizing these poor “pets” that add so much to so many people’s lives, I have done this for the past 2 years including all Samsung and LG products. I encourage everyone to do the same and encourage everyone you know through social media to do the same.
I have encouraged everyone I know to boycott all products from South Korea until you stop cannibalizing these poor “pets” that add so much to so many people’s lives, I have done this for the past 2 years including all Samsung and LG products. I encourage everyone to do the same and encourage everyone you know through social media to do the same.